The love of
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this night I am preaching this message above
of a word and want thematize, apply,insert
this word that God gave me this night is a
word little with alone four letters but big in
this content more big in our means is “love” is
with the word faith two letters but big in
effectiveness that can change lif that can
change the lif of your family, husband….
Many times stay worried with the that speak is al
that has the voice of God and said speak of love!!
we do not need of a other word only of love of God
not have nor sorry many times someone can said i
“do not know” speak!! all make speak of love of
God this world no need hear other thing only the
message of love Many times someone no
evangelizes because said; the that will said dont
know the that speak!!!
But the from today this no will be – excuse the e you
no need of other word you no need of other
message you no need of persuasion you no need of
widom human only of message of love many are the
lif that are need hear the message of love because
the message of cross is the message of love the
message no need be other the no be: jesus!jesus!
And when I say that will speak of love I no
will speak of love second the media I will used
the book of love to speak of love i no will speak of
love second the popular belief second the music
secular second the big poets Second the propry
knowledge of man Second the wisdom this world
because the world interprets of a form but the
bible said other IS55:8… and now God search
something high to do a comparison
No finds because “in front of him” “there is
nothing” high but he used the sky no verse
9..because,sole with the sky are more high
of that the earth, so are the my way more
high of that the your way,..When paul will
speak of wisdom of God he said 1cor2:6 e 7
I will speak of love second the word of God the
4-the bible recommends
2- explicate
4- teaches
I no precise of other tool i no precise of other
medlle of high help only Word of God
1-The more commandment , orderly, exigêncy of
bible is “love”
2- the second commandment of bible is “love”
3-The commandment of bible are of love ex20
because? If I love I not adulterer if I love I no
theft if I love I no raise false testimony
The bible us given three aspect creation,
degeneration and regeneration
4- the verse key of bible is one verse of love
5- the God of bible is love
6- o son is love the spirit is love the trinity is love
8- his precepts are of love his doctrines are love
this folk must be one folk of love of love to love
6- bible is a letter of love
sole with one couple of young send
letters of love the bible is the his more
letter of love to the humanity
contains 39 in ould and 27 in new are 66
letter declarations of love the love of
God it´s:
8- in Divisions
• old testament
• new testament
book históric
book poétic
Prophets major
Prophets minor
book historic
letter pauline
letter general
That He te love because when you descobre the
exatidão of love of God you if liberta the bible said
and conhecereis the verdade and the verdade vos
libertara no diga that you is one coitadinho you tem
one valor the spirit holy esta in you
The levita lázaro in one of seus louvores he
if question because me resgatou? Because
me trouxe here? Because me queres deus?
Tanto assim!!! Is when God brada of sky and
responde son I te quero tanto tanto tanto
tanto!!! Muitos no our midlle already se
perguntaram I ja fiz tanta thing decepcionei
tanta gente fiz tanta gente chorar (hino 139
• because deste love is49:15 the son
• I saw one study sayng that God no Love
the unrighteous this no is verity God love
the sinner but bores the sin
• John3:16- all that
• One pr havia adulterado com o passar of time a igreja o
perduou God too the havia perdoado but He same no IF
sentia perdoado He foi chamado to voltar ao ministério
but no quis então God deu a revelation the He levou He
the a sala and nesta sala existia milhares of book and was
aberto one livro and neste book estava writes all the
respeito dele the Day of sua conversão mas when chega
no capitulo of seu sin estava all branco this is the love of
God the bible said feliz is the man cujas trangressões are
perdoadas and cujos sin apagados the bible said that he
pega the nossos sin and lança in mar of esquecimento
14- the natureza
• She testifica of love of God the chuva the sol and
all that existe until about os impios (mt5:45) the
bible said the sky proclamam the Gloria of God and
the firmament anuncia the work of suas mãos she
cuida of all the bible said the God colocou one
limite no mar para no passar and causar destruição
na earth sl33:7he ajunta the águas of mar with
num montão até of peixinhos she if preocupa com
toda the criação for isto the bible in (1pd5:7)
15- nada nos separa deste love
• The love God vai many além Nothing can us separate of
love of God
• rm8:35quem us separará of love of cristo? The
tribulação, or angústia, or the perseguição, or the fome,
or the nudez, or the perigo or a sword
• 36-for love of li somos mortos todo dia
• 37-mas em todas estas things somos mais that…
• 38-because estou certo that, nem the morte, nem the lif,
nem the anjos, nem os principados, nem as potestades,
nem the presente nem the porvir,
• 39-nem a altura, nem the profundeza, nem alguma other
criatura us poderá separar of love of God
16- types
of love
There three expresses in greek
that indicates the Love of God
phileo Eros and agape all the tree
mean love with mean different
and age used to determine that
type of love that a people was
Love Phileo:
characterized with the love family, is the Love
between father and his sons, love fraternity, love
between friends. 1sm18:1-said that the alma de
jônatas if liou com a alma of davi jonatas the amava
como a sua propry alma the verse 3 said that jonatas
the amava como a sua porpry lif 1sm20:17 –jonatas
the amava com toda sua força. 2sm1:26 more
maravilhoso me age the teu amor, of that the love
of mulheres in other translate said ultrapassando
the love of mulheres this Is the Love that until the
ímpious can be for this Jesus Said mt5:46-
love Eros:
The concept mais popular of love envolve, de modo geral, a
formação de um vínculo emocional com alguém,(love
erotico) characterized with the love between one man and
a woman,the Love between one couple both of wife to
with his husband and of husband to wich his woman.
