English II
Week August 24,
Lecture 25
The aims for this
lecture are:
to improve translation skills
to develop writing skills
to improve vocabulary
to improve communicative
Translate the text into English
 Nasci
em 1977. O meu pai era padeiro
em Moxico, em Angola. A minha
primeira casa foi uma padaria! Havia
seis padarias na nossa cidade. A casa
era quente, limpa mas a nossa vida não
era fácil. O meu pai estava muitas
vezes cansado. A minha família não era
rica. Mas havia um castelo na minha
cidade e um bonito rio, e éramos
felizes. Estive de novo em Moxico este
ano, pelo Natal.
Text continues
 Estava
diferente – só havia uma
padaria! Bom (Anyway), fala-me da tua
família. Nasceste em Cunene?
 (Text adapted from the book ‘Grammar
Spectrum for Portuguese Students’)
Possible translation
I was born in 1977. My father was a baker in
Moxico in Angola. My first house was a
bakery (baker’s shop)! There were six
bakeries (baker’s shops) in our town.The
house was warm, clean but our life wasn’t
easy. My father was often tired. My family
wasn’t rich. But there was a castle in my
town and a beautiful river, and we were
Possible solution continues
I was in Moxico again this year, at
Christmas. It was different – there
was only one bakery (baker’s
shop)! Anyway, tell me about your
family. Were you born in Cunene?
Translate into Portuguese
 Dear
 Thank you for your letter about
holiday in Africa. When I was staying
in Kenya last year, I saw a tiger near
my hotel. It was about eleven o’clock
in the evening. I was walking back to
the hotel with two friends. We were
returning from a restaurant.The
moon was shining. It was a beautiful
Translation continues
were about a hundred
metres from our hotel. Then
we saw a tiger. It was sitting
under a tree near the road.
We stopped immediately. It
was a big tiger, but it was
also very old.
Possible solution
Querida Joana
Obrigada pela carta sobre as tuas
férias em África. Quando estive
no Quénia, no ano passado, vi um
tigre perto do meu hotel. Era
perto das onze da noite. Eu
caminhava de volta para o hotel
com dois amigos; vínhamos de
um restaurante.
Possible translation continues
lua brilhava e estava uma noite
linda. Estávamos mais ou menos a
cem metros do hotel, quando
vimos um tigre. (O tigre) estava
sentado debaixo de uma árvore,
perto da estrada. Parámos
Era um grande tigre, mas muito
Questions for Discussion
 What
did you find interesting in
the texts?
 What didn’t you like in the text?
 Did you learn new words from
these texts? Which ones?
 What did you find difficult?
 What did you easy in translating?
 Exploring
Joana’s letter, write
also a letter to a friend talking
about one of your holiday
7th September

English II Lecture 26