Scandal of “RJ rotten band”.
In the early 2000s, Luiz Eduardo Soares, then Undersecretary of Public Security of
Rio de Janeiro, denounced corrupt practices within the dome of the Civil Police. According to
Soares, the "bad band" of Rio de Janeiro police was linked to the numbers game, and drug
trafficking, which provided opportunities for crime, as criminals sales of freedom,
dismantling of vehicles, extortion and even torture.
The charges contained in a confidential document sent to the Public Attorney
(Ministério Público – MP) without the knowledge of the Security office, Quintal. The distrust
of the provision of internal affairs in directing the craft resulted in the dismissal of Soares.
Among the 18 identified by the document were the delegated Marcia Julian and
Detective Fernando César Barbosa both of protection division of child and adolescent. They
were accused of leading a group of cops who extorted a hotel network in exchange for
permission for teens to attend the motels.
Another accused was the head of the Civil Police, Rafik Louzada, suspected of
receiving bribes from traffickers and to acquire, along with 2 other policemen, 3 franchises of
a fast food chain, through money obtained from corruption. One of his top aides was also
accused of controlling a scheme of allotment of police, by which delegates paid to have under
your domain territories with high occurrences.
The impact of complaints results in removal of officers allegedly involved in illegal
practices. However, the "Clean Hands" Commission, created to investigate these accusations,
ended its activities without getting evidence and therefore suggested the opening of an
investigation against Soares for false reporting of crime. In response, the former coordinator
of Security claimed that his role was to pass on the complaints that reached him, not prove its
DANTAS, Pedro; TORRES, Sergio. “Sociólogo que denunciou “banda podre” no RJ vira acusado”.
Available at: <http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/ult95u13478.shtml>. Accessed on: 5
oct. 2011.
FRANÇA, Ronaldo. “É caso de polícia”. Available at: <http://veja.abril.com.br/290300/p_048.html>.
Accessed on: 5 oct. 2011.

1990s Scandal of “RJ rotten band”. In the early 2000s, Luiz Eduardo