MLT0/PG1 MLT1/PG1 MODERN AND MEDIEVAL LANGUAGES TRIPOS Part IA Option B: post A-level MODERN AND MEDIEVAL LANGUAGES TRIPOS Part IB Option A (those candidates who took Option A (ab initio)) ______________________________________________________________ SPECIMEN EXAM PAPER FROM TRIPOS 2013 ______________________________________________________________ Paper Pg. 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE LANGUAGE, LITERATURES CULTURES OF PORTUGUESE SPEAKING COUNTRIES AND Answer THREE questions, no more than ONE from any section. Do NOT draw substantially on the same material for more than ONE answer. Answers to Section D must be completed in a separate Answer Book. STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS 20 Page Answer Book x 2 Rough work pad Tags You may not start to read the questions printed on the subsequent pages of this question paper until instructed that you may do so by the Invigilator MLT0/PG1 MLT1/PG1 -2- SECTION A 1 ‘PS — A criança morreu também, já se enterrou.’ Discuss the significance of Amaro’s reference to the death of his son in the light of Eça de Queirós’s comment on the moral and social impact of the Catholic church in Portugal in the second half of the nineteenth century. 2 EITHER (a) ‘Eu sou aquilo que perdi.’ Discuss the centrality of the idea of Empire to Portugal’s understanding of itself as nation in Mensagem. OR (b) ‘Nunca sabemos quando somos sinceros. Talvez nunca o sejamos. E mesmo que sejamos sinceros hoje, amanhã podemos sê-lo por coisa contrária.’ Discuss with reference to the idea of heteronymity in Fernando Pessoa. 3 ‘If I have offended you, I have probably made you think, so say thank you.’ Discuss with reference to any aspect of the art of Paula Rego. 4 ‘The devil is not as ugly as he is painted.’ Discuss the question of moral ambiguity in Alexandre Herculano’s ‘A Dama Pé de Cabra’ and Hélia Correia’s ‘Fascinação’. SECTION B 5 EITHER (a) ‘Manuel Bandeira’s poetry is a continuous attempt to express the maximum with the minimum.’ Discuss. OR (b) Write a commentary on the following poem by Manuel Bandeira: Teresa A primeira vez que vi Teresa Achei que ela tinha pernas estúpidas Achei também que a cara parecia uma perna Quando vi Teresa de novo Achei que os olhos eram muito mais velhos que o resto do corpo 5 (Os olhos nasceram e ficaram dez anos esperando que o resto do corpo nascesse) Da terceira vez não vi mais nada Os céus se misturaram com a terra E o espírito de Deus voltou a se mover sobre a face das águas. 9 MLT0/PG1 MLT1/PG1 -3- 6 ‘In which society and in which world do men have to turn themselves into bugs, dogs or monkeys in order to have their real shape adequately expressed?’ Discuss in relation to Graciliano Ramos’s Vidas secas. SECTION C 7 ‘Each generation must discover its mission, fulfil it or betray it, in relative opacity.’ Discuss with reference to the worldview of Luís Bernardo Honwana in Nós Matámos o Cão Tinhoso. 8 ‘And letters will always be a genre of love.’ Discuss the use of the love letter as a metaphor for identitarian negotiation and hybridity in the Lusophone colonial context by drawing on Agualusa’s Nação Crioula: a Correspondência Secreta de Fradique Mendes. 9 EITHER (a) ‘The past is always a rebuke to the present.’ Discuss with reference to TWO OR MORE texts that you have studied for this paper. OR (b) ‘History teaches everything including the future.’ Discuss with reference to TWO OR MORE texts that you have studied for this paper. 10 ‘If politics is an art, art (or literature) is pure politics.’ Discuss with reference to TWO OR MORE of the authors/artists that you have studied from Sections A, B OR C. 11 ‘Who do you think loves you?’ Discuss with reference to TWO OR MORE of the authors/artists that you have studied from Sections A, B or C. SECTION D 12 Give a phonetic transcription of the following passage, and a phonological transcription of the first 5 lines. Phrasing and word-stress should be indicated, but NOT intonation. Não é verdade, não pode ser verdade que isto esteja a acontecer: continuo na casa da fazenda com o meu marido e os meus filhos, os bailundos pregam espantalhos para afastar os pássaros do arroz, a minha mãe no quarto do primeiro andar chama a Josélia aos gritos, não trago um pano do Congo amarrado à cintura, trago um vestido, nunca morei em palhota nenhuma sobretudo na Chiquita, a aldeia onde passávamos de visita ao meu padrinho, o comércio deserto, as colunas do chefe de posto reduzidas a vigas de metal, duas ou três árvores, um círculo de cubatas que a poeira do jipe dissolvia no susto das galinhas. 5 10 MLT0/PG1 MLT1/PG1 -4- 13 ‘English is more economical than Portuguese in the way it expresses its inflectional morphology.’ Discuss the above claim comparing the morphological systems of English and Portuguese. 14 Illustrate and discuss the subcategorization frame of the following words: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) comer; protestar; florescer; angústia; criação. 15 ‘Brazilian Portuguese is nothing more than European Portuguese badly spoken.’ Discuss. 16 Describe ANY ONE or MORE Portuguese-based creoles and contrast them with European Portuguese in relation to the following linguistic characteristics: (i) verbal agreement; (ii) pronominal system; (iii) vocalic system; (iv) consonantal system END OF PAPER