Terms of Reference
Preparation of a Textbook on Brazilian Law and Economics
Armando Castelar Pinheiro
Jairo Saddi
March 2004
São Paulo
I – Justification
Like other countries in Latin America, Brazil underwent major structural reforms in the
eighties and nineties. Among other things, these reforms increased the role of the
private sector in production and investment and enhanced economic integration into
the world economy. Two features of this process were the increased reliance on
contractual transactions and the enactment of new legislation in areas such as consumer
protection, intellectual property, competition enforcement, regulation of public utilities,
financial regulation and environmental protection. With that, there was not only a
change in the roles played by different actors in the economy – the state, domestic and
foreign firms, law enforcement agencies etc. – but also in the rules according to which
they interact, with a substantial break with respect to traditional practices.
It is fair to say that many of the transformations expected from these reforms, both
structural and institutional, are still unfolding. To some extent, culture and education,
formed amidst a quite different context, have contributed to slowdown these changes.
In particular, we believe that there has been only a limited adaptation of undergraduate
and graduate courses in law and economics to the institutional changes fostered by
these reforms. Two facts helped to prevent a speedier adaptation of university courses
to these changes.
First, academic interactions between the two disciplines have been only sporadic, failing
to produce the establishment of permanent inter-disciplinary institutions. Indeed,
despite the boom in the creation of Law and Economics Associations worldwide, there
is no such kind of organization in Brazil.1 Neither was there an expansion in the
number of economics professors teaching in law schools, as is now common in
developed countries.2
Second, there is a lack of law and economics textbooks adapted to the Brazilian
context. Certainly, there are law books that can be studied by economists, and
textbooks that lawyers can use to learn economics. But these tend to be insufficiently
selective and fail to stress the interactions between the two disciplines: they are books
on law and on economics, not law & economics textbooks.
There are also foreign law & economics textbooks that focus on the interactions of the
two disciplines. But these focus on a very different legal and economic environment. If
one reads through the contents of classic books in this area, such a Cooter and Ullen
(2004), one will see a book that is greatly focused on the American legal and judicial
systems, which differ quite considerably from their counterparts in Brazil.
There is an International Academy of Law and Economics, but its activities are quite different from
those of typical law and economics associations.
2 See Roger Van den Bergh, “The Growth of Law and Economics in Europe”, European Economic
Review, vol. 40, n. 3-5, 1996; and Robert Cooter and Daniel Rubinfled, “Economic Analysis of Legal
Disputes and Their Resolution”, Journal of Economic Literature, vol. XXVII, n. 3, 1989, for some
discussion on this kind of indicators.
We believe, thus, that there is room for a textbook on law & economics that (i) focuses
on the Brazilian reality, including Brazilian laws and courts; (ii) presents the relevant
subjects in the two areas in a selective and complementary fashion; (iii) has an
introductory level, so that it can be used in undergraduate courses and in the
continuous education of those already working, but that on the other hand (iv) is
sufficiently comprehensive to be used as a source book.
II – Objective
The objective of the project is to prepare a law & economics textbook for
undergraduate students and practitioners with a strong focus on the Brazilian context.
The book will combine three main features. First, an introductory yet rigorous
treatment of selected topics in economic and (mostly Brazilian) legal theory. Second, a
review of the areas in which the interaction between the two disciplines is more
frequent and intense – contracting, anti-trust, consumer protection, environment,
intellectual property, and the regulation of public utilities and financial markets. The
idea is to present for each of these subjects the economic and legal approaches,
stressing how each discipline supports the other, and describe the way they are treated
in Brazil. Third, the extensive use of (mostly Brazilian) case studies to illustrate the
concepts presented in the various areas.
III – Student Market
We expect that a book as the one proposed here will be used by four different types of
students: as a textbook by undergraduate students in economics and law, as an
introductory text by graduate students and as a learning and reference tool by the many
professionals working in the areas listed above, who currently lack a proper source to
guide their activities.
