ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação
Degree: Social Education
Course: Psychology of the Adult and the Elderly
Academic Year: 2014/2015
Academic year: 1
Semester: Summer Semester
Attendance regime: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 5.0
Theoretical Contact Hours: 20.0 h
Theoretical and Practical Contact Hours:
25.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Doutora Ana Bertão
O1. Know the major theories of human development;
O2. Understand and mean major changes that occur in adult and during the aging process through the construction of a theoretical
sustained interpretative framework (and articulating with the knowledge gained within the course (UC) of Child Psychology and
Adolescent CPA, 1st semester);
O3. Reflect on the role of motivation in the choice of individual, in the construction of the project life and achievement of
developmental tasks;
O4. Realize the importance of the environment (physical, relational) to the well-being and achievement of adults;
O5. To consider knowledge psychological and psychosocial reality based on the development of reflective, critical and investigative
1 Models and theories of adult development
1.1. The life cycle: theoretical models of development
1.2. Personality in adulthood: stagnation and change
1.3. Research on development of adults: some cross-sectional studies, longitudinal and transverse-longitudinal
2 Development lifelong
2.1. The organization of the self in adulthood: personal, social and professional identity
2.2. Emotional, intellectual and psychosocial development in adults. The The physical and sensory changes
2.3. Processes of grieving and death
2.4. The life course perspective
3 Human Motivation and life journey
3.2. Major theories of human motivation
3.3. Profession, vocation, choices and schooling
3.4. Modification and (re) analysis (s) project (s) of life
4 Aging, Relationships and Quality of Life
4.1. Psychosocial tasks and quality of life
4.2. Sexuality and wellness
4.3. Spaces, contexts and relationships
Theoretical classes: expository methodologies, supported by power-point, short excerpts of news reports or documentaries.
Theoretical-practical classes: group work, discussion, analysis, reflection, individual and group, from texts, documentaries and other
audiovisual materials.
Rating progress (CP): a written test (TST), a working group with written product delivery and presentation in class (Tr) and the
participation of students in various activities, individual and group proposals in class (P) (see Notes).
Applies Assessment Regulations in force with regard to access to the final exam, which focuses on all content covered in lectures
and practical classes.
Berger, L., & Mailloux-Poirier, D. (1995). Pessoas idosas - uma abordagem global. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.
Fonseca, A. M. (2005). Desenvolvimento humano e envelhecimento. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.
Fontaine, R. (2000). Psicologia do Envelhecimento. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.
Marchand, H. (2001). Temas de desenvolvimento psicológico do adulto e do idoso. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.
Neri, A., Yassuda, M., & Cachioni, M. (Orgs.) (2004). Velhice bem-sucedida: aspectos afectivos e cognitivos. Campinas: Papirus.
Oliveira, J. B. (2012). Psicologia do Idoso: Temas complementares. Coimbra: Almedina.
Quaresma, ML et al. (2004). O Sentido das Idades da Vida: Interrogar a solidão e a dependência. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de
Serviço Social de Lisboa.
Vandenplas-Holper, C. (2000). Desenvolvimento Psicológico na idade adulta e durante a velhice ¿ Maturidade e Sabedoria. Porto,
Edições ASA.
(Observação: Os títulos das obras respeitam a ortografia em que foram publicadas)
email the teacher responsible: [email protected].
* Content may not be treated in this order, but their sequence result of a careful analysis, by reference to the objectives, interests
and knowledge of / from students as well as the need for integration of some of the resulting material produced discussion and
reflection in class, with / the students.
Doutora Ana Bertão
Porto, 19 de Fevereiro de 2015

ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação Degree: Social - EU-IPP