Designação Title The International Network on Religious Studies (INORS) Unidade de I&D da FCT FCT R&D Unit Instituto de Sociologia Institute of Sociology Entidade(s) financiadora(s) Danish Social Science Council Funding Organisation(s) Investigador responsável Head Researcher Peter Lüchau (Universidade de Copenhaga) Área científica Scientific Area Sociologia Sociology Palavras-chave Key words Modernidade, secularização, religião Modern Europe; Secularization; Religion Data de início Starting date 2006 Data de conclusão Ending date 2009 Investigadores Researchers Karel Dobbelaere; Jay Demerath III; Jaak Billiet; Kimmo Ketola; Peter Lüchau; Daniel Olson; Vincenzo Pace; Ole Riis; Miklós Tomka; Helena Vilaça; David Voas ISFLUP; Catholic University of Leuven and University of Antwerp; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Catholic University of Leuven; The Church Research Instituições colaboradoras Institute; University of Copenhagen; Indiana University South Bend; University of Partner Institutions Padua; Agder University College; Hungarian Religious Research Centre; University of Porto; University of Manchester URL Resumo Abstract Esta rede de investigadores foi constituída tendo como primeiro objectivo com os objectivos de aprofundar a compreensão sociológica da situação religiosa na Europa contemporânea (ocidental e de leste) e nos Estados Unidos da América, identificando áreas de relevo pouco estudadas numa perspectiva quantitativa que permita desenvolver instrumentos adequados a pesquisas internacionais sobre religião e estreitar as relações entre sociólogos da religião europeus e norte-americanos. O projecto terá uma duração de três anos, ao longo dos quais deverá organizar três workshops. This network was established with four goals: 1) To establish an international research network to deepen the sociological understanding of the religious situation in a modern Europe (including the former Eastern European countries) and the United States; 2) To identify relevant areas which have not yet been investigated with necessary quantitative approaches and to develop proper instruments for a comparative crossnational survey on religion; 3) To strengthen and expand the network of sociologists of religion across the Atlantic.; 4)To publish the results of this endeavour in order to make them available to the entire research community. To fulfil these goals three workshops are planned over three years. The workshops' preliminary themes are: Secularization, religious organisations, and finalizing the measurement instrument.