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Utilize os espaços em branco para rascunho. Duração da prova: 50 minutos.
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Boa prova!
1) (VUNESP) Can you tell me where _______ my bike yesterday?
a) you leaved
b) you left
c) have you leaved
d) did you leave
e) had you put
2) (MACK) At the moment, the children _______ on the floor, playing with the cat.
a) are laying
b) have laid
c) are lying
d) lays
e) will lay
3) (FEI) A forma negativa gramaticalmente correta para “The camera uses an optical system” é:
a) The camera can’t use an optical system.
b) The camera hasn’t used an optical system.
c) The camera doesn’t use an optical system.
d) The camera didn’t use an optical system.
e) The camera won’t use an optical system.
4) (VUNESP) I expect that she _______ arrive at about midnight.
a) will
b) is
c) going to
d) must
e) goes
5) (VUNESP) When John came in ___________ a book.
a) Mary is reading
b) will read
c) she was reading
d) should read
e) was going to read
Texto para questões 6 a 8: Putting America’s Diet on a Diet
On his first day in Huntington, W. Va., Jamie Oliver spent the afternoon at Hillbilly Hot Dogs,
pitching in to cook its signature 15-pound burger. Then he learned how to perfect the Home
Wrecker, the eatery’s famous 15-inch, one-pound hot dog. For the Home Wrecker Challenge,
the dog gets 11 toppings, including chili sauce, jalapeños, liquid nacho cheese and coleslaw.
Finish it in 12 minutes or less and you get a T-shirt.
Last year, an Associated Press article designated the Huntington-Ashland metropolitan area
as the unhealthiest in America, based on its analysis of data collected in 2006 by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. Nearly half the adults in these five counties were obese,
and the area led the nation in the incidence of heart disease and diabetes. The poverty rate
was 19 percent, much higher than the national average. It also had the highest percentage of
people 65 and older who had lost their teeth — nearly 50 percent.
All of which makes Huntington the perfect setting for the next Jamie Oliver Challenge. This
British celebrity chef has made it his mission in recent years to break people’s dependence
on fast food, believing that if they can learn to cook just a handful of dishes, they’ll get hooked
on eating healthfully. (The New York times, October 2009)
6. De acordo com texto se pode afirmar que:
a) o tipo de dieta desta região leva à obesidade.
b) as autoridades não sabem da situação desta região.
c) a obesidade não está relacionada à pobreza.
d) as pessoas que comem em casa comem melhor.
e) pessoas obesas vivem mais.
7. De acordo com Jamie Oliver as pessoas comeriam melhor se:
a) não fossem dependentes de “fast food”.
b) tivessem mais tempo para comer.
c) tivessem mais informação sobre os riscos da obesidade.
d) tivessem um plano de saúde melhor.
e) comprassem produtos orgânicos
8. O texto não menciona:
a) que obesidade, diabetes e problemas cardíacos estão relacionados
b) que para Jamie, saber cozinhar, ainda que poucos pratos, ajuda as pessoas a
comerem melhor.
c) que 50% dos adultos desta região são obesos
d) que a expectativa de vida nesta região americana é menor.
e) que a região é a primeira em doenças cardíacas e diabetes.
9. Qual frase completa corretamente a sentença abaixo:
Thin people are not necessarily _________________________ ones.
a) most healthy
b) the healthiest
c) healthier than
d) as healthy than
e) more healthy
10. Escolha o pronome correto para completar a sentença abaixo.
They don´t enjoy cooking for _______________________________.
a) themselves.
b) theirselves.
c) themself.
d) nobody.
e) theirsself

1) (VUNESP) Can you tell me where ______ my bike yesterday?