• Questionnaires • Likert scale: what is it? • Different Likert scales • Study objective • Methods - Study participants - Study design • Results • Conclusions Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Currently, people’s opinion about an issue or service is a valuable way for researchers to acquire information in diverse areas of knowledge. Introduction Objective • A questionnaire is an essential instrument that aims to collect this information based on the inquisition of the population in study; Methods • It consists in a certain amount of questions covering a topic of interest to investigators; Results • Is useful in almost every kind of job. Conclusion Questionnaries Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Having in mind the need to measure and classify this information, one reaches the conclusion of the pressing necessity for scales, tools that permits measuring people’s attitudes and opinions[1]. Introduction Objective Methods Results Likert scale Conclusion 1. Zou KH, C.M., Quinn SA, Beta-mapping and beta-regression for changes of ordinal-rating measurements on Likert scales: a comparison of the change scores among multiple treatment groups. Stat Med, 2010. 29(24): p. 2486-500. Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study What is it? A scale that consists in asking people to respond to a series of statements about a topic, in terms of the extent to which they agree or disagree with them.[2] Introduction Objective Methods Applications Results [3] Measure pain, quality of life Conclusion LIKERT SCALE 2. Zou KH, C.M., Quinn SA, Beta-mapping and beta-regression for changes of ordinal-rating measurements on Likert scales: a comparison of the change scores among multiple treatment groups. Stat Med, 2010. 29(24): p. 2486-500. 3.Huber JF, H.J., Zumstein MD, Ruflin G, Lüscher M., Visual circle scale (VCS)-a patient-friendly scale to measure pain compared to VAS and Likert scale. Z Orthop Unfall, 2007. 145(6): p. 795-7. Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Different scales produce different results Then, different Likert scales may produce different results Introduction Objective Methods [4] Search: some articles were found confirming our idea Results Conclusion DIFFERENT LIKERT SCALES 4 Dawes, J., Do data characteristics change according to the number of scale points used? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales. International Journal of Market Research, 2008. 50(1): p. 61-77. Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Does a neutral answer influence the results? Different Likert scales produce different results? Already studied [5] Introduction Does a "I don't want to answer" option influence the results? Apparently not studied yet. Objective Methods Does both "I don't want to answer" and neutral options influence the results? Apparently not studied yet. Results Conclusion INFLUENCE OF A CENTRAL ANSWER 5. Kulas JT. , S.A., Middle category endorsement in odd-numbered Likert response scales: Associated item characteristics, cognitive demands, and preferred meanings. Journal of Research in Personality, 2009. 43: p. 489–49 Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Discover if the addition of a neutral element, a “refusal to answer” option or both combined has repercussions in the results obtained. Introduction Objective Methods Evaluate the reproducibility of the scales used in the [6] questionnaire. Results Conclusion OBJECTIVES 6. Hansson LM, G.M., Bergström R, Factors affecting reproducibility of dietary reports using food frequency questionnaires. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2000. 54(8). Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Study Design: Introduction One questionnaire with two versions Questionnaire 1 Number of questions in each questionnaire: 12 Objective Questionnaire 2 Methods Results Conclusion Same questions in both questionnaires Methods Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Our study is included in a Longitudinal Study type. BECAUSE : Introduction -There is a follow-up period of the individuals in study, which can be longer or shorter; Objective - Data is gathered at least in two points in time which allows us to observe changes in the population. Methods Results Conclusion Type of study Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Study