According to the 2002 Census of Higher Education, carried out by the Ministry of
Education, in 2002 there were 63,375 and 463,135 students enrolled in undergraduate
courses in economics and law, respectively, in Brazil. That gives an approximate total of
140 thousand students per grade in the two courses. These figures indicate a significant
potential market for a book in law & economics, considering that the areas to be
covered in the book offer relatively good job opportunities for the two professions.
IV – Chapter Outlines
We envisage a book, written in Portuguese, with 9 chapters, as outlined below
An Introduction to Law and Economics
The Role of Law in Economics
Why Does a Lawyer Need to Learn Economics?
Scope and Plan of the Book
Consumers, Firms and Markets: Microeconomic Fundamentals
How Does Law Operate?
Civil versus Common Law
History and Fundamentals of Brazilian Law
Private Law
Public Law
An Economic Theory of Law
Property Rights
The Enforcement of Competition
Why Is Competition Good and Its Enforcement Necessary?
The Brazilian Legislation on Competition
The Brazilian System of Competition Enforcement
Case Studies
The Regulation of Public Utilities
Why Do Public Utility Sectors Need to Be Regulated?
The Law and Institutions Regulating Public Utility Sectors in Brazil
Case Studies
The Regulation of Financial Markets
Reasons for Regulating Financial Markets
The Law and Institutions in Brazilian Financial Markets
Case Studies
Topics in Law and Economics
Consumer Protection
Intellectual Property Rights
Environmental Protection
The Judicial System and Law Enforcement
Legal and Political Foundations of the Brazilian Judiciary
The Judiciary as an Economic Institution
Empirical Evidence about the Functioning of the Brazilian Judiciary
The first, introductory chapter will present the theme of the book, explaining what is
understood by “law & economics” and how it differs from the simple sum of the two
separate disciplines. This chapter will also serve to contrast the intellectual approaches
used by economists and lawyers and highlight why should lawyers study economics and
vice versa. Finally, the chapter will lay down the plan of the book, explaining its logic
and the approaches used in the different chapters.
Chapter 2 will present the microeconomic fundamentals to be used in the book and will
be targeted mainly at lawyers. The idea, then, is to provide a summary review of
microeconomic theory, focusing on the main theoretical constructs used by economists
to analyze the different areas covered in chapters six to nine. Essentially, this would
include the theories of the consumer and the firm, different market equilibria, general
equilibrium and welfare economics, and transaction cost economics. Cooter and Ullen
(2004)’s chapter two (“A Review of Microeconomic Theory”) plus Williamson (1985)’s
chapter 1 and Williamson (1996)’s chapter 3 provide an example of what we have in
mind.3 We intend to rely mostly on verbal discussion and graphs to present these
principles, leaving a more formal treatment of these subjects to a mathematical
Chapter 3 will introduce legal concepts to economists. We plan to start contrasting the
civil and common law systems, for this will facilitate the use of the growing literature
exploring the differential impacts of the two on economic systems. We will then move
into an analytical description of legal fundamentals in Brazil, their origin and rationale,
and then separate the analysis of private and public law.
In the fourth chapter we will cover three areas in which economics has made important
contributions to the analysis of law in recent years: contracts, property rights and crime.
We believe it will be important to lay down important concepts and motivate the reader
for the use of economic tools to deal with legal problems. The approach here will be
more general and conceptual than in the following chapters, and we plan to rely more
on the existing literature to prepare it. Most of this literature will come from the US and
Europe, but there is also some research in Brazil in this area (notably in crime) on
which we expect to draw examples from.
