Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio Regular e EJA, Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio em Enfermagem Rua Cantagalo Nº. 339 – Tatuapé – Fones: 2293-9393 e 2293-9166 Diretoria de Ensino Região LESTE – 5 Programa de Revisão Paralela Nº 06/08 Nome:_______________________________________________nº.:______Série: 7º - Turma: ____ Disciplina: INGLÊS Profª _______________________ Nota:_________ Data:______/_______/_______ 01. Reescreva as frases abaixo usando a forma contraída do WOULD a) I would love to spend the holiday with you. ______________________________________________________________________________ b) You would lose a lot of money with it. ______________________________________________________________________________ c) He would stop going there once and for all. ______________________________________________________________________________ d) It would be so nice. ______________________________________________________________________________ e) We would feel more comfortable there. ______________________________________________________________________________ 02. Complete os espaços com would like, would love ou wouldn’t like. a) You want to do something with your friend tonight. You ask: What _____________________to do tonight? b) You are in a restaurant and you ask for a glass of water. ___________________you bring me a glass of water please? c) You are exprecing how much you want to go to Paris. I _____________________to go to Paris. d) You don't like to work as a waiter. I _______________________to work as a waiter. e) You are offering your friend a sandwish. _______________________asandwish? 03. Desembaralhe as sentenças: a) would/ she/ to/ like/ go/ vacation/ on/ this/ year. __________would________________to __________________________________ b) like/ He/ meet/ wouldn't/ to/ you/ like. He ________________________________________________________________ c) love/ We/ to/ you/ visit/ would/ again. We ________________________________________________________________ d) play/ the/ guitar/ Would/ you/ like/ to/ ? _______________you _________________________________________________ e) wouldn't/ to/ swim/ there/ I/ like. I ___________________________________________________________________ 04. Complete usando CAN ou CAN’T 1. Cheetahs ________ run very fast. 2. Sheep ________ read. 3. A spider ________ drive a car. 4. A fish ________ swim. 5. Humans ________ read. 6. Parrots ________ talk. 7. Animals ________ read. 8. Lucrecia is three years old, she ________ make a pizza. 9. ________ Monica ski? Yes, she ________ . 10. _________ you do thisexercises? 05. Relembrando… Dias da semana: Meses do ano