Participants: Introduction All students that belong to the first year of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, distributed by classes 1 to 22 Objective Methods Results Students from classes 6 and 7 Methods Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Study Participants: 8:30-11 h Monday Tuesday 1 4 Wednesday Thursday Friday 6 9 Introduction Objective Methods 1416:30h 2 x 7 16:3019h 3 5 8 Methods 10 Results Conclusion These ten blocks where randomly divided in two groups with SPSS. Questionnaire 1 Questionnaire 2 Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionnaires: Introduction • Theme of the questionnaire: Evaluation systems and study methods Objective Methods Theme with less opinion change probability Methods Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionnaires: Introduction • Half of the participants answer to version 1 and the other half to version 2 Objective To avoid certain biases. • One month later, the first half answer to version 2 and the other half to version 1 Methods Methods Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionnaires: • The questionnaires ought to be confidential. Introduction Objective Methods In order to receive from the participants their truly opinion Methods The participants wrote their names on the questionnaires and we ensured confidentiality . Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionnaires: Comparison scale: I totally agree I agree I disagree Introduction I totally disagree Objective Methods … plus a neutral answer: … plus refusal to answer: Neither agree nor disagree I don’t want to answer Methods Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionnaires: Three types of comparison Introduction Objective Comparison scale Vs Comparison scale plus neutral answer Comparison scale Vs Comparison scale plus refusal to answer option Methods Comparison scale Vs Comparison scale plus neutral and refusal to answer option Comparison scale: Likert scale with “I totally agree”, “I agree”, “I disagree” and “I totally disagree” Methods Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study About the questionaires: To evaluate the reproducibility Comparison scale plus refusal to answer option Vs Comparison scale plus refusal to answer option Comparison scale Vs Comparison scale Methods Introduction Comparison scale plus neutral and refusal to answer option Vs Comparison scale plus neutral and refusal to answer option Comparison scale: Likert scale with “I totally agree”, “I agree”, “I disagree” and “I totally disagree” Objective Methods Results Conclusion Questionnaire 1 Questionnaire 2 I 1. Comparison Scale 2. Comparison Scale 3. Comparison Scale + neutral answer 4. Comparison Scale 5. Comparison Scale + refusal to answer 6. Comparison Scale + neutral answer + refusal to answer 7. Comparison Scale + refusal answer I 1. Comparison Scale + neutral answer 2. Comparison Scale 3. Comparison Scale 4. Comparison Scale + neutral answer 5. Comparison Scale 6. Comparison Scale + neutral answer + refusal to answer 7. Comparison Scale II 1. Comparison Scale + refusal to answer 2. Comparison Scale + neutral answer + refusal to answer 3. Comparison Scale 4. Comparison Scale + neutral answer + refusal to answer 5. Comparison Scale II 1. Comparison Scale + refusal to answer 2. Comparison Scale 3. Comparison Scale + refusal to answer 4. Comparison Scale 5. Comparison Scale + neutral answer + refusal to answer Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Study Participants: 250 Introduction Objective 234 Methods Results 158 Results Conclusion REPRODUCIBILITY Valid (n) 157 156 157 Question Scale I.2 O sistema de avaliação por exames é justo. Standard II.1 O meu estudo rende mais quando trabalho em grupo. Standard+NR Proportion of Agreement [Confidence interval] Kappa [Confidence interval] Weighted Kappa [Confidence interval] 0,76 [0,68;0,84] 0,54 [0,42;0,67] 0,60 [0,49;0,71] Introduction Objective Methods I.6 Standard+NR+Neu O número de alunos tral por turma no 1º ano da FMUP é excessivo. 