Chapters 5 to 7 will deal in detail with the three areas in which collaborative work
between economists and lawyers has been most intense in Brazil. These are also areas
in which reforms are recent and the subjects to be analyzed are relatively novel in the
Brazilian context. As outlined above, each of these areas will be analyzed using a threepronged approach: first, we will discuss the economic fundamentals of the problem;
second, we will describe the Brazilian legislation in the area and the institutions
responsible for its enforcement; and third, we will present examples and case studies of
Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, Law and Economics, 4th edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004;
Oliver Williamson, The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, Free Press, 1985; and Oliver Williamson,
The Mechanisms of Governance, Oxford University Press, 1996.
actual situations in which these legislation and institutions were at work. The most
relevant pieces of legislation in each area will be presented in a legal appendix.
Chapter 8 will follow an approach similar to the one outlined above to discuss the areas
of consumer protection, intellectual property and environmental protection. These are
areas that illustrate well the kind of market and institutional failures that beget a law &
economic analysis, and are also likely to receive increasing attention by professionals
from the two disciplines in the future. Because the collaborative work of lawyers and
economists in Brazil has been less intense in these areas than in those treated in
chapters 5 to 7, we plan to analyze them more concisely.
In Brazil, the judiciary has a practice that differs, in some instances quite considerably,
from its role in economic textbooks.4 Chapter 9 will present the conceptual role a
judicial system is supposed to play, describe how it is structured in Brazil, analyze how
it operates in practice, and discuss what are the consequences of this to the economy.
We expect to write the various sections and parts of the book as follows
Timetable for the preparation of the book
Chapters / sections to be concluded
August 25, 2004 Sections 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 9.1 and 9.2
January 5, 2005 Chapters 3 and 4 and sections 5.3, 7.1
and 7.2
June 1st, 2005 Remaining chapters and sections
V – Principal Instructional Resources
We intend to rely on four main instructional instruments:
(a) A sound review of the main economic and legal principles behind the study of law
& economics. These go from a selective analysis of microeconomic fundamentals to
a review of the legal thinking and history guiding the Brazilian legislation more
directly related to the topics to be covered in the book.
(b) A summary of the economic problems in each of the aforementioned areas.
(c) A corresponding description and analysis of the law in each area.
(d) A description of the institutions responsible for applying the law and dealing with
the economic problems in each area, such as the anti-trust and regulatory agencies.
See, for instance, Armando Castelar Pinheiro (editor), Judiciário e Economia no Brasil, Editora
Sumaré, 2000; and Armando Castelar Pinheiro (editor), Reforma do Judiciário: Problemas, Desafios e
Perspectivas, Booklink Publicações, 2003.
(e) The use of actual cases, described and analyzed in an appropriate form, to illustrate
how problems in these areas present themselves and are dealt with by the agencies
in charge.
We believe that by deeply rooting the discussion of law & economic issues in the
Brazilian reality, the concepts introduced by the book will be more interesting and
easier to assimilate.
VI – Budget Outline
The funds of 40,000 US dollars allocated by the IDB Latin American Research
Network to this project will be split in equal parts and given as stipends to the two
authors. They will cover directly any expenses with research assistants, the acquisition
of books and other materials incurred as part of the project. IBMEC Educacional will
directly finance its own overhead expenditures.
VII -- Main Risks
From a commercial viewpoint, we see two main (related) risks with this project. First,
that once completed the book finds no publisher interested in it. Second, that it gets
published but the public has no interest in it.
We expect no major difficulty in finding a publisher for the book. The areas to be
covered by the book have received growing attention from professionals in the two
disciplines in recent years and there are essentially no competing publications. We have
talked to two publishing houses and they have shown interest in the book.
On a provocative paper entitled “Law or Economics?”, George Stigler (1992:462-3)
remarks about the difficulties in communication between lawyers and economists:5
“If efficiency is the fundamental problem of economists, justice is the
guiding beacon of law professors. (...) The difference between a discipline
that seeks to explain economic life (and, indeed, all rational behavior) and a
discipline that seeks to achieve justice in regulating all aspects of human
behavior is profound. This difference means that, basically, the economist
and the lawyer live in different worlds and speak different languages.”