“Beige he the beige of his mouth ; because better is the thy
love of that the wine.” (Chants 1:2). And cantares 1:4
cantares 2:16 ct3:1 e 4 ct6:3 7:10
love Ágape
is the love inconditional
is the love lofty ,that
characterized the love of God for us. “because God Love
the world of such a way that gave the his son bogotten ,to
that all “one who” “believes in him” no perish but has
eternal lif ” (João 3: 16). Is the “higher-level” of love that
if encontra “because we all” have the Love Phileo of our
father ,and hope by love Eros when found someone
special to construct then a family, but and the love
Ágape? I tenho the phileo and the ero but the agape?
Love ágape
• I tenho the phileo and the ero but the agape this
love confude the people o agape no fala of atração
física the nossa mente esta tão contaminada com o
ero que se um man dize i love you he will entender o
quê? i te quero a pessoa will said i ágape and he
entende i ero jo19:26
1 John 4:7 love proceeds of god (nvi) in other translate the
love is of God ; or the love “vem”
• Whats the essencia of God is Love because? (1 Jo 4:8). Is
fossemos resumir God in poucas words diriamos
simplesmente that God is love of onde vem?- vem of
God because? Because tg1;17all gift perfect vem of alto
(jo19:11-nenhum power terias contra mim, se de cima te
and to terminar he is…(1jo4:8)
• no vem of nós same efesio2:8-9 Amou-nos não
por causa dos nossos méritos, God me love
apesar dos nossos deméritos Amou-nos não
porque éramos seus amigos, mas apesar de ser
seus inimigos. não somos salvos pela obra que
realizamos para Deus, mas pela obra que Deus
realizou por nós, na cruz do Calvário. Make work
no to se salvar with make the spiritas make work
because alredy somos salvos Não somos salvos
pelas boas obras, mas para as boas obras. As
boas obras não são a causa da salvação, mas
sua consequência.
19-No foi sole words
• is the
word more pronunciada, speak,
used,querida,cantada, dita and repetida,, and
the less practiced many if hás spokén in
Novel, movie,book, the média in general is
the love –
• exist people that make vows of love in up
of altar and one month after, say: “I hate
you!” is muito fácil said I te love is muito
facil until pregar the dificil is viver for this
that God speak this
• mt15:8folk me adoram with the lábios but the
coração if afasta to longe of mim (my reason
of more prazer..)
• God no sole falou I te love, No he provou
the seu love love no is soly word bonitas
• rm5:8-but God dá proof of his love to
conosco,em que,when éramos sins, cristo
morreu for us
20- quem amou first
• God that tomou the iniciativa of love Quem love
se antecipa dá the first passo se move he love
you antes of estrelas brilharem no firmamento
he viu you when you foi formado he viu the seu
first choro desde the day in that you deus the
sua first passada he nunca desisitu of love you
the love dele is deliberado Jo15:16
2- Rm5:6-because cristo,estando us ainda fracos,
morreu the seu tempo by ímpios
3- Rm5:8 cristo morreu por nos sendo nós ainda...
