Trabalho Submetido para Avaliação - 02/05/2012 08:19:14
BARBARA LEÃO DE BRUM ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa Maria-RS
CLORIS INEU MUNHOZ ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa Maria-RS
CATIANE PACHECO RAMOS ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa Maria-RS
ANA CARMEN ALONSO NACHTIGALL SCHMITT ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra,
Santa Maria-RS
JACQUELINE SILVEIRA DE QUADROS ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa
CAMILA CUSTODIO GUEDES ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa Maria-RS
ORIENTADOR: ROSIANE FILIPIN RANGEL ([email protected]) / Enfermagem-Unifra, Santa
INTRODUCTION: The Unified Health System (SUS) has values which conduce to health assistance, being
that one of the tools used for that are the home visits, having as the main action the integral assistance to the
population health. Aiming to strength these actions, in 2004 the Program of Family Health (PSF) was created,
today called Strategies of Family Health (ESF), this brought new attributes and strategies to the changes in
the pattern of attention to the population health. The ESF has as characteristics to maintain the focus of work
in the family, as well as actions of preventive character, and the search for integration with the community in
an interdisciplinary action of Professional who take part in the health groups1. The ESF focuses family in
home visits, as well as the nurse practice of being inserted in this context. The home visits, many times, are
seeing as a challenge for the new health professionals, aiming at obtain a sight and a redirection for a more
structured practice and under the more critic and reflexive view of work. Being also possible to be used as a
new working technology, in which is developed in different ways of system organization with community2. For
that, there is the necessity of nurses involved and turned to community, mainly from lower income, which is
found needier of assistance and development. Laying foundation of community with the basic health unit
(UBS) becomes indispensable to the improvement of a health system of a city. OBJECTIVE: To describe the
experience of nursing students in the realization of home visits during the student path. METHODOLOGY: it is
an experience report. The study subjects were six students from the Nursing Course from Centro Universitário
Franciscano – UNIFRA, who are on the eighth semester. To the development of this work, five meetings were
done, during December 2011 and April 2012. The meetings were on Wednesdays, in the room 819 at
UNIFRA, and lasted one hour. It is important to highlight that the demands from Resolução 196/96, from the
National Health Council were respected3. RESULTS: the realization of home visits started in the first practice
activities from the third semester of the course. The visits were generally with two nursing students with a
community health agent who guided us for the needier homes of care orientation. In each visit, we observed
the needs of each member of the house, the evolution of care given previously, as well as the patients’
recovery in his totality. Generally, we had orientations about several subjects, seeking to promote a healthier
living for the one who was receiving care, inside the context in which he was. The visits, in most of times,
were weekly done, what let us closer to the family and the patient. Patients and their families recognized us
and remembered our explanations, some even made comments like “I did what you told me and I felt better”.
DISCUSSION: Home visits are activities done by health professionals, which aim to offer care according to
the population’s real needs, worrying with infrastructure available in communities and the assistance for the
health of families1. However, it is understood that for this to happen, it is necessary to establish confidence
among the parts of the health group and families, so that, all feel safe of the actions to be developed, being
always open to questions, questioning and orientations4. It is understood that when the home visit is done by
a health group, it becomes more effective because the professional has more possibilities to associate the
familiar environment with the residence place, for the patients better understanding and rehabilitation,
contributing as a whole, in the healing and preventing aspects, both for the patient and the family2. FINAL
CONSIDERATIONS: After the experience of doing home visits, it could be considered that it is from extreme
importance the insertion of health professionals in the familiar context, even if it is for a determined time,
because through these, the care given becomes effective for being in accordance with the experienced
reality. In sum, it is understood that the orientations done by health professionals inside the houses highlight
the Idea of a bigger commitment, allowing mutual confidence between professional and patient, and when the
group is multidisciplinary these visits become even more valid, due to the diverse and integrated, in the
search of resolvability.
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home visit: an experience report from nursing students