Much more than in the US, which Stigler probably had in mind when making the above
remark, in Brazil the two professions are separated by a large gap in language, principles
and even trust. Economists speak using mathematics, lawyers using Latin terms. Since
the mid-eighties economists have championed a number of market oriented reforms to
foster efficiency, while lawyers have used the law as a distributive mechanism.
Economists have conceived successive heterodox plans to stabilize the economy in the
high inflation period, often disregarding existing laws and contracts; lawyers have
George, J. Stigler, “Law or Economics?”, Journal of Law and Economics, October 1992, Vol. 35, No. 2,
fought to obtain financial compensation for these breaches of contract, often
complicating their sustainability.
The main challenge of the book, then, is being able to build a bridge between the two
professions. We believe we will be able to do that for two main reasons. One, that we
have chosen to analyze subject areas in which lawyers and economists need to work
together, as shown by practice, in Brazil, like everywhere else. Two, by making a coauthorship between a lawyer and economist, both of whom have long teaching
experiences and a background of work with professionals in the other discipline. We
expect, in this way, to prepare a book that is interesting and palatable to both
economists and lawyers.
VIII (A) – Authors’ Detailed Resumes
Rua Smith Vasconcellos 32
Cosme Velho 22241-160 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
(55-21) 2245-3234 or 2277-6987
(55-21) 2240-1397
[email protected]
A. Education
Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
M.Sc. in Business Administration, COPPEAD, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
(UFRJ), 1983
M.Sc. in Mathematics, Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), 1981
B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering, Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), 1977
B. Main Professional Activities
Deputy-Coordinator, Economics Division, Committee for Studies
and Coordination of Aeronautic Infrastructure, Brazilian Civil Air
Senior researcher, Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA,
Rio de Janeiro
Assistant Professor, Cândido Mendes University
Assistant Professor, State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Associate Professor, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ)
Member of the Editorial Board of Pesquisa e Planejamento
Econômico (until 1994), Revista Brasileira de Qualidade e
Produtividade (until 1995) and Revista do BNDES (1995-2003)
Associate Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ),
Department of Economics
Project Manager for Studies on Productivity and Competitiveness,
Consultant, World Bank
Sector Policy Coordinator, IPEA-Rio
Advisor to the Board of Directors of Brazil’s National Economic and
Social Development Bank, BNDES
1994 and 2002 Member of the Program Committee of the 1994 and 2002 Latin
American Meetings of the Econometric Society
Chief-Economist, BNDES
National Director of UNDP Projects BRA 88/008 and 95/016.
Senior fellow at the Institute of Economic, Social and Political Studies
of São Paulo
Visiting Professor, Center for Studies on State Reform, Graduate
School of Economics, Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EPGE/FGV)
Member of the Economics Committee of the Brazilian Federation of
Banks (Febraban)
Senior researcher, Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA,
Rio de Janeiro
Member of the Consultation Council of the Brazilian Arbitrage
C – Grants and Awards
Febraban’s Award for Best Contribution on the Economics of Banking
in 2003
Grant from the Global Development Network for Brazil’s country study
in the research project “Understanding Reform” (team leader)
Grant from the Global Development Network for the study “Brazilian
Economic Growth: 1900-2000” (team leader)
Tinker Foundation grant for the project on “Adressing Judicial Reform
in Brazil” (team leader)
Grant from the Inter-American Development Bank (Latin American
research Network) for the project “The Role of Judicial Systems in
Ensuring Willingness to Pay in Credit Markets” (team leader)
Tinker Foundation grant for the project on “Economic Costs of Judicial
Inefficiency in Brazil” (team leader)
Grant from the Finaciadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep) for the project
“Privatização no Brasil”
Grant from the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq) for the project
“Indicadores de Competitividade” (team leader)
Several fellowships from the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq),
the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior (Capes)
and IBM while a graduate student
D. Main Publications
D.1 - Books
A Privatização no Brasil: O Caso dos Serviços de Utilidade Pública, co-editor,
Judiciário e Economia no Brasil, editor, Sumaré, 2000.
