Revista Internacional de História Política e Cultura Jurídica
International Review of Political History and Legal Culture
Revista Internacional de Historia Política y Cultura Jurídica
Revue Internationale d´Histoire Politique e Culture Juridique
To the authors:
The articles and reviews sent to Passages will be subjected to the editorial
board and partners ad hoc. The editorial board holds the right to suggest the
Authors changes in the format, with the objective of making the articles suit the
Review’s dimensions or its editorial patterns. The footnotes and literature
references must be restricted to the minimum possible. The publishing of an
article doesn’t display the board’s agreement to all the statements made by the
authors. The articles must contain between 20,000 and 45,000 printed
characters, including spaces. It’s to the Editors discretion the acceptance of
articles with more or less printed characters. All the articles will be submitted to
tow referees (double-blind). In case of disagreement between referees, the
articles will be submitted to a third one.
We will evaluate the articles that strictly observe these rules.
1. Sending and presentation of the articles
1.1. The articles must be presented electronically, processed in Word for
Windows or RTF (Rich Text Format).
1.2. Arial Font, size 12, spacing 1.5.
1.3. Margins: top: 2cm; left: 2cm; bottom: 2cm; right: 2cm.
1.4. Use of bold letters for headings and subheadings and italic for quotations.
1.5. Included in the first page there must be:
a. title in the present language of the article (Portuguese, Spanish, French
or English).
b. name(s) and last name(s) of the author(s).
c. summarized curriculum information of the author(s).
d. full address and e-mail.
e. abstract in original language (Portuguese, English, French or Spanish).
f. key-words (5 at the most) – (Portuguese, English, French or Spanish).
1.6. The file, containing the article, must be sent as an “attached file” to
[email protected].
1.7. The articles and reviews must be typed (Portuguese, English, Spanish or
French. The abstract’s text must have between 100 and 250 words and five
key-words at the most.
1.8. The footnotes must be at the bottom of the page, arranged in Arabic
numbers, font size 10.
1. 9. The pages mustn’t be numbered.
1.10. The authors must send, along with the attached file, a letter, taking
responsibility for the ethical aspects of the article, as well as for having written it.
It must be written in the letter that the author is aware that, when sent, the
article can’t be going through the same procedure with another periodical /
journal or publication (see model below), and is will contribute to the Editors to
undertake the changes suggested by the evaluators and the review of
bibliographic quotations.
2. Quotations
2.1. Literal quotations up to 3 lines should be quoted in italics in the text.
Quotations of more than 3 lines should be separated from the text, in italics,
without quotation marks, with a left margin of 4cm
2.2. The quotations must be done in footnotes, as it follows:
a. author’s reference – follow this order: Last name, Name (year of
edition). Title of the book (italic), location of the publishing company:
publishing company. Eg: Ginzburg, Carlo (1989). Mitos, Emblemas e
Sinais. Morfologia e História, São Paulo: Companhia das Letras; the
following quotations of the same work must be done as it follows:
Ginzburg, Carlo (1989). Op. Cit. In the case of quotation similar to the
one immediately preceding, use Ibidem followed the page’s number if
b. when quoting the chapter of a book: Last Name, Name (year of
edition). “Chapter of the book”, In: title of the book (italic), location of the
publishing company: publishing company, p. xxx -xxx. Eg: Ginzburg,
Carlo (1989). “Sinais: Raízes de um paradigma indiciário”. In: Mitos,
Emblemas e Sinais. Morfologia e História, São Paulo: Companhia das
Letras, p. 143-179.
c. in the case of explicit quotation, the page(s) which it was taken from
must be mentioned. Eg: Ginzburg, Carlo (1989). “Sinais: Raízes de um
paradigma indiciário”. In: Mitos, Emblemas e Sinais. Morfologia e
História, São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, p. 145.
d. In the case of quotation of a thesis, proceed as follows: Name, First
Name (year of defense). Title (in italics). Thesis (level and field) Institute and University, City. Example: SILVA, Daniella Amaral Diniz da
(2008). Alteridade e idéia de nação na passagem à modernidade: o
círculo Rio Branco no Brasil - ‘Ubique Patriae Memor’. Dissertação
(Mestrado em História) – Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Filosofia,
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.
2.3. Bibliography (only quoted in footnotes):
a. Article in a scientific journal:
Cerqueira Filho (2008). “Euclides da Cunha e a psicopatologia: um
indício para abdução”, In Revista Latino-americana de Psicopatologia
Fundamental, v. 11. n. 3, p. 380-391.
b. Chapter of a book:
Batista, V. M. W. (2007). “O medo na história do direito penal brasileiro”.
In Neder, Gizlene (Org.) (2007), In História & Direito: Jogos de Encontros
e Transdisciplinaridade, Rio de Janeiro: Revan, p.141-148.
c. Book:
Neder, G. & Cerqueira Filho, G. (2007). Idéias Jurídicas e Autoridade na
Família, Rio de Janeiro: Revan.
d. Thesis:
SILVA, Daniella Amaral Diniz da (2008). Alteridade e idéia de nação na
passagem à modernidade: o círculo Rio Branco no Brasil - ‘Ubique Patriae
Memor’. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) – Instituto de Ciências
Humanas e Filosofia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.
3. About the contents
3.1 The author of the article is responsible for its contents.
3.2 The editorial board of “Passages: International Review of Political History
and Culture of Law” ( Passagens. Revista Internacional de História Política e
Cultura Jurídica) holds the right of enclosing any necessary changes in the
articles to adapt them to the publishing rules and to the review’s publishing
possibilities. In the case of fortuitous substantial changes, the authors will be
3.3 Printing the articles is allowed, as long as it’s mentioned that they were
originally published in “Passages”.
4. Periodicity and deadline for presenting material to the review
4.1 “Passages: International Reviews of Political History and the Culture of Law”
(Passagens: Revista Internacional de História Política e Cultura Jurídica) is a
fourth month review (January, May and September).
4.2 The deadlines for receiving material to be subjected to the Advising and
Editorial boards of the Review are: November, 30th, for publishing in January;
March, 31st , for publishing in May, and July, 31st for publishing in September.
5. Material selection
5.1 The subjects to be evaluated are: the originality and importance of the
theme, the quality of the methodology used, the text cohesion and fitting the
review editorial rules.
5.2 All the material is subjected to peer review by tow anonymous referees
(double-blind), and the authors are informed of the final report. The deadline for
completion of the evaluation process of submitted articles is three months. The
editors of the journal will send the recommendations of the reviewers to the
5.3 All material sent to the journal must be unpublished material.
6. Copyright
A compromise transferring the copyright is requested, with the author’s
signature, as the example below:
I / Us, ..................... , author(s) of the article/review: ................................, which
I/we have submitted to the appreciation of “Passagens: International Review of
Political History and Legal Culture”, am/are aware of the publishing rules and
agree that the copyright related to it is transferred to the Publishing. I (we) take
full responsibility for the content of this article; and is will contribute to the
Editors to undertake the changes suggested by the evaluators and the review of
bibliographic quotations.
__________________, ____/_____
Signature: ________________________________

PUBLISHING RULES To the authors: The articles and