4- Efesios 2:1
7- apo13:8
14-fazer a our parte
• Nos “draw near” the God the biblie said
chegai-vos the mim and I me chagareis the vós
when chegamos a ele he nos dá the fruits of
spirit and the first fruit of spirit is love gl5:22
estamos vivendo in a época that precisamos
pedir love in our lif estamos vivendo no time of
esfriamento of love conforme mt24:12 familias
se traindo é fato apo2:4 caiu volta ainda há
time adulterous volta arrepende-te is this that
temos that fazer!!
is for this that us have that make the our part
because he already made him all ação requer a
reação who love age
Malaquias 3;10
Mt6:33 matthew11:28
jo11:39-43 quer work? No fique deitado coloque
currículo corra atrás quer ganhar almas vai atrás
prega because is the spirit that convence
15- Love of man vc love of God
1- love of man is one and the love of God is other
2- of man is condicional the of god incondicional
3-The love of man tem começo e tem fim the of
God nem tem começo nem tem fim
4- The love of man is terreno the of God is spiritual
5- second aparência, altura,estatura the of
God is a resposta a Samuel no olhes to aparência
nem to the altura da sua estatura:because the
tenho rejeitado the word
6- The Love of man is passageiro the of god is
7- The Love of mans is like the Love of monkey. You
give wimp the monkey , and He stay ll happy.
When gives them the back, He lance a stone.
8- The love of man is the love propry that in verity
no is love is egoism the love of man is the egoism
the man can until love mas o homem no is love
but the bible said that God is love (1jo4:8)
16-Because of tal manner?
• This speak of his intensidade because no existe
words that possa expresser this love tão big that I
no tenho condições of explicar the love of God
because I tenho apenas a idéia this love
• jo3:16
• ml3:10
• 1cor13:2
• 1cor9:24
• fil 3:13-14
No dar-se to medir the love of God means that he
veio of up menos that he deixou the his glory
humilhou-se the si mesmo
• When adão peca em gn 3:7 he coseram folhas de figueira, and fizeram
to si aventais he same fizeram representa a tentativa fo homem de if
justifcar a si mesmo the man today inventa meios de salvar-se os
espiritas make work to se salvar the cristão no!! He faz work because
he already is salvo
• 3:21-túnicas of pele and the vestiu justificação
• The book of romanos trata of justificação the primeira parte is the
introducution of verse 1 ao 17 and no verse 16 and 17 encontramos
the topic of book of romanos the mini romanos
“because no me envergonho of evangelho of cristo, pois is the power of
God to the salvação of all that nele crê:
First do judeu, and too of greek.
17because nele se descobre the justice of God of fé in fé, with it´s writes
:because the justo viverá of fé
Jesus that is the justiça of God is the only solução contra the sin and you
sole obtém this vitória pela fé
• 2Chapter of book of romanos trata de justificação
start of chapter 1:18 ao chapter 4 verse 25
• the chapter 8 verse 34 quem os condenará? The
same chapter responde no verse 1 agora
nenhuma condenação há to the that estão em
cristo jesus, que no andam second the carne but
second the spirit
• 31-that diremos pois the this things? If God is for
us, quem será contra us
• 33-quem intentará acusação contra the escolhidos
of God? Is God quem the justifica
Ainda in book of romanos no chapter 5:1-5
Deus no us love because Jesus morreu numa cross
Jesus morreu numa cruz because God us love the
cross no is the causa of love of God the cross is the
consequência of love of God
Quem quiser vir após mim negue-se the si same tome
the sua cross and siga-me
I am preach about the love of God but the more
message of love no was preach in big congressos the
more message of love was preach in croos; father
perdoa-lhes he no make the fazem
20-Como sei que estou na light?
When amamos The bible said that vós sois light of world
if amarmos 1jo1:5Deus is light and no há nele treva
alguma O that is trevas? I odiar the brother treva is
the falta of love
1jo2: 9, 10 and 11 judas estava na
light because estava diante de jesus e jesus e light and
he deixou the light and foi to fora la for a age trevas
but na verity in verity sa trevas already estava dentro
dele and with permanecer diante de jesus que e luz
se as trevas was dentro dele altrady no tinha more the
1jo1:7 se us in light temos comunhão se no
estamos no have comunhão As trevas no IF
une with the light onde the light chega as
trevas desaparece
Na creason 2-havia
trevas sobre a face of abismo 3-haja light
and houve light The man is homicida vira
one man amoro
21-know how I know him
• mt7:16-17-18-20 by fruits
• By word 1jo2:3 and nisto sabemos that the
conhecemos se guardarmos the seus
• 4- that Said i the conheço-o and no guarda the seus
mandamentos is mentiroso and nele no it´s the
• 5-but qualquer that guarda the sua word, the love
of God it´s nele verdadeiramente aperfeiçoado:
nisto conhecemos that estamos nele
• 1jo4:7quaquer that love is nascido of God and
conhece the God
• 8-that no love no conhece the God