O Desafio das Exportações, co-editor, BNDES, 2002.
A Justiça e seu Impacte sobre as Empresas Portuguesas, Coimbra Editora (Portugal),
2003 (co-authored by Célia Cabral).
A Reforma do Judiciário: Problemas, Desafios e Perspectivas, Booklink Publicações,
2003 (editor)
D.2 - Articles in Journals
Relação Capital-Produto Incremental: Estimativas para o Período 1948/87, with Virene
Matesco, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 19, No. 3, December 1989.
Indices de Exportação para o Brasil: 1974/88, with Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Pesquisa e
Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 21, No. 2, August 1991.
O Crescimento da Produtividade Total dos Fatores e a Estratégia de Promoção de
Exportações: uma Revisão da Evidência Internacional, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico,
Vol. 22, No. 1, April 1992.
As Empresas Estatais e o Programa de Privatização do Governo Collor, with Fabio
Giambiagi, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 22, No. 2, August 1992.
A Competitividade das Exportações Brasileiras no Periodo 1980-88, with Maria Helena
Horta, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 22, No. 3, December 1992.
Desempenho Exportador e Competitividade: Resultados para o Período 1980-88,
Planejamento e Politicas Públicas, No. 8, December 1992.
Composição Setorial dos Incentivos às Exportações, with Cláudia Borges, Sonia Zagury
e Mário Mesquita, Revista Brasileira de Economia, Vol. 47, No. 4. Oct/Dec 1993 .
Indices para o Comércio Exterior Brasileiro, Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No.
37, Oct/Dec 1993.
Brazilian Privatization in the 1990s, with Fabio Giambiagi, World Development, Vol. 22,
No. 5, May 1994.
O Papel da Poupança Compulsória no Financiamento do Desenvolvimento: Desafios
para o BNDES, with Regis Bonelli, Revista do BNDES, No. 1, June 1994.
Interindustry Wage Differentials and Earnings Inequality in Brazil, with Lauro Ramos,
Estudios de Economia, September 1994 (Chile).
Os Fundos de Pensão e o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento: O Papel do BNDES,
Revista do BNDES, No. 2, December 1994.
A Privatização Tem Jeito, Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No. 41, Oct/Dec 1994.
Technological Progress and Diffusion in Brazilian Manufacturing, Revista Brasileira de
Economia, Vol. 49, No. 1, Jan/Mar 1995.
O Que Mudou na Proteção à Indústria Brasileira nos Últimos 45 Anos?, with
Guilherme Bacha de Almeida, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 25, No. 1, April
The Fiscal Impact of Privatization in Latin America, with Ben Ross Schneider, Journal of
Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 5, June 1995, and Quarterly Review of Economics and
Finance 34, Special Issue (Summer 1994) pp. 9-42. Reprinted in Paul Cook and Colin
Kirkpatrick, eds., Privatisation in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999..
Privatização e Dívida Pública, with Elena Landau, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol.
26, No. 1, April 1996.
O Setor Privado na Infra-Estrutura Brasileira, Revista do BNDES, No. 5, June 1996.
Impactos Microeconômicos da Privatização, Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico, Vol. 26,
No. 3, December 1996.
Lucratividade, Dividendos e Investimento das Empresas Estatais: Uma Contribuição
para o Debate sobre a Privatização no Brasil, with Fabio Giambiagi, Revista Brasileira de
Economia, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan/Mar 1997.
Indicadores de Competição para a Indústria Brasileira: Concentração e outros Aspectos
da Concorrência, com Regis Bonelli, Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No 58,
Jan/Mar 1999.
Como Vencer o Desafio das Exportações?, Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, No 72,
Jul/Sept 2002.
The Economic Benefits of Malaria Prevention: A Contingent Valuation Study in
Marracuene, Mozambique, Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries,
com Dale Whittington e Maureen Cropper, 2003.
