ESTUDOS DE CURADORIA I / CURATORSHIP STUDIES I ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: 1. An introduction to curatorship combined with art theories and the exercise of art criticism as specific professional domain in relation with the art world. 2. An understanding of the universe of curatorship as a form of intervention in the social-cultural and artistic fabric through the history of international exhibitions in combination with contemporary art history. 3. An introduction to the development of specific instruments designed for the realization of exhibitions (curatorial projects) as a real possibility for intervention in the artistic milieu, aiming at the definition of a cultural strategy. Syllabus: 1. The specificity of curatorship. The role of the curator and their relationship with other agents. Curatorship and other forms of knowledge. Approach to the curatorial practice in the context of institutions and the market. 2. Curatorship and the role of image. The concept of image, its value as representation and signification system. Analysis of the pictorial image between the Western visual tradition and the crisis in figuration. Photography and representation of traditional genres of two-dimensional art; the fixed image and the moving image: movement towards the exterior (centrifugal movement) and movement towards the interior (centripetal movement). «Image destiny». 3. Understanding fundamental aspects of exhibition history combined with contemporary art history. Approach of the several forms of realization of exhibitions throughout the 20th century and their implications in the territory of artistic production. Case studies. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS DE CURADORIA II / CURATORSHIP STUDIES II ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: The specificity of instruments appropriate for the realization of exhibitions (curatorial projects) as a real possibility for intervention in the artistic milieu aiming towards the definition of a cultural strategy. The learning of other curatorship devices connected with divulging curatorial projects: aesthetic learning, educational curatorship, edition and writing and reflecting about art. Syllabus: 1. The aim of this subject is to question the practice of curatorship, based on a constant reformulation system, which combines instances and knowledge from art history, critical theory and philosophy, as well as from artistic production itself. The practice of curatorship in constant reformulation: program and curatorial lines from collections; exhibition typologies and placing the works of art in space; studio-visits and the proximity to artists/artistic production; edition, writing about art and curatorial reflexion. 2. Two main axis of approach: the visitor (theories of aesthetic development) and educational curatorship (the dialogue between sectors and programming). A) To present students with an introduction to the functioning of the educational service in museums. B) To present theoretical models of educational development in art museums. C) To guide students during the theoretical elaboration of educational projects. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS DE CRÍTICA DE ARTE I / STUDIES IN ART CRITICISM I ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: • To understand the importance of criticism in modern philosophical thinking and in the art world • To understand and to bring into question the importance of art criticism in the formulation of judgment and understandings of the artistic production • To discuss the history and the concepts of art criticism paradigms and its relationships with artistic production and contemporary culture • To know the practice of art criticism in Portugal (with international relationships) • To apprehend practices of writing and methodologies of art criticism • To consider the practice of art criticism in its relationship with other discourses on art, such as history or aesthetics (to explore relationships with other Curricular Units) • To envisage modes and strategies of approach of the artistic object by art criticism Syllabus: • To understand the importance of criticism in modern philosophical thinking and in the art world • To understand and to bring into question the importance of art criticism in the formulation of judgment and understandings of the artistic production • To discuss the history and the concepts of art criticism paradigms and its relationships with artistic production and contemporary culture • To know the practice of art criticism in Portugal (with international relationships) • To apprehend practices of writing and methodologies of art criticism • To consider the practice of art criticism in its relationship with other discourses on art, such as history or aesthetics (to explore relationships with other Curricular Units) • To envisage modes and strategies of approach of the artistic object by art criticism Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS DE CRÍTICA DE ARTE II / STUDIES IN ART CRITICISM II ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: • To understand and to bring into question the importance of art criticism in the formulation of judgment and understandings of the artistic production • To discuss the history and the concepts of art criticism paradigms and its relationships with artistic production and contemporary culture • To apprehend practices of writing and methodologies of art criticism • To consider the practice of art criticism