Design and development of the Pilot Test Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 1. PHASE I- ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Pre-contact .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Planning pilot........................................................................................................................... 7 PHASE 2 - ..................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Task-roadmap for evaluators ................................................................................................ 11 PHASE 3.- ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Questionnaires for internal assessment ............................................................................... 13 PHASE 4 - ..................................................................................................................................... 19 4.1 Conduct the pilot and assessment process ........................................................................... 19 5. CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 37 INTRODUCTION We present in this document, a compilation based on national reports each partner made, when carrying out this work package. In this regard, we have started from a document provided to all partners proposed a methodology to develop the projected work. However, due to the different circumstances of each state, each member was invited to make the adjustments on the original methodology was proposed The work has been to design a pilot retraining programs starting workers whose skills were related to the textile industry. There is aexception that it did in previous work packages and in the case of the Czech Republic is the opposite, further textile workers are needed. Therefore the Czech partner has focused on the retraining of workers in sectors other than textiles. This document is structured according to the methodology proposed phases in the partner promoter has provided them. 1. PHASE I- 1.1 Pre-contact 1.1.A – SPAIN Information to explain the process to the workers Role of candidates: Every candidate has to complete these phases of the test: · Self-assessment questionnaire. · Job experience and training records model (competences portfolio). · Professional interview. · Contrast of competences evidence. Agreements: Every partner has the compromise of completing the pilot test. At the same time, the evaluators are going to solve all the doubts in the process of development the test. 1.1.B – POLAND Candidates for the pilot test are persons employed in various textile and apparel companies who agreed to fill in the Competence Portfolio questionnaire. Vocational counselor explained how to fill in the questionnaire and stressed the importance of reliable self-assessment of candidates and discussed the objective of undertaken activities. Collected information was used to draw conclusions and make recommendations. 1.1.C – CZECH REPUBLIC The pilot test is based on the methodology described for the WP5, ie, it is based on NSP for textile position. The objective the pilot test was not to find and train new employees in the textile industry, but test the functionality of the proposed methodology. This requirement brings the concrete steps of the pilot test. Parameters of the pilot test are: - 20 applicants (2x10) 2 textile positions 2 committee A set of potential applicants was composed from the people with different professions and different levels of education. The aim of selecting potential applicants was finding of 10 reasonably suitable candidates for each test position, which would be willing to participate in a pilot test. Selected candidates (10 for each test position) were familiar with the testing process. Ie. In the first phase they were required to develop a CV and then to fill self-assessment questionnaire for job position. 1.1.D– ITALY Involving people in the project was first to explain the process, which is that everycandidate has to know that has to complete every phase of the test: - self assessment questionnaire - job experiences and training records model (competencies portfolio) - Professional interview - Contrast of competence evidence The Agreements was done with the workers using the ‘patto di servizio’ of balance of competencies, that isthe ‘patto di bilancio’ used in Fil Model. The Process was explained but basically is the process of balance of competence of model Fil: - Phase 1: Explanation of the pilot test. - · Phase 2: Self-assessment questionnaire. - · Phase 3: Job experience and training records model (competences portfolio). - · Phase 4: Professional interview. - · Phase 5: Contrast of competence evidence. - · Phase 6: Outcomes. The resources: • Technical resources: all the documents needed to develop the pilot test (questionnaires, portfolios and other documents). • Human: Evaluators and advisors. The pilot was proposed to workers who are already clients of the ‘balance of competence service. The agreement is already ruled by public services (patto di bilancio e presa in carico) For only people who were interested in the REQTEXTIl identified target sectors andprofiles Assessment questionnaires was done and already used in addiction to all the tools normally used in the services The planning was done just for the first and the second individual meeting, but for the others they had to show commitment (as regularly done in FIL Bilancio di competenceservices) and had to call or email the counselor. 