01. Este caderno de provas contém questões de múltipla escolha.
02. Para cada questão existe apenas uma resposta correta.
03. Leia atentamente a questão no caderno e escolha a alternativa que
julgar correta.
04. As respostas a lápis ou rasuradas na Folha de Respostas serão
consideradas erradas.
05. Faça a sua prova em silêncio, para que todos façam também.
06. Não será permitida qualquer espécie de consulta.
07. Não será fornecido outro caderno de provas, exceto no caso do
item 10.
08. O tempo de duração da prova é aquele anotado na lousa.
09. Coloque o seu nome, número de inscrição e a data de hoje.
10. Verifique se a prova contém falhas: folhas em branco, má
impressão, páginas trocadas, falta de questões, etc. Encontrando
falhas, levante a mão. O Fiscal atenderá você e trocará o seu
nº..: _____
Insc. nº
Data: ____ / ______/ _________
Text I
Italian Immigration
There was little Italian emigration to the United States before 1870. However, Italy was now one of the most
overcrowded countries in Europe and many began to consider the possibility of leaving Italy to escape low remunerations and high
taxes. Most of these immigrants were from rural communities with very little education. From 1890 to 1900, 655.888 arrived in the
United States, of whom two-thirds were men. A survey showed that most planned to return once they had built up some capital.
Most Italians found unqualified work in America's cities. There were large colonies in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago,
Baltimore and Detroit. From 1900 to 1910 over 2.100.000 arrived. Of these, around 40 per cent eventually returned to Italy.
After the First World War, Italians developed a reputation for becoming criminals. This was mainly criminals such as Al
Capone, Lucky Luciano, Joe Masseria, Albert Anastasia, Salvadore Marazano, Vito Genovese and Frank Costello. The US
Department of Justice estimates that less than 0.0025 percent of Italian hasn’t anything to do with organized crime.
01. Which statement is correct according the text above?
(A) The immigrants were all graduated and specialized workers.
(B) With the immigration of Italian citizens to the USA we can conclude that there were good salaries and low taxes there.
(C) The majority of Italian immigrants came from the most important Italian cities.
(D) A study showed that some Italians wanted to return specifically to Rome.
02. Choose the correct synonym of these words according the text above.
* escape – survey – around - reputation
run off – research – circle – status
run – research – near – thief
run out – survivor – circle – status
run away – study – approximately – status
03. Use Wh-questions to complete these sentences.
* ________________ do you live now?
- Now I live at Rio de Janeiro.
* ________________ boots are these?
- They’re Sammy’s.
Who – Where
Where – Whose
Which – When
Where – When
04. Complete the sentence with the appropriate quantifiers.
* ___________________ money do they have in their pocket?
* ___________________ dollars do this cell phone cost?
* ___________________ candidates are there in this room?
How many – How many – How many
How much – How much – How much
How much – How many – How many
How many – How much – How much
05. Chose the correct alternative in relation to Possessive Adjectives.
* I’ll do ___________ best.
* Jake and Nick have bought ____________ own car.
mine – them
my – their
me – them
mine – theirs
06. Use now Possessive Pronouns.
* We have a new house. That’s ______________.
* Is that Lamborghini ____________? No, it’s ____________?
ours – yours - theirs
us – your – they
ours – you – them
our – your – their
07. Use Object Pronoun.
* My nephew loves car movies. I bought this DVD for ____________.
* My wife likes to go shopping. Give this money to ______________.
me – it
mine – its
her – him
him – her
08. Complete the sentence with the correct Reflexive Pronoun.
* Lady Gaga and Madonna looked at _____________ and cried. They were horrible.
each other
09. Use Relative Pronouns in the sentences.
* The man ______________ speech was boring is my boss.
* That is the girl ______________ is teaching me English.
whose – who
which – whose
who – who
which – who
10. Complete the sentences with auxiliary verbs. (Present and Past tense)
* ___________ you want to study with me today? I can’t, I’m very busy.
* ___________ they travel to Europe last month? I don’t know.
Did – Do
Does – Do
Do – Did
Will – Are
11. Choose the correct Genitive Case.
* This laptop belongs to Charlie and Bobby.
This is Charlie and Bobby’s laptop.
This is laptop’s Charlie and Bobby.
This is Charlie’s and Bobby laptop.
This is Charlie’s and Bobby’s laptop.
12. Complete with the appropriate comparison degree.
* Campinas is _____________________ Adamantina.
the most populous than
more populous than
the most populous
more populous
13. Which is the correct comparison degree of the sentence:
* Brazil was the best soccer team in South Africa.
comparison of equality
comparison of superiority
superlative of inferiority
superlative of superiority
14. Use the appropriate prepositions in these sentences.
* This ship is going _______ Europe.
