Disciplina: GEOGRAFIA
2º Bimestre
Ensino Fundamental
8º Ano: ______
Av. Dissertativa
Nota: _______
1. Preencher o cabeçalho corretamente.
2. Ler atentamente cada questão.
3. Interpretar corretamente faz parte da avaliação.
4. Resolver as questões nos espaços correspondentes do caderno de respostas.
5. Responder às questões à tinta, com letra legível.
6. Ficar atento à correção gramatical. Caso ocorram erros, poderá haver desconto na nota.
7. Não rasurar.
8. Não usar corretivo.
Obs.: A NÃO observação dos itens acima impedirá a solicitação de revisão da correção. Ela somente poderá ser
solicitada durante a correção da prova em sala de aula. Em hipótese alguma, o aluno terá direito à revisão após a
retirada da prova.
Valor de cada questão – 1,0 ponto.
Read the text below and answer questions 1 to 5.
1- Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Are you in elementary school, high school, college, fresh from college, or in debt?
You can save __________________________ without downloading a 166 page of How to
Save Money Overnight. That's not even possible! All you need is this simple
Buy only the items most needed. A lot of people have a habit of
__________________________ and end up buying things that they don't need. At a
point, it may seem inhuman for someone to actually not buy something they don't need. Some tips to help
you is before you go grocery shopping, eat a big meal so other items don't appeal to you. Also, know
exactly what you have. If you don't know that you have (for example) a short sleeve shirt, you will end up
buying something that you don't need and waste time.
Look for sales and clearance. Usually you can find coupons and sale notices in _______________________.
Sometimes when you go to stores, they will ask for your email or address. This way, they can send you
exclusive coupons or sale notices. Commercials help too. Save as much money as possible. Buy products
that last longer, buy wholesale items, things like that. You can always be creative and money wise at the
same time too! Great ideas ranging from fashion to food can always reward. Find one item you need and
save. Once you find a necessity, you have to find a way to save money for it. One way is if you sign up for
exclusive coupons, or search through newspapers. Stores like Walmart, K-Mart, Ross, and Dollar Stores can
give you the things you need at low prices. Even boutiques and small business stores have low prices
sometimes, so try hard to find low prices, even the small peeks. Try buying clothes from the Goodwill or
other thrift stores. Sometimes there are great finds available if you have time to sift through what they have
for sale.
2- Find the words below in the text, infer their meaning and then, do the matching.
a) overnight
b) actually
c) wholesale
d) sift
) venda por atacado
) peneirar
) do dia para a noite
) na verdade
Avaliação Dissertativa – Inglês – 8ª série – Ensino Fundamental – 2012
3- Read the text again and answer the questions below in English.
a) What should a person do before visiting a grocery store?
b) Which stores sell items at low prices?
4- Study the sentences below and mark TRUE or FALSE.
a) (
) Goodwill and thrift stores are places where only rich people, those who waste money a
lot, go shopping.
b) (
) Before going shopping, you should see what you have at home.
c) (
) E-mails are requested if you want to pay your bills.
d) (
) Big stores never have the lowest prices.
5- Unscramble the words to make sentences.
a) know / money / person / spends / wisely. / I / a / who
b) whose / a lot of / dentist / The girl / is / money. / mother / a / spends
c) clearance / loves / My mother / sales.
d) going shopping. / Joan / without / live / can’t
Avaliação Dissertativa – Inglês – 8ª série – Ensino Fundamental – 2012
Read the text below to answer questions 6 to 10.
Shopaholics are the butt of many jokes, but obsessive or compulsive shopping
can ruin lives.
Compulsive shopping can lead to financial problems, family conflicts, stress,
depression, and loss of self-esteem. According to a new study in the Journal of
Consumer Research, there may be more people engaged in compulsive buying
than previously thought.
Authors Nancy M. Ridgway, Monika Kukar-Kinney (both University of
Richmond), and Kent B. Monroe (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Richmond)
developed a new scale for measuring compulsive buying. The scale consists of just nine questions, and the
authors believe it does a better job than previous measures of identifying the number of people who engage
in compulsive shopping.
"The scale is designed to identify consumers who have a strong urge to buy, regularly spend a lot of money,
and have difficulty resisting the impulse to buy," they explain. Previous measures depend in large part on
the consequences of shopping, such as financial difficulties and family strain over money matters. But the
authors explain that compulsive shoppers with higher incomes may experience fewer financial
consequences yet still have compulsive tendencies.
In the course of three separate studies, the researchers found that compulsive buying was linked to
materialism, reduced self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and stress. Compulsive shoppers had positive
feelings associated with buying, and they also tended to hide purchases, return items, have more family
arguments, and possessed more maxed out credit cards. The researchers found that approximately 8.9
percent of the population they studied were compulsive shoppers, compared with 5 percent who were
identified with the current clinical screener.
"Given the results of these studies, it is important for public policy officials to recognize that there may be a
larger group of consumers suffering from problems resulting from compulsive buying than previously
thought. Consumers need to be educated to recognize if compulsive buying is a problem in their lives so
that they may seek help," the authors conclude.
Vocabulary: butt: alvo / engaged in: se encaixar em algo / measure: medir / maxed out: ultrapassar o limite / seek: procurar
6- Based on the text, answer in English.
a) Does the text state that it’s impossible to measure compulsive buying? Support your answer.
b) What conclusion have researchers found as to compulsive buying?
7- Mark the statement(s) which is/are not in accordance with the text.
a) (
) Shopaholics can be defined as people who drink too much when going shopping.
b) (
) People should answer only 7 questions to make sure they are compulsive buyers.
c) (
) Compulsive shoppers feel good when they are buying.
d) (
) A compulsive shopper with lower income may have fewer financial problems.
Avaliação Dissertativa – Inglês – 8ª série – Ensino Fundamental – 2012
8- Complete the Relative Clauses below with who, that, whose or which.
a) The woman __________________ daughter is a shopaholic is very worried.
b) Jane, _________________ is a compulsive shopper, is very depressed today.
c) The goods __________________ were bought by the girl are going to be returned.
d) Stores, _____________________ love to make money, should help the shopaholic.
9- Join the sentences to make Relative Clauses.
a) Joan needs help. She is a compulsive shopper.
b) That is the new skirt. My sister bought it last week.
c) Sue is a compulsive shopper. Her sister is a manager at Walmart.
d) These are dollar bills. A crazy woman torn (rasgou) them.
10- Circle the correct Relative Pronoun to complete the sentences below.
a) Can you help a person who/which is a shopaholic?
b) The scientists that/whose study showed that compulsive shopping can be measured work at universities.
c) Compulsive buying which/who is linked to materialism must be treated.
d) People who/ whose are compulsive shoppers need professional help.
Avaliação Dissertativa – Inglês – 8ª série – Ensino Fundamental – 2012

• Colégio J - Colégios Vicentinos