1.1.E–PORTUGAL They describe the whole process from the perspective of an entity and / or training centers duly accredited and recognized by the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education, I. P. (ANQEP, IP), fulfilling all the legal requirements for conducting Processes Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies.Rests of chapters are based in this framework. General structure of the steps for Reception, Diagnostic and Referral STAGES A - RECEPTION STEPS ACTORS Step 1 - Registration in the adult system Administrative Technician Step 2 - Stimulating group session (Session A), Technical and Diagnosis which includes: general information about the Center, General Information about the offerings of qualification; Scheduling of the sessions following Routing Adults Step 3 - Boosting small group session (Session B1), which integrates Characterization of the specific situation of the adult (motivations, skills, B - DIAGNOSIS educational courses, and vocational training, Technical and Diagnosis leisure activities) Routing Step 4 - Stimulating individual session (Session B2), which integrates: Clarification of the specific Adults situation of the adult face registration in the center, their personal characteristics and life contexts Step 5 - Analysis of individual information collected and prepare proposals for routing Step 6 - Stimulation of individual session (Session Technical and Diagnosis C1), which includes: Discussion of Grid Profile Analysis Reflection on possible routes (proposed C - REFERRAL Routing routing) Adults Step 7 - Stimulating individual session (Session C2), which includes: Negotiation Decision Making; Formalization of decision Step 8 - Implementationofrouting Professionnal RVC 1.2 Planning pilot 1.2.A - SPAIN PROCESS SCHEDULE (CANDIDATES) PROCESS SCHEDULE (EVALUATORS) 1.2.B - POLAND PLANNING THE PILOT TEST In the planning phase we drafted the schedule for activities under WP6, we decided on the delivery dates and approved the timetable. 1.2.C – CZECH REPUBLIC Algorithm of testing has these steps: • Two textile firms that could potentially be interested in a new employee was selected. Each of these companies has defined one job from the NSP, which would potentially like to occupy. • Experts from each company studied the requirements for the position defined in the NSP and compared it with the real requirements of the job in their company. • Evaluation Committee was created for each proposed job position and for each position 10 potential candidates were contacted. • These candidates have passed the methodology described in WP5, ie. they sent CVs and fill out questionnaires belonging to the textile job. • Then the interviews with the Evaluation Committee for the position followed, and the Commission subsequently modified the resulting portfolio of skills of the candidate and compared them with the required skills for the position. • On the basis of this comparison it was designed by an individual training plan for each candidate. 1.2.D - ITALY Diagram and schedule of the process (candidates) Diagram and schedule of the process (evaluators and advisor) PHASE 2 - 2.1 Task-roadmap for evaluators 2.1.A - SPAIN Every evaluator has to compliance their task for each candidate. In this sense, they presented the forms where they have to realize their statement. They used the proposed forms in the methodology for WP6. This roadmap for the evaluators is applied in all the weeks of the process 2.1.B - POLAND After an initial assessment of the aptitude of a candidate to perform occupational tasks in the target sector by a vocational counselor, three experts were appointed to analyses the data from the Competence Portfolio Questionnaire and to fill in the evaluation form. The experts make up the Evaluation Committee that evaluates candidate’s assessment by a vocational counselor. Vocational counselor analyzed the Competence Portfolio Questionnaires filled in by candidates and, based on that, drafted the list of differences in vocational skills required in the target sector. The analysis confirmed that all candidates need to complement their qualifications in jobs in the target sector. Assessment by the vocational counselor and Competence Portfolio questionnaires were evaluated by the Committee composed of three experts. Statement filled in by the members of the Evaluation Committee: 2.1.C–CZECH REPUBLIC Representatives of these two companies have got to study the knowledge and skills relevant to the job and were asked to adjust the required knowledge and skills according to the real requirements corresponding to the real needs of their company. The need to slightly modify the required knowledge and skills is determined by the parameters of the companies whether for business locations, the internal organization of firms or social and technical parameters according to the job position. Evaluation Committee and its activities Evaluation Committees with theirs composition correspond outlined above, respectively were composed of representatives of firms for which applicants should be selected, respectively trained. The evaluation committees were composed by people who have management experiences and have experience in dealing with people and selection of new employees. 2.1.D - ITALY They used the tools of the methodology given in the Reqtextile project, by the Spanish lead partner, that of the evaluators are the following form 1, form 2, form 3. PHASE 3.- 3.1 Questionnaires for internal assessment 3.1.A - SPAIN They presented two elements of the internal evaluation. The first one is about the principles of the procedure (self-assessment). The first one was about the Involvement in the methods and instruments (EVALUATORS): The second one is a satisfaction survey from candidates who have participated in the evaluation process. 3.1.B - POLAND Candidates’ satisfaction survey CANDIDATE’S SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE Evaluation of candidates was analyzed and based on that a report was drafted which shows that it is possible to retrain the candidates in the target sector jobs. The up-till-now occupational experience of candidates indicates that they are prepared to perform tasks in jobs which they have been performing so far. Due to the gaps in skills in the selected jobs of the target sector these suggested jobs cannot be performed without retraining. 