04. A sentença condicional “If you choose to throw that snowball at me, I will pound you right into the ground!” indica
a) o que acontecerá se uma certa condição se concretizar
b) o que aconteceria se uma certa condição se concretizasse.
c) o que deve acontecer se uma certa condição se concretizar.
d) o que poderia acontecer se uma certa condição se concretizasse.
05. De acordo com a tirinha podemos inferir que
a) A vida do menino é cheia de opções.
b) A menina não quer brincar com o menino.
c) O menino se sente ameaçado pela menina.
d) O menino é quem dita a regra do jogo.
01. According to the cartoon, the modal verb could express
a) necessity.
b) possibility.
c) suggestion.
d) deduction.
e) obligation.
2º Ano
02. According to the cartoon
a) everybody has the same opinion.
b) going home on a public transportation might be good for
c) the drivers consider themselves idiots.
d) the street where the cars are is very quiet and peaceful.
e) people are leaving home on a holiday.
06. According to the cartoon above
a) The boys were networking.
b) The boys were cheating.
c) The boys weren’t cheating.
d) The teacher is helping the boys.
e) The teach is happy with the boys.
HOMEOPATHY is an effective and scientific
system of healing which assists the natural tendency of
the body to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms
of ill health are expression of disharmony within the
whole person, and that it is the patient who needs
treatment not the disease.
In 1796 a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann,
discovered a different approach to the cure of the sick
which he called homeopathy (from the Greek words
meaning ‘similar suffering’). Like Hippocrates two
thousand years earlier, he realized that there were two
ways of treating ill health, the way of opposites and the
way of similars. Take, for example, a case of insomnia.
The way of opposites is to treat this by giving a drug
to bring on an artificial sleep. This frequently involves
the use of large or regular doses of drugs which can
sometimes cause side-effects or addiction.
The way of similars, the homeopathic way,
is to give the patient a minute dose of a substance
which in large doses causes sleeplessness in a healthy
person. Surprisingly, this will enable the patient to
sleep naturally. Because of the minute dosage, no sideeffects or addiction will result.
Lorrana - l. 39 - 2º Bim. - 05/2014
Disponívelem:<https://courses.worldcampus.psu.edu/welcome/psych243/samplecontent/ positive _09.html>. Acesso em 23 out. 2012.
03. Por que o menino diz “Life is full of choices, but you
never get any!”?
a) Ele sabe que a menina só irá brincar com ele se ela
puder escolher a brincadeira
b) Ele quer poder jogar uma bola de neve na menina sem
que haja retaliação.
c) Ele e a menina não têm liberdade de escolher a forma
como ambos irão brincar.
d) A menina tem nas mãos o poder de escolher entre jogar
ou não a bola de neve.
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular
10. From the text “Mental Health”, above, it is true that Mary
and Jim
( ) were discharged from a Mental Hospital.
( ) worked in a Mental Hospital.
( ) were patients in a Mental Hospital.
( ) jumped into the hospital swimming pool.
( ) were mentally stable.
( ) didn’t have mental stability to be discharged.
In order to find the right remedy, your homeopath
will want to know all about you. You will be asked many
questions about yourself as well as your illness and also
about the health of your family, both present and past.
The initial consultation will probably last an hour or more.
Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the
body’s own healing power. This power is very great and
many complaints heal themselves unaided, but when the
healing process is faulty, blocked, or slow, the homeopathic
remedy acts as a stimulus to the curative powers of the
body. To provide this stimulus, your homeopath must
prescribe the right remedy and the right dosage for
11. Considerando o texto “Mental Health”, é correto afirmar que
( ) Mary matou Jim no banheiro
( ) O diretor médico achou que Mary era uma heroína.
( ) o diretor médico do hospital tinha duas notícias ruins para
( ) Jim empurrou Mary para dentro de uma piscina.
( ) a palavra since é uma conjunção temporal.
( ) a conjunção as dá uma idéia explicativa.
Glossary:To heal : curar ill: ruim To assist :
ajudar approach : método
Para as questões de 7 a 13, coloque V ou F de acordo com
os textos.