* I’m reading a report _______ French revolution.
* They’re not American. They came _______ South Africa.
to – about – from
from – about – from
to – over – to
in – from – about
15. Give the correct plural form of the nouns below.
* mouse – ox – foot – information
(A) mouses – oxes – foots – informations
(B) mouses – oxens – feets – informations
(C) mice – oxen – feet – information
(D) mice – oxen – feet – informations
16. Which alternative shows our body parts?
(A) collar – slacks – tie – pocket
(B) belt – scarf – suit – coat
(C) ankle – shoulder – navel – elbow
(D) lettuce – carrot – bladder – neck
17. Choose the verbal tenses used in the sentence below.
* I lost the video that he had given to me for my birthday.
Simple past and simple past.
Simple past and past perfect.
Simple past and past perfect continuous.
Simple past and present perfect.
18. Which Conditional sentence is grammatically correct?
(A) They would go to the party if they has had time.
(B) If it rains, I would stayed home.
(C) If you had time, you will do me a favor.
(D) If we were you, we would do everything different.
19. Use the Modal verb to complete this sentence.
* He ____________ have the flu. He has all the symptoms.
20. Give the correct translation to the sentence:
* Este é um e-mail sobre o Sr. Burke.
This is an e-mail to Mr. Burke.
This is an e-mail from Mr. Burke.
This is an e-mail about Mr. Burke.
This is an e-mail for Mr. Burke.
21. Which sentence is correctly written in the Present Perfect?
(A) Bruce and Brian have drank much milk in the breakfast yesterday.
(B) Bruce and Brian have drunk much milk lately.
(C) Bruce and Brian drink much milk in the breakfast nowadays.
(D) Bruce and Brian had drank much milk in the breakfast lately.
22. Some adverbs make part of Present Perfect Tense. They are:
(A) already – just – ever – ago – just – yet
(B) already – just – last – never – just – yet
(C) already – yesterday – ever – never – just – yet
(D) already – just – ever – never – just – yet
23. Match the correct sentence using Indefinites.
(A) There wasn’t anybody shouting in the street.
(B) There was nowhere shouting in the street.
(C) There was nothing shouting in the street.
(D) There was anywhere shouting in the street.
24. Locate the alternative that only shows parts that belong to a house.
(A) neighbor – roof – door – tap
(B) bee – reward – bathroom – living room
(C) lecture – wall – kitchen – bedroom
(D) stairs – roof – basement – doorbell
25. According to the description, find the Occupation.
* This professional works in an office, hotel, and shop.
an attorney
a dentist
a clerk
a builder
26. Choose the sentence with the correct use of Articles.
(A) Michel wants to be an doctor.
(B) Helen is a teacher and Henry is an engineer.
(C) The Brazil is the best country to live.
(D) Hey, I want a egg at my lunch.
27. Which sentence is correctly written in the Simple Present?
(A) Paola didn’t study with us.
(B) Rachel goes to school in the morning.
(C) Nicole has cut herself with a knife.
(D) Do Alexia got up early every day?
28. Go to the market and buy some fruits:
(A) eggplant – lime – pea – grapes
(B) pineapple – avocado – carrot – cucumber
(C) grapes – plum – lime – raspberry
(D) onion – garlic – pumpkin – pea
29. You are married with my mother, but you are not my father. So, you are my:
(A) stepfather
(B) grandfather
(C) brother-in-law
(D) stepson
30. Complete the sentence with the suitable word.
* If you have a ______________ you will look for a dentist.
31. Na frase “A faca está meio amolada.”, meio é:
(A) Substantivo
(B) Adjetivo
(C) Advérbio
(D) Conjunção
32. Em “O sol se erguia no horizonte.”, a frase apresenta-se na voz:
(A) Reflexiva
(B) Analítica
(C) Ativa
(D) Passiva
33. Em “Dize, meu neto, quem te fez sofrer?”, o trecho sublinhado é:
(A) Aposto
(B) Vocativo
(C) Metáfora
(D) Predicativo do objeto
34. Em “Aquela casa é assombrada.”, o termo sublinhado é:
(A) Objeto Direto
(B) Objeto Indireto
(C) Predicativo do Sujeito
(D) Sujeito
35. Transpondo para a voz passiva a forma verbal da frase “A convenção aplaudiu com entusiasmo as falas do palestrante.”, obtémse:
(A) Foi aplaudido.