3.1.D - ITALY The pilot test was tested in the report of the evaluation for the evaluators. They used the one given by the project format for evaluators, that is the following. 3.1.D - PORTUGAL Assessment Questionnaire Validation Phases Recognition Skills - Basic Level A sua opinião sobre o trabalho realizado é muito importante para nós. Ela poderá contribuir para melhorarmos a sua qualidade. Pedimos que responda às questões que lhe vamos colocar. As suas respostas são anónimas e confidenciais. Considerando a escala de 1 a 4, abaixo apresentada, classifique os itens do questionário. 1- Muito insatisfeito 2- Pouco satisfeito 3- Satisfeito 4- Muito satisfeito 1 1. Qualidade do trabalho desenvolvido pelos técnicos deste centro. 2. Cortesia dos colaboradores no atendimento 3. Clareza e adequação da informação prestada a) Pelos serviços de atendimento ao público b) Pela equipa técnico-pedagógica (Profissional de RVC e Formadores) 4. Flexibilidade e autonomia da equipa técnico-pedagógica para resolver a sua situação. 5. Adequação dos espaços e equipamentos. 6. Adequação do horário. 7. Resposta atempada e eficaz às solicitações dirigidas: a) Profissional de RVC b) Formadores 8. Dinamização das sessões: 2 3 4 a) Profissional de RVC b) Formadores 9. Meios e materiais utilizados no processo: a) Documentos entregues b) Apresentações 10. Qualidade e rigor exigido ao longo do processo 11. Relação com equipa técnico-pedagógica 12. Planificação e duração do processo 13. Resultados do processo: a) Expectativas iniciais b) Projecto de vida 14. A sua prestação/envolvimento no processo a) Assiduidade b) Autonomia c) Participação 15. Outros aspectos que queira salientar: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Para concluir, preencha os seguintes dados de caracterização geral: Data: ___/____/_______ Local:_________________ Idade:__________ Sexo:___________ Nível: Básico Situação face ao trabalho: Secundário Empregado Obrigada pela sua colaboração! (Não assine este questionário) Desempregado Reformado Outro PHASE 4 - 4.1 Conduct the pilot and assessment process 4.1.A - SPAIN The entire pilot test was structured by the participation of 20 workers. After phase 1 (explanation of the pilot test) they presented in this point the next four phases: selfassessment questionnaires, competences portfolios, professional interviews and contrasts of competence evidences. Every one of these phases has its own outcomes. They used the model proposed in the WP6 methodology, the overall process was: - Self-assessment questionnaires It was designed questionnaires for the follow competence standards sets: MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE OF WIND FARMS MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE OF GAS MAINS PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL FEED PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT OF URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL RESIDUES AUXILIARY OPERATIONS OF PRODUCTION IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY AUXILIARY OPERATIONS OF MAINTENANCE AND INTERNAL TRANSPORT IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY The complete results can be viewed in the WP6 Spanish Report. - Job experience and training records model (competences portfolio) Outcomes (after 20 competences portfolios): Personal data · Age: Average, 48.2 years old. · Sex: 74% Women, 26% Men. Professional experience · 85% of workers have always stayed at the textile sector. · 15% of workers have stayed in other sectors (construction, sales, and tourism). Education and training · 19% of workers have not accredited any study. · 65% of workers have primary studies. · 16% of workers have secondary studies (not university). Other information · Driving license: 96% of workers have driving license. · Languages: 100% of workers speak Spanish. 85% speak Catalan. 10% speak French. 3% speak English. - Professional interview Here they present the results after interviewing the workers, completed by every one of them (20 in total). Outcomes (after 20 interviews): Sample: Qualification level 3 Competence: Management of the assembly and maintenance of wind farms 1. Competence unit: To develop projects of assembly of facilities of wind power Question: When do you establish the quality criteria? Evidence to identify: The quality criteria are established in every phase of assembly and provisioning. Correct answer: 20%. Incorrect answer: 80%. The rest of cases can be viewed in the WP6 Spanish Report Contrast of competence evidences Of all the scales that they presented in WP5, they have chosen three scales to develop the pilot test (one for each qualification level). They want to remark the difficulty of elaborating these tests, because the situations of work (wind farms, food industry, power industry…) are not available for us. Sample of outcomes (The rest of cases can be viewed in the WP6 Spanish Report) Qualification level 3 Competence: Management of the assembly and maintenance of gas mains. Competence unit: To manage the application of the measures of prevention of labor and environmental risks in gas mains. Activity: Identification of environmental risks from installation work, putting into service of gas mains. Scale: Results: · Level 1: 50%. · Level 2: 20%. · Level 3: 30%. · Level 4: 0. · Level 5: 0. 