07. De acordo com o 1o parágrafo do texto “Homeopathy”, a
( ) cura os males do corpo.
( ) leva em consideração a doença e não o doente.
( ) concebe as doenças como resultado de alterações na
harmonia interior do indivíduo.
( ) não tem valor terapêutico ou científico.
( ) estimula a tendência natural do corpo à auto-cura.
Call it the contact lens of hearing aids. Researchers
at Otologics, a Colorado firm, have come up with a
hearing aid that is surgically implanted behind the ear, out
of sight. The device consists of a microphone that picks up
sound and transmits it to a piston implanted in the middle
ear, which transfers the vibrations to the tiny bones of the
inner ear.
The device doesn’t offer better hearing – it
reproduces a narrower range of frequencies than
conventional hearing aids, and users did slightly worse in
word-comprehension tests. But subjects reported that the
sound was more “natural.” The device, which is available
in Europe and in clinical trials in the United States, works
in the shower or the pool and doesn’t have to be taken off
before bed. But the battery must be recharged nightly, via
a transmitter strapped to the user’s head, for sixty minutes
or more. The implant requires general anesthesia and
must be replaced in five to 20 years. The price: $19,000
(surgery included).
08. According to the text “Homeopathy”
( ) Dr Hahnemann was born in Greece.
( ) Hippocrates lived long before Dr. S. Hahnemann.
( ) both Hippocrates and Dr. S. Hahnemann believed on the
way of similars to treat the ill health.
( ) before Dr. Hahnemann the way of similars had already
been widely experienced by some physicians.
( ) na homeopatia doses elevadas de medicamentos podem
provocar dependência.
( ) há duas maneiras de se tratar as doenças: utilizando-se
da Lei dos Semelhantes ou da Lei dos Opostos.
“strapped” (l. 11) v. to strap — enfaixado,
Lorrana - l. 39 - 2º Bim. - 05/2014
09. In the text
( ) the word complaints has the same meaning as diseases
( ) It, refere-se à homeopatia.
( ) “ as well as “ expressa adição de idéias.
( ) like pode ser traduzida pelo verbo gostar da língua portuguesa.
( ) the words insomnia and sleeplessness are opposites in
the text.
Mental Health
12. De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, pode-se
( ) Alguns pesquisadores, em Colorado, criaram lentes de
contato de última geração a fim de ajudar deficientes auditivos e visuais.
( ) O aparelho fabricado para deficientes auditivos deve ser
implantado atrás da orelha.
( ) O novo invento é a prova d’água e pode ser usado ininterruptamente.
( ) A bateria do aparelho deve ser recarregada todas as noites por, no mínimo, uma hora.
( ) O aparelho implantado, segundo os pacientes, reproduz
um som mais natural.
( ) O dispositivo foi considerado muito caro para os deficientes visuais ou auditivos, apesar da inclusão dos custos da cirurgia.
Jim and Mary were both patients in a Mental
Hospital. One day while they were walking past the
hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the
deep end. He sunk to the bottom and stayed there. Mary
promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom
and pulled Jim out.
When the medical director became aware of Mary's
heroic act, he immediately ordered her to be discharged
from the hospital, as he now considered her to be mentally
When he went to tell Mary the news, he said,
“Mary, I have good news and bad news. The good news
is you're being discharged- since you were able to jump in
and save the life of another patient, I think you've regained
your senses. The bad news is Jim, the patient you saved,
hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom. I am
so sorry, but he's dead.”
Mary replied, “He didn't hang himself, I put him
there to dry.
13. Quanto ao uso da linguagem no texto, é correto afirmar:
( ) “which” e “which” referem-se a palavra device.
( ) “better” e “worse” são formas comparativas de good e badly, respectivamente.
( ) “hearing” e “word-comprehension” funcionam como adjetivos.
( ) “subjects” ( pode ser substituído, sem modificar o sentido,
por people involved in the experiments.
( ) “shower” tem o mesmo significado que snowy weather.
( ) “must” expressa um conselho.
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular

Lista 39 - Charles.indd