0,64 [0,56;0,72] 0,47 [0,36;0,58] N.A. Results Conclusion 0,47 [0,39;0,55] 0,30 [0,20;0,41] N.A. STANDARD SCALE VS. NEUTRAL OPTION SCALE Standart Scale Standard Scale + Neutral Option Proportion of Agreement [Confidence Interval] I.4. É justo ser necessário ter Discordo Totalmente 15 (9,7) 12 (7,7) 0.29 [0,12;0,52] frequência a uma disciplina Discordo 37 (23,9) 33 (21,3) 0.37 [0,24;0,52] ------- 33 (21,3) ------- 79 (51,0) 57 (36,8) 0,37 [0,28;0,48] 24 (15,5) 20 (12,9) 0,26 [0,13;0,44] 3 (1,9) 2 (1,3) 0 [0;0,54] Discordo 25 (16,0) 30 (19,2) 0,41 [0,26; 0,58] Não Concordo nem Discordo ------- 31 (19,9) ------- Concordo 104 (66,7) 73 (46,8) 0,57 [0,47;0,66] 24 (15,4) 20 (12,8) 0,38 [0,22;0,56] 0 (0) 1 (0,6) 0 [0;0,94] Discordo 7 (4,5) 3 (1,9) 0,43 [0,12;0,80] Não Concordo nem Discordo -------- 12 (7,7) ------- Concordo 46 (29,7) 57 (36,8) 0,43 [0,32;0,55] Concordo Totalmente 102 (65,8) 82 (52,9) 0,64 [0,55;0,73] Valid n 155 Question Answers’ Options (frequentar pelo menos 2/3) das aulas para ser admitido a exame teórico. I.1 O 156 sistema de avaliação contínua é vantajoso para os alunos. Não Concordo nem Discordo Concordo Concordo Totalmente Discordo Totalmente Concordo Totalmente Discordo Totalmente I.3 Penso que o grau de 155 exigência da FMUP superior ao de outras. é n(%) n(%) Introduction Objective Methods Results Conclusion STANDARD SCALE VS. REFUSAL TO ANSWER OPTION SCALE Valid n 158 n(%) Answers’ Options Standard Scale Question 1 (0,6) 0 (0,0) 0 [0;0] I.5 Os professores do 1º Discordo 28 (18,1) 30 (19,4) 0,35 [0,21;0,51] ano Concordo 113 (72,9) 87 (56,1) 0,54 [0,45;0,63] Concordo Totalmente 13 (8,4) 29 (18,7) 0,14 [0,05;0,30] Não respondo ------- 9 (5,8) ------- Discordo Totalmente 0 (0,0) 3 (1,9) 0 [0;0] Discordo 12 (7,6) 11 (7,0) 0,15 [0,04;0,39] Concordo 90 (57,3) 70 (44,6) 0,47 [0,37;0,57] Concordo Totalmente 55 (35,0) 64 (40,8) 0,49 [0,38;0,60] Não respondo ------- 9 (5,7) ------- Discordo Totalmente 70 (44,3) 71 (44,9) 0,52 [0,41;0,62] bebidas Discordo 57 (37,1) 50 (31,6) 0,35 [0,25;0,47] energéticas e/ou Concordo 25 (15,8) 22 (13,9) 0,31 [0,17;0,48] vitaminas para Concordo Totalmente 6 (3,8) 11 (7,0) 0,31 [0,10;0,61] Não respondo ------- 4 (2,5) da FMUP estão sempre disponíveis para I.7 Quando há avaliação contínua, acho antipedagógico os alunos não irem tendo ao longo do semestre feedback do seu desempenho II.3 Tenho necessidade de recorrer 158 Proportion of Agreement [Confidence Interval] Discordo Totalmente tirar dúvidas 158 n(%) Standard Scale + Refusal to Answer Option a acompanhar o ritmo de estudo exigido pelo curso. Introduction Objective Methods Results Conclusion STANDARD SCALE VS. BOTH OPTIONS COMBINED SCALE Valid n 158 158 Answers’ Options N(%) Standard Scale Discordo Totalmente 0 (0,0) II.2 O estudo é mais Discordo 8 (5,1) 4 (2,5) 0,09 [0,01;0,43] proveitoso quando trabalho num local Não Concordo nem Discordo ------- 11 (7,0) ------- silencioso. Concordo 61 (38,6) 45 (28,5) 0,45 [0,34;0,57] Concordo Totalmente 89 (56,3) 98 (62,0) 0,67 [0,57;0,75] Não Respondo ------- 0 (0,0) ------- Discordo Totalmente 0 (0,0) 0 (0,0) 0,00 [0,00;0,00] 13 (8,2) 8 (5,1) 0,31[0,12;0,59] ------- 11 (7,0) ------- 81 (51,3) 56 (65,4) 0.44 [0,34;0,55] 64 (40,5) 73 (46,2) 0,57 [0,46;0,68] ------- ------- 8 (5,1) 2 (1,3) 3 (1,9) 0,10 [0,01;0,46] 29 (18,4) 26 (16,5) 0,25 [0,14;0,41] ------- 22 (13,9) ------- 84 (53,2) 37 (23,4) ------- 58 (36,7) 47 (29,7) 2 (1,3) 0,37 [0,27;0,47] 0,33 [0,22;0,46] ------- Question II.4 Frequentemente acho Discordo mais rentável estudar pelos apontamentos de Não Concordo nem Discordo colegas mais velhos do que pela bibliografia Concordo recomendada. Concordo Totalmente Não Respondo 158 N(%) Proportion of Standard Scale + Both Agreement Combined Options [Confidence Interval] Scale 0 (0,0) 0,00 [0,00;0,00] Discordo Totalmente II.5 É difícil conciliar as actividades extraDiscordo curriculares (por exemplo Não Concordo nem praticar um desporto, aprender um instrumento Discordo musical, etc…) com o Concordo trabalho exigido na FMUP Concordo Totalmente Não Respondo Introduction Objective Methods Results Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Freedom of choice Introduction Reproducibility Objective Methods Results It depends… Conclusion Conclusion Likert Scale and Its Variables - A Comparative Study Abel Trzan João Dias Ana Fonseca José Carneiro Ana Filipa Ferreira Ana Isabel Maduro Catarina Tinoco Guilherme Amorim Joana Antunes Maria João Bastos Maria João Costa Pedro Barros Pedro Santos FACULDADE DE MEDICINA DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO 2º SEMESTRE MARÇO DE 2012