4.1.B - POLAND Occupational skills listed in Tables: Self-assessment of vocational skills in textile and apparel sector and Self-assessment of skills needed to do a job in the target sector were drafted in accordance with the new basic syllabus (for the jobs: sales person and a sales technician) and for the job of an operator of digitally controlled machine tools in accordance with the standard of vocational qualifications1. In total 10 persons were asked to fill in the questionnaire: 6 women (aged from 20 to 58) who are seamstresses and declared the will to retrain to the target sector, 2 men (aged 40+) sewing machines operators, 2 clothing technicians (women aged 40 - 50). The sample was targeted. It included respondents from the Region of Lodz, employed in the SMEs in textile and apparel sector. RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED USING THE COMPETENCE QUESTIONNAIRE Persons who filled in the QUESTIONNAIRE highly assessed their present vocational skills in the textile and apparel sector. The highest assessment was given by sewing machines operators. Most of answers ticked by seamstresses were „can do it myself without assistance”. Diagram 5. Self-assessment of skills needed to perform jobs in the target sector Respondents highlighted significant differences between basic occupational skills for jobs in the textile and apparel sector and those in the target sectors. Similarities related mainly to skills in organizing one’s workplace (for all occupations) and skills in operating machines and equipment (sewing machines operator and operator of digitally controlled machine tools). Retraining from the textile and apparel sector to the target sector is possible when potential candidates acquire and master skills required by the employers in the target sector. Initial questionnaire-based assessment was conducted by the vocational counselor who suggested potentially possible individual retraining paths taking account of lifelong training perspectives that will open up in Poland after 1st September 2012 (qualification courses, vocational skills courses). Seamstresses may shape their skills and acquire the qualifications of a sales person by participating in the qualification course for qualification A.18 – Selling. After validating learning outcomes in the external exam, the participants will get a certificate that confirms the qualification - I. Another vocational retraining path may lead through the course of vocational skills for learning outcomes identified within a given qualification or learning outcomes common to all jobs or to a group of jobs. In this case the participant will get a certificate of the completion of a course. Validation of all learning outcomes results in the qualification of a sales person. An example of a retraining path (non-formal education) – acquiring additional qualifications in the target jobs: 4.1.C–CZECH REPUBLIC Selected applicants supplied to the Evaluation Committee their CV and self-assessment questionnaire according to the selected profession. Questionnaire was bases on demands placed on job listed in the NSP and modified according to the specific requirements of the company, which was looking for a position of a potential employee. CVs and self-assessments questionnaires were submitted to the Evaluation Committee. It compiled from that information preliminary profile of the applicant (evaluated the applicant’s properties in the general and the specialized knowledge and skills). Preliminary profile served as a basis for interview between the applicant and the Evaluation Committee. Subsequently scheduled Evaluation Committee meetings took place (for each position one special Evaluation Committee meeting). The Evaluation Committee conducted interviews with the participants of pilot test, then the profile of each of the candidates has been updated based on the results of interviews. Interviews were the most important part of the planning of individual trainings. Because only questions from experienced members of the Evaluation Committee (representatives of the company for which were selected employees) brought the adequately assess of the candidates knowledge and skills. Only specific questions during the interview showed the actual level of knowledge of the candidate - and results were often differed from those resulting from the CVs and the self-assessment questionnaires. The results of the pilot test are simply showed in the following table. There are information about corresponding of required and gained knowledge and skillsof each candidate. The table shows what is required by the company and how the candidate meets or does not meet it. Table: Profiles of applicants for "weaver" profession Profession Weaver (2212) Recommended qualification level Soft skills Effective communication Co-operation Creativity Flexibility Satisfying customer needs Efficiency Independence Solving the problems Planning and organization of work Lifelong learning An active approach Coping with stress Discovering and orientation in information Influencing of others people General skills Computer competence Numerical ability Economic awareness Legal awareness Czech language skills Specific hard skills - Expertise textile materials and products, types, properties, defects, methods of analyzes and tests weaving machinery technology Specific hard skills - professional skills Operation cylindrical warping machines or machines with belt sleeve yarns for textiles Adjustment, maintenance and routine maintenance of weaving machinery and equipment Hand embroidery of defects in fabrics Hand made fabric weaving on simple machines Handling equipment for weaving warp guidance Operation sizing machines for slashing warp in manufacturing of textile fabrics Operation of machines for weaving fabrics of different types of machines or leaf jacquard or plain Hand-knotted carpets Operating the device for programming guidance weaving warp Operating conditions with leaf or jacquard weaving shirting, bed linen, mattress, towels, handkerchiefs, satin brocade, etc. 3 Drum Handling and ventricular sizing machines for slashing the warp in the production of textiles Operation of weaving machines for weaving carpets, dusters, blankets, footwear and technical fabrics, decorative fabrics and furniture Assessment of quality fabrics and woven products and their assignment to quality classes Operating conditions for smooth weaving canvas, monofilaments, plush, velvet, corduroy, poplin, canvas, etc. suken Operating conditions for weaving ribbons using an electronic device Person n. Weaver (2212) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 