MATERIAL INFORMATION | Porto | April 22, 2014
Soares da Costa Group informs on Alienation of Company in the
United States
Grupo Soares da Costa, SGPS,SA. (Public company) announces that its subsidiary Soares da Costa
America, Inc. entered into an agreement with a subsidiary of the "Dragados" Group to sell the entire
share capital of "Prince Contracting, LLC", a U.S. law company.
This 18 million US Dollars (13.1 million Euros) operation is still subject to approval from external entities
and follows the Group's strategy to concentrate its construction activity in the partnership agreement
with GAM Holdings, formalized on the12 of February, with the capitalization of Soares da Costa,
Construção, SGPS, SA, the company that heads that activity.
Soares da Costa America, Inc. has been advised by Espírito Santo Investment Bank (N. York).
Grupo Soares da Costa, S.G.P.S., S.A.

Soares da Costa Group informs on Alienation of Company in the