ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação
Degree: Social Education And Intervention - Specialization In Psychosocial Action In
Contexts Of Risk
Course: Group Orientation and Dynamics
Academic Year: 2014/2015
Academic year: 1
Semester: Winter Semester
Attendance regime: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 6.0
Theoretical and Practical Contact Hours:
40.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Doutora Ana Bertão
At the end of training, students will be competent for
1. Deepen the theoretical and methodological knowledge on Group Dynamics;
2. Analyse the group dynamic and evaluate the situations of conflict, to answer them properly and in a spontaneously and creative
3. Improve and diversify the forms of communication in the groups, promoting the expression and fulfilment of individual and group
4. Coordinate teams/groups of work and orient groups, selecting the techniques and strategies more adapted to the aims and group
characteristics, respecting the interests of the group and of group members;
5. Reflect on your behavior, attitudes and values, considering its impact on interactions;
6. Encourage and experience processes of change, promoting the investigation in the area of the dynamic of groups.
1. The Group Dynamics (GD): research tendencies and theoretical perspectives.
2. The individual in the group: the social dimension of personality.
3. Groups: concepts; the construction, composition, structure and organization of groups. Roles and functions. Communication
styles and relational aspects. Leadership and empowerment.
4. The forces of cohesion and dissolution (internal and external). Conflict and processes of collaboration and inclusion.
5. Change and resistance to change. Motivation, interest, satisfaction and degree of involvement.
6. Coordination, animation and intervention with groups: theories and techniques. Work teams.
7. Sociodrama, Balint Groups, Discussion Groups.
8. The Group Dynamics, community development and psychosocial action in risk contexts. Group techniques in adult education.
The Group Dynamics exercises.
9. Research, intervention, training and ethical issues.
10. Profile of the advisor / coordinator groups.
Expository and participatory methodology, using group work, sociodramatic techniques, roleplaying, debates, group dynamic
Rating progress (CP): quality of participation throughout the year (P); a logbook (DB), which should include exercises experienced
in class and to reflect on the personal and group experiences as well as theoretical research performed around the themes worked,
and in the end, should include a discussion that will focus on key learnings made in the field of the course and your professional
impact (maximum 40 pages).
This course will not be subject to final inspection, in accordance with Article 11º of Complemento Regulamentar Específico do
Curso (CREC).
Andreola, B. A. (1984). Dinámica de grupo. Bilbao: Sal Terrae.
Castilho, A. (2004). A dinâmica do trabalho de grupo. Rio de Janeiro : Qualitymark.
Gonçalves, S. P. (coord.). (2014). Psicossociologia do trabalho e das organizações. Princípios e práticas. Lisboa: Pactor.
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & MaKee, A. (2007). Os novos líderes. A inteligência emocional nas organizações (3ª ed.). Lisboa:
Idáñez, M.J. (2004). Como animar um grupo: Princípios básicos e técnicas. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.
Jalowitzki, M. (2004). Vivências para dinâmica de grupos. A metamorfose do ser em 360 graus. São Paulo: Madras Editora.
Maisonneuve, J. (2004). A dinâmica dos grupos. Lisboa: Livros do Brasil.
Manes, S. (2001). 83 Jogos psicológicos para a dinâmica de grupos. Estrada de S. Paulo: Paulus Editora.
Millán, J., & Gómez, M. (2011). Conflitos. Como desenvolver capacidades enquanto mediador. Lisboa: Escolar.
Email of Responsible Professor: [email protected]
Assessment methods:
In the realization of DB, the students can choose to perform it in groups of three elements, and in this case, the part referring to
personal experiences and reflection will be the final single. In these cases, the common part, which includes descriptions, research
and reflection group, shall not exceed 35 pages, and individual reflections of experienced and learning have made no more than 5
Students will have the opportunity to exercise the realization of the DB with the teacher in a classroom or in attendance.
Institutional websites and online magazines relevant to the curricular unit:
. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice (
. Group Analysis (
. Small Group Research (
Doutora Ana Bertão
Porto, 11 de Maio de 2015

Group Orientation and Dynamics