company requirement 3 3 3 3 7 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 5 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 0 0 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 5 3 3 0 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Table 6: Profiles of applicants for "independent textile technologist technician" profession Profession Recommended qualification level Soft skills Effective communication Co-operation Creativity Flexibility Satisfying customer needs Efficiency Independence Solving the problems Planning and organization of work Lifelong learning An active approach Coping with stress Discovering and orientation in information Leadership Influencing of others people General skills Computer competence Eligibility to drive a car Numerical ability Economic awareness Legal awareness Czech language skills English language skills Language skills in another foreign language Specific hard skills - Expertise systems and quality standards in the textile and clothing industry economics and management of textile production basics of textile technology, basic types of machines and equipment technical drawing in the textile, clothing and fur processing textile materials and products, types, properties, defects, methods of analyzes and tests Specific hard skills - professional skills Orientation in the standards and technical documents in the textile and clothing industry Control of observance of technological processes in textile manufacturing Development of production bases Preparation of reports on the results of testing of samples and prototypes Analysing the factors influencing the functional characteristics of raw materials, semi-finished products and textile manufacturing Qualitative testing of raw materials, semi-finished products and textile manufacturing Person n. Independent Independen textile t textile technologist technologist technician 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 technician (6198) (6198) company requirement 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 0 3 3 2 2 1 0 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 2 2 5 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 5 2 3 4 6 6 6 6 1 3 2 0 4 2 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 3 3 The final comparison is the basis for decision-making about how and to whom to set individual training. Employer has to assess whether the general knowledge and skills of candidates corresponding with required values. In the event that the employer is not satisfied with the applicant level, excludes him from further education process - the candidate for the position is not sufficiently qualified. If the employer according to the general knowledge and skills of the applicant determines that the applicant meets the profession base, the employer on the achieved specific knowledge determines an individual training for job-specific knowledge and skills. 4.1.D - ITALY STANDARDIZED METHOD It was used the questionnaire done from the Reqtextil project (one for each profile) Other tools usually given in CERTIFICATION process It was given the LIBRETTO FORMATIVO (PORTFOLIO) in Fil standard Assessment was done by the operator of bilancio di competence, together with the other operator of the incoming service (i.e. Orientation) Formal documents are collected by the client to certify formal competencies acquired in each profile ALL PERSONS INVOVLED IN THE PILTO TEST WERE SENT TO OTHER SERVICES, AFTERGIVEN THEM THE ‘LIBRETTO FORMATIVO • Designed training program standardized and regulated by public services and by law (Very short (general) training) - Work experiences - Networking - voucher individual - Training work experiences • Professional training courses (as some training courses done by Special Policiesfor work of Province of Prato) • Special paths to startup of entrepreneurship and self – entrepreneurship ASSESMENT OF PILOT TEST Customer Satisfaction survey were done by the normal questionnaire of the FIL evaluation of quality system All the assessment of the service are ruled by FIl system and Province of Prato law Then they used the self-assessment questionnaires, done in the WP5, that are the following. In this part we elaborate different self-assessment questionnaires. For everycompetence they build a table that contains all the competence units. The tableselaborated are taken from the targeted sectors competences. The self-assessmentindicators are: 1. I don’t know it. 2. I can do it with help. 3. I can do it without assistance. 4. I can do it without assistance, and could even to train another worker. So we choose the path 1 (identified in Wp4) of the textile qualifications ‘storage ofemployees (148) (eqf level 4) to storage employees (148) (eqf level 3) Then they used the professional interviews: The professional interview of the worker it is always made by a commission, based on the documents of evidence declared by the worker after the professional orientationand the path of ‘balance of competences’. In this commission usually there are manysteps of evaluation, and the interview is only one step, because there are also practicaltest and simulations. In this project Reqtextil we’ll do like it is only the counselor – assessment advisor who is making the interview and it is doing the evaluation. Here it is reported the paths and the profiles of target sectors which are probable to meet for the experimentation pilot test of WP6. Then we follow the contrast of competences settle down in WP5. In this part we show different scales of evidences of every competence unit of the targeted sectors competences. Every scale is based on an activity of the competenceunit. For every activity there is a competence performance, in all the scales marked inbold type. Final results 5 persons: 2 relocated from administrative textile to training programmed of administrativetraining programmed (very short, through the certification of competencies) organizedalready by FIL and founded by Province of Prato 1 from administrative profile (very high profile) was sent to some networking meetings(already organized (Fiera del lavoro a Prato) and then to the service of startup of self –entrepreneurship (he opened a consultancy agency, together with an ex – colleague) 1 commercial employee was sent totally to another kind of training program to do theclassical dance teacher (competencies in non-formal and informal area); the trainingwas due only to have the authorization to teach 1 relocated from storage employee textile to training programmed of storage employee training programmed (very short, through the certification of competencies) organizedalready by FIL and founded by Province of Prato. 