Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. RESULTS 2006 1 2005 Overview Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. AMERICANAS Express 193 stores at the end of 2005 174 traditional – sales area above 1,000 m2 19 express – sales area between 400 and 600 m2 Total area of 330.1 thousand m2 Present in most Brazilian states, with strong presence in the major Brazilian urban centers. Largest portal in sales volume and shopping destination in Latin America Best e-commerce website by the fifth consecutive year, according to Ibest Award popular jury Shoptime acquisition, adding a new clients base and two new sales chanels - TV and catalog Financing company created through a joint-venture with Banco Itaú, aimed at financing purchases, offering personal credit and credit cards to Lojas Americanas’ customers. Completed the refurbishment of all Facilita’s points of sale in 2H05, two years ahead of schedule, Total of 210 points of sale, including 17 own stores 2 Operating Highlights - 2005 Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Profitability Consolidated EBITDA (R$330.9 million) grew 20.5% over 2004 Stable EBITDA margin (12.0%) vs. 2004 (12.1%) Net Income (R$176.1 million) - 174.7% higher vs. 2004 Greater Operating Efficiency Operating expenses margin, as a % of NR, fell 0.5 percentage points compared to 2004 Gross revenues per associate went up 11.3% over 2004 Expansion / Investments 37 store openings in 2005 – 25 Traditional and 12 Express Scheduled openings: +19 stores and 30 stores under evaluation and negotiation Shoptime and Americanas Taií 3 2005 Gross Revenue Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Same stores sales growth: New stores opened: Growth: Total Gross Revenue Growth: + 0.4% (4Q05 = 8.8%) + 37 stores (4Q05 – 21 stores) + 99.3% (4Q05 = 106.6%) + 23.4% Sales Area x Number of Stores 330.1 CAGR: + 8.8% 293.7 259.1 235.9 105 Stores 98 Stores 2001 156 Stores 243.0 2002 2003 121 Stores 2004 193 Stores Sales Area 2005 x 2004:+12.4% Stores Sales Area (thousand m2) 2005 4 Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Operating Expenses (excluding depreciation and amortization) 0.5 percentage points reduction in 2005, even with the 37 store openings and sales growth Operating Expenses (excluding depreciation and amortization) (% of NR) - 0.5 p.p. 22.4% 20.8% 2001 2002 19.0% 18.9% 18.4% 2003 2004 2005 5 EBITDA Evolution Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Nominal EBITDA Growth – 20.5% in 2005 Stable EBITDA margin – 12.0% in 2005 Adjusted EBITDA in 2005 :+25.5% / Adjusted EBITDA Margin:+ 0.3 p.p. EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA Excluding Facilita (R$ million) (R$ million) + 25.5% 322.9 330.9 CAGR:+ 38.4% 257.3 274.7 217.6 142.8 90.1 6.2% 2001 12.1% 12.0% 11.2% 11.5% 11.8% 9.1% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2004 2005 6 Changes in Net Income Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Quarterly Net Income Annual Net Income (R$ Million) (R$ Million) + 5.7% 48.2 45.5 Impacts: acquisition, expansion (depreceation) and nonoperating results. 176.1 + 174.7% Highest net income along the last years. 64.1 4Q04 4Q05 2004 “We Always Want More” 2005 7 Net Cash* and Capex Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. Net Cash (R$ million) 70.6% Net cash expansion, despite of aggressive organic growth: 37 new stores (R$77.4 million) Acquisition of Shoptime in August, 2005 (R$117.0 million) Capitalization of Financeira Americanas Itaú – FAI (R$40.0 million) R$ 100.1 MM 1,407.4 1,236.6 874.8 974.9 2004 Gross Debt * Considering Credit Cards Receivables R$ 170.8MM 2005 Cash 8 Share Performance - 2005 Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. 76.1% (LAME4) and 70.7% (LAME3) valorization vs. 27,7% of Ibovespa’s Higher liquidity – LAME4 average daily trading volume: R$6.6 million Inclusion in MSCI (2005) and in IBRX-50 (January, 2006) LAME4 X IBOVESPA Volume (R$ million) Price 40 70.0 60.0 35 LAME4 Volume LAME4 IBOVESPA 30 25 50.0 20 40.0 15 10 30.0 5 20.0 0 9 Grandes marcas, preços baixos, todos os dias. This presentation contains forward-looking statements. Such statements are not statements of historical fact, and reflect the beliefs and expectations of the Lojas Americanas’ management. The words "anticipates", “wishes”, “expects”, "estimates", “intends", "forecasts", "plans", "predicts", "projects", "targets" and similar words are intended to identify these statements, which necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Known risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the impact of competitive products and pricing, market acceptance of products, regulatory environment, currency fluctuations, supply difficulties, changes in product sales mix, and other risks. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update them in light of new information or future developments. 10