in its relationship with other discourses on art, such as history or aesthetics (to explore relationships with other Curricular Units) • To envisage modes and strategies of approach of the artistic object by art criticism • To reflect on and to bring into question the present day situation of art criticism considering the recent mediation technologies and the institutional and productive situation of art Syllabus: • Module 4 – Contemporary Portuguese Art Criticism: analysis and study of art criticism practices. • Module 5 – Criticism Practices: constructive and argumentative models; choices. Art criticism typologies. Criticism, argumentation and Meaning; criticism and subject. Criticism and Ekphrasis. Inviting art critics to reflect on their practice: methods and deontology. • Module 6 – Criticism today: its place in relation with the new media, institutions, major international exhibitions and the power of curators. To diagnose and to understand the role and intervention of criticism in the Western artistic world over the past three decades. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS DE ESTÉTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA / STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY AESTHETICS ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: Identification, questioning and justification of trends and themes in contemporary art, their combination with the aesthetic experience from a vaster axiology, where artistic values combine with institutional practices (in museums, national and international culture institutions, municipalities, among others) from a cross-checking and a progressive integration with artistic practices with other cultural, social and economic areas. The growing importance of the aesthetic dimension in contemporary societies demands the mastery of a set or procedures and competences to which can and must contribute a solid and grounded aesthetic culture, including not only the several trends and movements but, above all, an effective and opportune intervention in society, from the several dimensions present in the aesthetic phenomenon. Syllabus: The Contemporary Aesthetic Legacy. The ontological dimension of the work of art. – M. Heidegger and the birth of the work of art. The phenomenological dimension of the work of art: M. Henry – see the Invisible, from W. Kandinsky. The hermeneutical and linguistic dimension of the work of art: H.-Gadamer and P. Ricoeur. Institutional practices: five examples. The hermeneutical dimension. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS DE HISTÓRIA DA ARTE I / ADVANCED STUDIES IN ART HISTORY I ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: - To understand and to bring into question some topics of Art History and Portuguese Art history from a historic, artistic, iconographical, formal and social point of view. - To be able to handle historic and conceptual coordinates for Portuguese Art History paradigms, essentially from the Modern and Contemporary Age (18th, 19th and 20th centuries) - To combine knowledge from Art History with theories of conservation, restoration, heritage and museology. - To explore themes frequently less addressed in Portuguese Art History, such as Genre Studies, Decorative Arts and Historiography. Syllabus: 1. Iconography and iconology, Gender Studies and Contextual Readings: case studies. 1.2. Iconography and iconology: concepts and applications; 1.3. Gender Studies (Art and Feminism, women's narratives and narratives of female power). 2. Origins and evolution of Artistic Genres: History Painting, Portrait, Landscape, Still Life and Genre Scenes. 3. Historiography of Portuguese Art 3.1. Key players, schools and works 4. Historiography of Ancient Painting of Portuguese memoirists and from Raczinsky to the Material and Technical Study. Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected] ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS DE HISTÓRIA DA ARTE II / ADVANCED STUDIES IN ART HISTORY II ECTS: 8 MESTRADO EM CRÍTICA, CURADORIA E TEORIAS DA ARTE / MA IN ART CRITICISM, THEORIES AND CURATORIAL STUDIES Learning outcomes of the curricular unit: - To understand and to bring into question some topics of Art History and Portuguese Art history from a historic, artistic, iconographical, formal and social point of view. - To be able to handle historic and conceptual coordinates for Portuguese Art History paradigms, essentially from the Modern and Contemporary Age (18th, 19th and 20th centuries) - To combine knowledge from Art History with theories of conservation, restoration, heritage and museology. - To explore themes frequently less addressed in Portuguese Art History, such as Genre Studies, Decorative Arts and Historiography. Syllabus: 5. The altarpiece in the Narrative Painting and Sculpture in Portugal from 14th to 18th centuries. 5.1. Forms and narratives of Portuguese altarpieces: from painting to sculpture, the total work of art; 6. Monument and Public Art 6.1. Concepts of Monument and Public Art. Forms and narratives, iconography and iconology. 6.2. Examples of monuments: origins and genealogies. 6.3. Public Art and its relationship with exterior space, city planning and architecture 7. Topics in the History of Decorative Arts: jewelry, gilded woodcarving and tile. 7.1 Visual forms and aesthetic discourses in Portuguese decorative arts 7.2 Relationships of Portuguese decorative arts with the East Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal [+351] 213 252 100 | | [email protected]