4.1.E–PORTUGAL Steps of the process of professional RVCC Eixos estruturantes do processo de RVCC profissional Etapas de Intervençã o A. Acolhimento B. Diagnóstico C. Encaminhamento D1. Reconhecimento de competências •Atendimento e inscrição do candidato; • Esclarecimento sobre: as diferentes fases do processo a realizar, a possibilidade de encaminhament o para ofertas Actividades educativas e formativas ou para o processo de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências; e a calendarização prevista para a etapa de diagnóstico. •Análise do perfil do candidato, recorrendo a sessões de esclarecimento,anális e curricular, entrevistas individuais e colectivas ou a outras estratégias adequadas. • Identificação da resposta mais adequada face à análise doperfil do candidato anteriormente desenvolvida e ao conjunto das modalidades de educação e formação existente a nível local ou regional; •Contratualização entre ocandidato que irá desenvolver processos de RVCC e o Centro; •Calendarização dasactividades do •Encaminhamento processo que o resultante de um Profissional de RVC acordo/processodenegociaçãoentr vai desenvolver com o e a equipa e o candidato. candidato; •Desenvolvimento de processos de identificação e valorização dos saberes e competências adquiridos ao longo da vida, através deum conjunto de actividades,assentes na metodologia de balanço de competências e na utilização de •Preenchimento da Grelha deautoavaliação; •Análise das competências combase na Ficha de percursoprofissional e de formação, noPortefólio e na Grelha de autoavaliação, face ao referencialde RVCC profissional; •Preenchimento da Ficha deanálise do Portefólio; •Organização do Portefólio tendo em conta as reflexões efectuadas sobre os saberes e as competências profissionais adquiridos nos diversoscontextos, D2. Validação de competências D3. Certificação de competências •Balanço das competências pré-adquiridas pelo candidato e comprovadas através do processo de RVCC profissional, relevantes para a saída profissional face à qual está a ser avaliado; •Certificação das competências com base no Portefólio (que, quando houve encaminhamento para autoformação ou formação no posto de trabalho,inclui os respectivos comprovativos/ evidências); • Auto e heteroavaliação das competências com base no Portefólio e, se necessário, na entrevista técnica ou por demonstração prática; • Emissão do PPQ do candidato (caso este tenha obtido uma certificação parcial), que indica qual a resposta mais adequada para aquisição das competências consideradas em défice no processo de RVCC (cursos EFA, formações modulares, autoformação,práticaemcontext o de trabalho); • Identificação das competências detidas e/ou em falta; • Registo em actadascompetênciascertificada s; • Emissão do Certificado de Qualificações e, quando seja o instrumentos de mediação para construção do Portefólio, bem como dasfichas trabalhadas na etapa dediagnóstico;(*) não descurandoa importância da recolha do maior número e variedade de comprovativos credíveis erelevantes para o processo; •Preenchimento da Ficha depercurso profissional e deformação; • Aplicação de outros instrumentos de avaliação, designadamente do Guião de entrevista técnica, da Grelha de observação de desempenho em posto de trabalho e da Grelha de exercício prático, de forma aavaliar os conhecimentos e ascompetências profissionais adquiridos, bem como verificar a adequabilidade, relevância e fiabilidade dos elementos/comprovativo s recolhidos; •Preparação apoiada (em grausdiferentes) do Portefólio. (*) O candidato pode já ter desenvolvido o processo de identificação e valorização decompetências e a construçãodoPortefóli o, em outromomento. •Lançamento dos resultados doprocesso de reconhecimento caso, do Diploma. • Encaminhamento do candidato para continuação do processo de RVCC ou para Sessão de júri de certificação; • Definição da versão preliminar do Plano Pessoal de Qualificação (PPQ); • Verificação/validaçã o da aquisição das competências definidas no PPQ, nos casos em que o candidato regressa após percurso de autoformação ou de formação no posto de trabalho; •Preparação da Sessão de júri de certificação. Eixos estruturantes do processo de RVCC profissional Etapas de Intervenção A. Acolhimento B. Diagnóstico C.Encaminhamento D1. Reconhecimento de competências • Ficha de inscrição; •Metodologia de acolhimento, diagnóstico e encaminhamento de candidatos; • Material informativo diverso (p. ex.: documentação relativa às diferentesmodalidades • Material de educação informativo eformação) diverso; Instrumentos e Produtos •Portefólio (se o candidato já for portador de um). •Metodologia de acolhimento, diagnóstico e encaminhamento de candidatos; •Modelo de contrato; •Material informativo diverso. •Portefólio; D2. Validação de competências D3. Certificação de competências •Portefólio; •Portefólio; •Metodologias/instrumentos •Fichas preenchidas de mediação; na etapade diagnóstico; •Ficha de análise do Portefólio; •Kit de avaliação; •Referencial de RVCC profissional; •Guião de entrevista técnica; • Ficha de percurso profissional e de formação; • Ficha de percurso profissional e de formação; •Grelha de autoavaliação; •Portefólio; •Ficha de análise do Portefólio; •Tipologias