INSTRUÇÕES: • Usar somente caneta esferográfica (azul ou preta)
• Não usar calculadora • Não fazer perguntas
• Não usar corretivo nem rasurar • A interpretação das questões faz parte da prova
The Joys of Spelling
By Lorenza Cerbini
If you think English spelling is complicated, then you are right: it is also a problem for native speakers!
In phonetic languages like Italian and Spanish, spelling is relatively easy, but English spelling is not phonetic
and there are some words that even university professors can‘t spell.
There have been attempts to reform English spelling. The great American lexicographer Noah Webster
(1758-1843) tried to create a more rational system. This explains the differences between American and
British spelling: the American spelling of – color is logical; the British version, – colour, is not. But even
American English spelling is difficult and this explains the existence of spelling – bees, or competitions. The
first spelling bee was held in the USA in 1825: the organizers used Webster‘s – spelling books as their model.
Ironically, the word bee is itself a mystery. You spell it the same way you spell the insect, but here a – bee
is a gathering of people. According to one theory, it comes from an Old English word, – bea, meaning – prayer.
Speak up. São Paulo: Editora Peixes, n. 276, ano XXIII, 2010, p. 22 (Adapted).
Answer the following questions in Portuguese.
01. Why in languages like Spanish and Italian is it relatively easy to spell?
Línguas como o italiano e o espanhol são relativamente fáceis de soletrar por que são línguas fonéticas.
02. What are the two possible meanings for the word BEE?
A palavra BEE pode significar tanto abelha quanto uma reunião de pessoas.
03. What is the boy really interested in? Answer in Portuguese.
O garoto está na verdade interessado na quantidade jogos que ele poderia jogar iFruit.
Read the passage below and answer the following questions 04, 05 and 06 in Portuguese.
The Alzheimer’s mystery
By Patrick J. Skerrett
Alzheimer‘s disease, which begins years, even decades, before it causes
symptoms, is a quietly ticking time bomb. But until recently doctors had no
diagnostic test that could – hear the ticking. Unfortunately, it didn‘t matter much
that Alzheimer‘s couldn‘t be spotted early – at a stage called Mild Cognitive
Impairment, or MCI – since there were no treatments. Today, however, there
are new diagnostic tests that can detect Alzheimer‘s at an early stage, and
several disease-modifying drugs are in advanced clinical trials.
The brain shrinkage caused by Alzheimer‘s can now be measured
with Volumetric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This technique takes a
series of MRI brain scans and then uses sophisticated mathematical models
to analyze the results. Most important, volumetric MRI enables researchers to
identify subtle shrinkage in brain areas first affected by Alzheimer‘s, such as the
hippocampus, which is involved in memory.
Another technology in limited clinical use is Fluorodeoxyglucose
Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET). Images produced by FDG-PET
reveal patterns of glucose metabolism in the cerebral cortex, the site of abstract
thought, reasoning and learning. Because active neurons guzzle glucose for
energy, diminished uptake in a specific pattern can denote Alzheimer‘s. In the
research setting, scientists have even used FDG-PET to identify people who do
not yet have Alzheimer‘s but are at risk for developing it, or for developing mild
cognitive impairment.
Newsweek. Vol. CLI. January 21, 2008. p. 64 (Adapted).
04. O que as imagens obtidas pelo FDG-PET revelam?
As imagens obtidas em FDG-PET revelam padrões de metabolismo de glicose no cortex cerebral onde ocorrem o pensamento
abstrato, o raciocinio e o aprendizado.
05. Why wasn’t it so important that Alzheimer’s couldn’t be detected early?
Não era tão importante diagnosticar Alzheimer precocemente porque não havia tratamento.
06. What is the most important thing offered by the volumetric MRI technique?
A coisa mais importante oferecida pela MRI volumétrica é a possibilidade de diagnosticar encolhimentos no cérebro em
estágio inicial.
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular
07. Read the passage below and answer the following question in Portuguese.
How does televised violence result in aggressive behavior? Some researchers have demonstrated
that very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Before age 4, children
are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy and may view violence as an ordinary occurrence. In
general, violence on television and in movies often conveys a model of conflict resolution. It is efficient,
frequent, and inconsequential.
According to the passage how is children’s behavior before age 4?
Antes dos 4 anos as crianças são incapazes de diferenciar entre fato e fantasia e podem ver a violência como uma ocorrência comum.
08. Read the passage below and answer the following question in Portuguese.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists, pediatricians and other physicians can have a major impact on the
effects of media violence. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has created a list of recommendations
to address television violence. It suggests that physicians talk openly with parents about the nature and extent
of viewing patterns in their homes. Parents should limit television to 1-2 hours daily and watch programs with
their children, enabling them to address any objectionable material seen.
What does the AAP suggest?
A AAP sugere que os médicos conversem abertamente com os pais sobre a natureza do que se assiste em casa e o tempo
dedicado à TV.
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular

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