(B) Aplaudi-se.
(C) Foram aplaudidas.
(D) Tinha aplaudido.
36. Em “Maquiou-se para sair.”, o termo se é classificado como:
(A) Pronome reflexivo.
(B) Pronome fossilizado.
(C) Partícula de realce.
(D) Partícula apassivadora.
37. Em apenas uma das alternativas, o verbo da frase não é de ligação. Assinale-a:
(A) Vários minerais parecem ouro.
(B) O dia continuará nublado.
(C) A nossa vida está mais bela.
(D) O ônibus andou por estradas danificadas.
38. Em “O pedágio das nossas rodovias ficou mais barato.”, tem-se predicado:
(A) Nominal
(B) Verbal
(C) Verbo-nominal
(D) Nenhuma das alternativas.
39. Um dos significados da palavra “pontificar” é:
(A) Implicar.
(B) Aquele que estuda demais.
(C) Falar ou escrever com ênfase, em tom categórico.
(D) Ficar pasmado diante de tudo.
40. Na frase “Para Rousseau, de nada adianta convencer uma criança se não se sabe persuadi-la.”, o trecho em destaque encerra
um argumento de:
(A) Competência.
(B) Autoridade.
(C) Consenso.
(D) De provas concretas.
41. A educação é, constitucionalmente, erigida como direito de todos, mas o dever educacional está centralizado no(a):
(A) Estado.
(B) Família.
(C) Sociedade, na Família e no Estado.
(D) Estado e na Família.
42. As universidades, no gozo de autonomia administrativa, didático-científica e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, deverão obedecer
ao princípio de:
(A) Indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.
(B) Livre concorrência.
(C) Gestão Pública.
(D) Aperfeiçoamento contínuo de pesquisa científica e tecnológica.
43. Aponte, dentre as alternativas abaixo, qual a fonte adicional de financiamento com a qual a Educação Básica pública conta, por
disposição constitucional:
(A) Contribuição social do PIS.
(B) Contribuição assistencial.
(C) Contribuição social do salário-educação.
(D) Contribuição do FGTS.
44. Assinale a opção incorreta quanto às Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional:
(A) A educação abrange processos formativos que se desenvolvem na vida familiar, na convivência humana e no trabalho.
(B) A educação abrange processos de formação que se desenvolvem ainda nas instituições de ensino e pesquisa, nos
movimentos sociais e organizações da sociedade civil e nas manifestações culturais.
(C) A educação escolar deve estar vinculada ao mundo do trabalho e à prática social.
(D) A educação tem inspiração no princípio da igualdade.
45. A matrícula no Ensino Fundamental, dever dos pais ou responsáveis, deve ser efetuada a partir dos:
(A) Quatro anos de idade.
(B) Cinco anos de idade.
(C) Seis anos de idade.
(D) Sete anos de idade.
46. A classificação correta quanto às categorias administrativas das instituições de ensino dos diferentes níveis, é:
(A) Públicas e privadas.
(B) De Ensino Fundamental, Médio e Superior.
(C) Escolas e Universidades.
(D) Pré-Escolas, escolas de Ensino Fundamental, Médio e Técnico e escolas de Nível Superior.
47. Assinale a opção incorreta, com base nas disposições do ECA:
(A) É assegurado à gestante, através do SUS, o atendimento pré e perinatal.
(B) A gestante será encaminhada aos diferentes níveis de atendimento, segundo critérios técnicos específicos, obedecendo-se
aos princípios da igualdade e da especialização do Sistema.
(C) A parturiente será atendida preferencialmente pelo mesmo Médico que a acompanhou na fase pré-natal.
(D) Incumbe ao poder público propiciar apoio alimentar à gestante e à nutriz que dele necessitem.
48. O direito à liberdade, assegurado à criança e ao adolescente compreende vários aspectos, dentre os quais, podemos excluir:
(A) Opinião e expressão.
(B) Crença e culto religioso.
(C) Participação na vida política na forma da lei.
(D) Escolher a família substituta, após os catorze anos, na qual será inserido.
49. A permanência da criança e do adolescente em programas de acolhimento institucional não se prolongará, em princípio, por mais
(A) Cento e oitenta dias.
(B) Um ano.
(C) Dois anos.
(D) Dez anos.
50. Assinale a opção incorreta quanto à Adoção:
(A) É medida excepcional.
(B) É medida irrevogável.
(C) Pode dar-se por procuração pública.
(D) O adotando, deve contar com, no máximo, dezoito anos à data do pedido, salvo se já estiver sob a guarda ou tutela dos

Professor - Inglês