de comprovativos das tarefas que o candidatosabe executar; •Guião de entrevista técnica; •Grelhas de observação directa no posto de trabalho e exercícios a desenvolver em prática simulada; •Acta da sessão de certificação; •Plano Pessoal de Qualificação (PPQ); • Certificado de Qualificações e Diploma; • Plano de DesenvolvimentoPessoal; •Grelhas de observação directa no posto de trabalho eexercícios a desenvolver emprática simulada; Eixos estruturantes do processo de RVCC profissional Etapas de Intervenção A. Acolhimento B. Diagnóstico C. Encaminhamento D1. Reconhecimento de competências •Administrativo. Intervenientes • Técnico de •Técnico de diagnóstico e diagnóstico e encaminhamento. encaminhamento. •Profissional de RVC. •Tutor de RVC (oprofissional de RVC também pode apoiar o preenchimento da Grelha de autoavaliação). D1. Reconhecimento de competências •Equipa de validação (profissional de RVC + tutor de RVC + avaliador de RVC); •Avaliador externo (na preparação do júri de certificação). D1. Reconhecimento de competências •Júri de certificação (profissional de RVC +tutor de RVC + avaliadorde RVC + avaliadorexterno); •Director JurySessionCertification The jury session certification corresponds to the main function of the stage of certification and represents the culmination of the RVCC process. During the session, each candidate presents himself before a jury. Following the session, and as a result it is formalized its certification. The jury is composed of certified team members technical and pedagogical that accompanied the process of recognition and validation of each candidate, as well as by an external evaluator. The organization of the session certification presupposes the existence of a previous work, preparation, which begins at the end of the validation phase, with the articulation between the technical and pedagogical team (which validated the skills of each candidate) and the external evaluator. Stakeholders must necessarily be involved in the jury session of the candidate and certification are the elements that make up the jury certification. The jury certification, appointed by the Director, comprises: • All or some of the elements of technical and pedagogical team that accompanied the candidate (RVC professional and trainers - is desirable to be present in the jury session of all certified trainers who accompanied the candidate); • ExternalReviewer. It is, however, desirable that there are also attended by the Director and / or the coordinator of the centre. The Director of the Centre means the jury member who shall be Chairman of the same, which has a casting vote, this function should be taken, preferably by the external evaluator. Prior to the meeting, shall be elected secretary of the jury of the elements that comprise it. During each session, racing secretary this draft and to approve, in the end, the minutes. The jury certification can only work with at least two thirds of its members, including, necessarily, the RVC professional that accompanied each of the candidates and the external evaluator. They also relevant role, although not compulsory, the other guests jury session certification. Each actor plays specific roles within the jury session of certification and / or tasks that this assumes, as is explained below. Applicants for certification The certification candidate has the lead role in this stage, and he is being held by the jury session. During the session the candidate must show consistency and autonomy necessary to exhibit the skills acquired / validated at RVCC process, through a presentation prepared in advance with the support of technical and pedagogical team and anchored in his life story. External reviewer The external evaluator is an external element to the entire National System of Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies, duly accredited by the National Agency for Qualification (according to Order no. º 29856/2007 of 27 December). 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 SPAIN After all the phases of the pilot test, they want to make some comments about it, and about its outputs. A. Self-assessment questionnaires. At this point they observe that in only two cases the workers have answered that they can do the task without assistance. This situation shows that the outplacement is very difficult without training. The distance between textile sector and targeted sectors is large, the points in common are few and self-assessment questionnaires detect it. The competences with best indicators of affinity are: · Production of animal feed. · Management of urban and industrial residues. · Auxiliary operation of production in the food industry. · Auxiliary operations of maintenance and internal transport in the food industry. The competences with worst indicators of affinity are: · Management of the assembly and maintenance of wind farms. · Management of the assembly and maintenance of gas mains. In spite of this, they insist that the affinity is, and all cases, poor. The work in training needs to be hard. B. Job experience and training records model (competences portfolio). The proportion of women is 74%. In Spain, this data is an indicator of a sector with poor salaries, poor education and lot of hours of work. At the same time, it indicates the social vision of this sector is not very good. - The average of age, 48.2 years old, shows a sector that is not attractive to young people. This is very important because if we add this and the poor education, we draw a sector with a low level of development. - The low level of education and training shows a textile sector as a low developed industry, without a work force to compete with the industry of other countries. - The other relevant problem, a part from the education and training, is the level of languages of the workers. Only 10% can speak French, and 3% English. These dates indicate that they can only change of work in their own country, because the possibility to go abroad is not real without languages. 