D.3 – Chapters in Books
O Programa Brasileiro de Privatização: Notas e Conjecturas, with Luiz Chrysostomo de
Oliveira Fo. Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, 1992, IPEA, 1991.
Privatização: Impactos Fiscais e Outras Considerações, with Fabio Giambiagi.
Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, 1994, IPEA, 1993.
Um Novo Papel para o Estado?, Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, 1994, IPEA,
Incentivos Fiscais e Creditícios às Exportações, with Cláudia Borges, Sonia Zagury e
Mário Mesquita, Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, 1994, IPEA, 1993.
Indices Setoriais de Preços e Quantidades para o Comércio Exterior Brasileiro,
Perspectivas da Economia Brasileira, 1994, IPEA, 1993.
Padrões Setoriais da Proteção na Economia Brasileira, with Guilherme Bacha de
Almeida, in Erly Teixeira and Danilo D. Aguiar (eds.), Comércio Internacional e
Comercialização Agrícola, 1993.
O Futuro da Privatização, in IPEA, O Brasil do Século XX: Desafios e Propostas para
a Ação Governamental, September 1994.
Investment and Brazil and South Africa Commerce, with Maurício M. Moreira, in S. P.
Guimarães (ed.), South Africa and Brazil: Risks and Opportunities in the Turmoil of
Globalization, 1996.
The Brazilian Economy in the Nineties: Retrospect and Policy Challenges, in Steven
Friedman and Rian De Villiers (eds.), Brazil and South Africa: Comparative
Perspectives, 1996.
Privatização e Novos Investimentos, in R. Fontes (ed.), Estabilização e Crescimento,
1997, Editora UFV, pp. 257-274.
La Reforma Regulatória en América Latina, in Políticas de Competencia y el Proceso de
Reformas Económicas en América Latina, Indecopi, Lima, Perú, 1998.
Costos Ocultos de la Justicia: Conceptos Generales y estimativos para el Brasil, in A.
Fuentes (ed.), Reforma Judicial en América Latina: Una Tarea Inconclusa, Corporación
Excelencia en la Justicia, Bogotá, 1999.
O Desempenho Macroeconômico do Brasil nos Anos 90, with Fabio Giambiagi and
Joana Gostorzewicz, in F. Giambiagi and M. Moreira (org.), A Economia Brasileira nos
Anos 90, BNDES, 1999.
Privatização no Brasil: Por quê? Até Onde? Até Quando?, in F. Giambiagi and M.
Moreira (org.), A Economia Brasileira nos Anos 90, BNDES, 1999.
O Perfil dos Exportadores Brasileiros de Manufaturados nos Anos 90: Quais as
Implicações de Política?, with Maurício Moreira, in O Brasil e os Desafios da
Globalização, Relume-Dumará, 2000.
Desempenho Econômico e Dinâmica Industrial no Brasil, with Regis Bonelli, in O
Futuro da Indústria: Oportunidades e Desafios: a Reflexão da Universidade,
MDIC/STI, IEL, 2001.
A Reforma do Judiciário: Uma Análise Econômica, in L. C. Bresser Pereira, J. Wilheim
and L. Sola (eds.), Sociedade e Estado em Transformação, UNESP, 2001.
Credit Markets in Brazil: The Role of the Judiciary and Other Institutions, with Célia
Cabral, in M. Pagano (ed.), Defusing Default: Incentives and Institutions, IDB/OCDE,
Segmentation and the Use of Information in Brazilian Credit Markets, com Alkimar
Moura, in M. Miller (ed.), Credit Reporting Systems and the International Economy,
MIT Press, 2003.
Perspectivas das Relações do Brasil com as Potências Regionais, in A. Rebelo, L.
Fernandes and C. H. Cardim (org.), Política Externa do Brasil para o Século XXI,
Brasília, 2003.
A Relação entre o Desempenho das Instituições Jurídicas e o Crescimento Econômico,
in A. Wald, I. G. S. Martins e N. Prado (org.), O Direito Brasileiro e os Desafios da
Economia Globalizada, Ed. América Jurídica, 2003.
