‘Cálice’ by
Brazilian Military Government
Violation of
Human Rights
torture, exile
Censorship and
social control
Economic Crisis
Tropicália Movement
quotidian violence of urban
life under the regime and
subjectivities not readily
subsumed by social class.’
“By using electric guitar in
melodic compositions with
elements of Argentine
tango and African things
from Bahia, we assumed an
immediate posture of
rejected the role of a Third
World country living in the
shadow of more developed
countries. Through our art
we wanted to put forward a
vision of the world at that
time, from our own
perspective as Brazilians“
“Manipulation of figurative language and use of
encoded messages had already been established as
means of resisting imposed silence. To contest the
version of events offered by the regime, denounce
official policy, or beguile censors, conscientious
songwriters invented new sonorous metaphors and
sang between the lines.”
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
Como beber dessa bebida amarga
Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta
De muito gorda a porca já não anda
De muito usada a faca já não corta
Como é difícil, pai, abrir a porta
Essa palavra presa na garganta
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice
De vinho tinto de sangue
Father, move this chalice away from me
Father, move this chalice away from me
Father, move this chalice away from me
Of red wine of blood
Como beber dessa bebida amarga
Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta
De muito gorda a porca já não anda
De muito usada a faca já não corta
Como é difícil, pai, abrir a porta
Essa palavra presa na garganta
Esse pileque homérico no mundo
How to drink of this bitter beverage
Swallow the pain, swallow the toil
Very fat, the pig no longer walks
Very used, the knife no longer cuts
How hard it is, father, to open the door
This word trapped in my throat
This homeric inebriation in the world

*Cálice* by - Brown University Wiki