3. Professional interview. At this point they observe a great diversity of outcomes, so it is very difficult to remark coincidences in the worker’s answers. In spite of this, the more specific questions about wind farms, gas mains… have less correct answers than general questions. At the same time, they do not observe differences in the percentage of correct answers in different qualifications levels. 4. Contrast of competence evidences. The scales that we presented show that only the 20% of workers get level four, and in two cases. That represents a poor statistic, because it indicates they need a great period of training to be able to work in some of targeted sectors. 5.2 POLAND Candidates’ evaluation went on in accordance with preliminary assumptions. Candidates were proposed further education paths taking account of new legal regulations. Vocational qualification course will become a new form of lifelong learning in the Polish system as of 1st September 2012. Vocational education structure will be modified, there will be new possibilities to acquire, complement and validate qualifications. AN EXAMPLE OF VALIDATING QUALIFICATION A.18 Selling Qualification vocational course follows a syllabus taking account of a basic vocational education program within one qualification. The completion of a qualification vocational course enables taking an exam to confirm the qualification; the exam is conducted on conditions and in a way specified in the provisions of the Act on the modifications in the system of education. 5.3 CZECH REPUBLIC The performed pilot tests bring the following conclusions: 1. The National System of Occupation is the basis for a satisfactory definition of the necessary knowledge and skills in the transformation of workers to the textile industry 2. Definition of NSP is suitable to adjust for any recruitment according to the specifics of the company, which is looking for employees 3. Due to the specific requirements of the textile profession it can be assumed that the transition of non-textile workers to the textile companies will need to train in a wide range of textile knowledge and skills pertaining to the textile profession. 4. CVs of applicants and Self-Assessment Questionnaire is the basis for the definition of individual training but the core is an interview that brings real 5. Only the result of the interview gives precise description of the knowledge and skills of the applicant and allow the definition of individual training. 6. Interviews must be realized in specific conditions a. Interview have to be conducted by people with experience in human research management b. Interview must be carried out by people from companies that requests new recruits c. In order to better compare the quality of the candidates it is preferable to carry out the interview in the same time for all candidates 7. In previous WPs there was suppose that the candidate with a certain degree, which corresponds to the recommended education for chosen profession, automatically achieves common knowledge and skills required in the chosen profession. This assumption is largely fulfilled. However, there are exceptions, even when an employee with lower levels of education can achieve the desired properties, and in opposite candidate with a sufficient level of education does not reach the required general knowledge and skills. But it is really the exception and need to expose in the interview – there is again demand for quality of interview. 5.4ITALY From experimentation took place one can draw the following conclusions - The service balance of competencies plus certification of skills - release training booklet (Reqtextil model) is useful for the citizen - worker for the acquisition of self-awarenessof their own potential and pathways more effective and likely to beretrained; - Certification of skills (training booklet) is feasible only by recognizing skills acquired informal, in other areas (ninth formal, informal) is not in itself, but serves Reconstruction(basic) skills to identify retraining more adequate and effective for the user; - Tools and standardization processed drew much from the materials and instrumentsbelonging to the model FIL and the Province of Prato and Tuscany, has only extendedto other target of workers to be retrained not integrated cash; - The certification of skills in itself is not useful if it is accompanied by other routes andother services, such as: voucher or individual or internships or vocational training (such as lines) or support paths to self - entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship or Mentoring - The above because it is a system that is poorly recognized - known companies (onaverage small and medium-small) that have their own systems of personnelmanagement and recruitment. - Main constraints of the experiment: or economic constraints or constraints context Unwilling to standardize retraining in new areas or increasing, because of the difficultyidentifying 5.5PORTUGAL We developed this stage all working tools which we consider necessary for carrying out all the steps that are part of route recognition, validation and certification of skills. With the primary aim to qualify and / or retrain workers from the textile enabling better integration and / or reintegration in target sectors presented in previous work and then we recall: the Furniture Sector, Sector Footwear and Tourism Sector. Throughout the completion of all work, we encounter difficulties in finding similarities between functions and qualifications of the textile sector with functions and qualifications of the sectors chosen destination. We are aware that the textile sector has unique characteristics and requires a meticulous and persistent work to retrain employees. We know we have a long way to go, but as can be seen by the profile of the candidates and training options presented, there are plenty of alternatives.