Press Release
13 July 2011
Bloomberg>bcp pl
informs about the use of its disposal right
over shares of ZON Multimédia
Banco Comercial Português, S.A. (Millennium bcp) informs that it has used its disposal right
5,688,106 book-entry and nominal shares, representing 1.84% of the share
capital of ZON Multimédia – Serviços de Telecomunicações e Multimédia, SGPS, S.A. (ZON)
owned by Insight Strategic Investments, SGPS, S.A. (Insight).
The disposal right was exercised by Millennium bcp that has simultaneously engaged in a
Banco Comercial Português, S.A., a public company (sociedade aberta) having its registered office at Praça D. João I, 28, Oporto, registered at the
Commercial Registry of Oporto, with the single commercial and tax identification number 501 525 882 and the share capital of EUR 6,064,999,986.00.
financial derivative contract under which it has the option to request the early
redemption, with the physical settlement of the transaction and subsequent register of the
shares received in a securities account owned by Insight.
The above mentioned disposal right does not affect the contractually established right of
Insight to use its voting rights and receive dividends of the ZON shares.
As such, the Securities Exchange Commission (Comissão de Mercado de Valores Mobiliários)
has deliberated, at the request of Millennium bcp, not to consider as an instrument of
concerted exercise of influence in ZON (refuting in this way the presumption established in
the nr.4 of article 20 of the Portuguese Securities Code “Código dos Valores Mobiliários”)
the agreement reached between Millennium bcp, Insight and other companies related to
the later, in which, under the terms and for the effects foreseen in articles 9 and following
of the Decree-Law nr. 105/2004, of 8 May, Insight has given Millennium bcp a disposal
right of the referred ZON shares, as well as the exercise of that right by Millennium bcp.
End of announcement
Banco Comercial Português, S. A.
Investor Relations
Sofia Raposo
Phone +351 211 131 084
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Media Contact
Erik T. Burns
Phone +351 211 131 242
Mobile +351 917 265 020
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Banco Comercial Português, S.A. informs about the use of its