Aquele que ama conheceu the God
• The word make she is used to if referir the relation
intima between man and woman
• gn4:25- tornou Adão conhecer the his woman; and
she deu the light one son
• gn18:8 nm31:18 nm31:35 então when
conhecemos amamos
• A bible said in os6:3 cresçamos and prossigamos in
conhecer the Lord
22- love ao próximo
- No is possible love the God and no love the next
whom love make the good without seeing the
whom the first show de love to like the church of
philippi was before of she have founded when
paul he announced the gospel when announced the
jesus for someone us demonstrated this love to
that people this is more demonstrated of love
when a people no demonstrates interest to with the
other people is because it´s faltando the love the
our communion should be horizontal” and upright
love the God and the next 1jo4:20-21
23- I CORI13
1-ainda that i falasse the linguas of mans and of anjos, and
no tivesse love, seria with the metal that soa, or with the sino
that tine
2-and ainda that tivesse the gift of profecy, and conhecesse
all the mistérios, and all the ciência; and ainda that tivesse
tamanha faith, of manner tal that transportasse the montes,
and no tivesse love, nada seria
3-and ainda that distribuisse all the my fortuna to sustento
dos pobres, and ainda that entregasse the my corpo to be
queimado, and no tivesse love, nada me aproveitaria
4-The love is sofredor, is benigno; the love no is invejoso; no
trata with leviandade, no if ensorbebece;
• 5-no trata with indecência, no busca the seus
propry intereses, no if irrita, no suspeita bad;
• 6-No folga with the injustiça; porém folga with the
• 7- all sofre, all crê, all espera, all suporta
Ainda that i falasse the linguas of mans ainda that i
conhecesse the biblia no hebraico, greek,
aramaico, ainda that i fosse one poliglota ainda
that i dominasse the português the lingua
universal the inglês todas as linguas nada seria
I will acrescentar one chapter adiante ainda that I tivesse the
gift de interpretar the linguas sem love nada seria
Ainda that tivesse the gift of profecia the bible said one
chapter adiante 1cor14:1segui the love, and procurai with zelo
the gifts spirituais principalmente the of profetizar
2-because the that speak in lingua estranha no speak the mans
senão the God; because ninguém the entende, and in spirit
speak in mistérios
3- but that profetiza speak the mans to edificação, exortação
and consolação
4- the that speak lingua estranha edifica the si same; but the
that profetiza edifica the church same that you profetize se no
tiver love nada disso aproveitaria
was cuspido rejeitado caluniado sofreu naquela
cross for mim and for you
No busca os seu proprios intereses
he estava na gloria with the father Jesus speak father
se possivel afasta of mim this cálice porém no seja
the my vontade but the tua paulo tinha love the
obra of God no live more I but cristo live in mim
When you for pregar pregue with love ensine
with love louve with love cante with love,
exorte with love, entregue the recado with
• No can forget that God too is justice and the
bible in hb12:6- because the lord corrige the
that love and açoita the qualquer that recebe for
son and for this Justice the bible said with
escaparemos nós if negligenciarmos tão big
salvation Hb12:6 when God te diciplina is
because He te ama one meu chefe Said when i
cobro is because i ainda estou interessado agora
when you no for more cobrado se preocupe com
• when God te diciplina is because He
te ama one meu chefe Said when i
cobro is because i ainda estou
interessado agora when you no for
more cobrado se preocupe com isto
• 1jo 2:15-16 ele dá one conselho and depois
mostra the conseqüência no carnaval três
jovens disseram until on
because ás vezes alguém
começa in spirit and termina na carne
no adianta love today and amanhã no
For this 1cor13:4 the love is sofredor
is with the new convertido in first love
When duvidamos of love of God is na dor ninguém duvida
of love of God na alegria ninguém duvida of love of God in
prosperidade many people duvidam of love of God in dor
nas tempestades ei the deserto is a escola of crente the
agora eu vou entrar one pouco na mensage that age to mim
preach this night the povo passou 70 year no cativeiro all
this time serviu to curar the povo of God of idolatria desde
aquela época até the days of today the povo no is voltado to
the baalins to astarote
hb12:6- because the Lord corrige the that love and açoita
the qualquer that recebe for son
7-se suportais the correção, God vos trata with sons;
because that son há the quem the father no corrija?
8-mas se estais sem diciplina, sois, então, bastardos e no
• 9- nossos father second the carne no corrigem,
and us the reverenciamos; no us sujeitaremos
muito mais ao father of spirit, to vivermos?
• 11-all correção ao presente no parece be of gozo,
senão tristeza, but, depois, produz one fruto
pacifico of justiça
chri lent
Adão santos
Paulo Junior-jesus passou por here
hel raquel
• Nova esperan
• Arapari
• Sede (30.2014) e high alegre

o amor de DEUS