Direito e Economia num Mundo Globalizado: Cooperação ou Confronto?, in Rogério
E. de Andrade (coord.), Regulação Pública no Brasil, Edicamp, 2003.
Por que o Brasil Cresce Pouco?, in F. Giambiagi, J. G. Reis e A. Urani (orgs.), Reformas
no Brasil: Balanço e Agenda, Nova Fronteira, 2004.
VIII (B) – Authors’ Detailed Resumes
Address: Rua Jesuíno Arruda, 60 – Apto. 151 04532-080 - São Paulo
Phone. (011) 3079 87 04 and Cel. (011) 9919 10 38
Office: Av. São Gabriel, 333 - 3° Andar 01435-001 - São Paulo
Phone. (011) 3168 31 00
Fax. (011) 3167 52 31
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of Birth: 04 de março de 1965.
Ph.D, Economic Law, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo,
LL.M, Law, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
BA Law, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.
BA, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
São Paulo, Brasil.
B. Main Professional Activities
Professor and Course Coordinator IBMEC´s Law Program – Instituto Brasileiro de
Mercado de Capitais. LLM – Direito do Mercado Financeiro & Direito Societário.
Director, Centro de Estudos de Direito IbmecLAW
Lecturer, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Mackenzie.
Lecturer, Law School. Pontifícia Universidade Católica.
Examiner, Faculdade de Direito da USP. For LLM and Ph.D candidates.
Lawyer, Saddi Advogados Associados. Law Firm enrolled under CNPJ/MF sob nº
05.100.247/0001-01, and Bar Registry under Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Secção
São Paulo – Departamento de Registro de Sociedades de Advogados, nº 6833, livro 72,
às fls. 392 / 397.
Consultant – Fundo Garantidor de Créditos ,Projetos Especiais – Diretoria Executiva.
Coordenator – Treinamento “Quinta Jurídica” Banco Central do Brasil – Delegacia São
Paulo São Paulo, 1999/2000.
Consultant – Secretaria de Direito Econômico. Projeto de Aprimoramento das
Operações da SDE – Ministério da Justiça. Brasília, 1996.
Indústrias Gessy Lever S/A Unilever Brasil.
Divisão Lever 1985 - 1992
C – Awards and Industry Representation
Prêmio IBEF-SP – (IAFEI). Awarded in 24/11/2000
IBEF - Instituto Brasileiro de Executivos Financeiros – Legal Committee, President
Vice-President (Term 2003-2004).
Editor, Revista de Direito Bancário (Ed. Revista dos Tribunais).
IASP - Instituto de Advogados de São Paulo – Banking Committee – Vice-President
FEBRABAN – Federação Brasileira de Bancos – Legal Committee
ABBC – Associação Brasileira dos Bancos Comerciais – Observance & Cost
ABBI – Associação Brasileira dos Bancos Internacionais – Legal Committee
D. Main Publications
Fusões e Aquisições: aspectos jurídicos e econômicos. (Organizador). São Paulo :
Editora IOB-Thomson, 2002.
Crise e Regulação Bancária. São Paulo : Editora Textonovo, 2001.
Jurisprudência em Matéria de Liquidação e Intervenção Extrajudicial. (Com
CAMARGO, Rodrigo Ferraz de.) São Paulo : Editora Textonovo, 2000.
Liquidação e Intervenção Extrajudicial no Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Vinte e Cinco
Anos da Lei 6.024. (Organizador). São Paulo : Editora Textonovo, 1999.
O Poder e o Cofre. Repensando o Banco Central. São Paulo : Editora Textonovo,
A Autonomia do Banco Central. (Tese de Doutorado) - Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de São Paulo. 1997.
Segurança jurídica no Mercado Financeiro. Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado
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Terms of Reference Preparation of a Textbook on Brazilian Law and