JO/S S223 16/11/2013 387525-2013-PT Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público 1/3 O presente anúncio no sítio web do TED: Alemanha-Munique: Contrato-quadro relativo ao apoio ao Departamento de Comunicações da Organização Europeia de Patentes 2013/S 223-387525 1. Awarding Authority: The European Patent Organisation (EPO) through the European Patent Office: Headquarters, Bob-vanBenthem-Platz 1, 80469Munich, Germany. The European Patent Organisation is an intergovernmental organisation set up pursuant to the European Patent Convention which entered into force in 1977. At present it has 38 Member States (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom). The executive body of the EPO is the European Patent Office which is charged with the searching and examination of European patent applications, the granting of European patents. It employs approximately 6 700 staff at EPO headquarters in Munich, a branch at The Hague/Rijswijk (NL) and sub-offices in Berlin and Vienna (the number of Member States and staff members indicated may change). 2. Award procedure: International open invitation to tender with discretionary award of contract 3. Description of the contract: (a) Purpose of the contract: Framework Contract with regard to support of the EPO Communications Department (b) Division into lots (Bidders may bid for 1, several or all Lots): Lot 1: Strategic Support and activity planning Lot 2: Media reporting / press clippings Lot 3: Media material / media marketing Lot 4: Online and social media support Lot 5: Editorial support for online and print Lot 6: Films production of: a) Image films b) Journalistic films c) Didactic films (c) Any deposits and guarantees required: Not applicable (d) Main terms concerning payment: Payment will be effected within 30 days of delivery and receipt of an invoice in the correct form. (e) Qualifications required by law: Not applicable. 4. Place and period of performance: (a) Place at which the contract is to be performed: The services may be provided from the Contractor's own premises or any other location defined by the EPO. Participation in regular coordination meetings at the European Patent Office's premises in Munich shall be required. (b) Duration of contract or time limit for delivery or completion of services/work: 16/11/2013 S223 Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público Suplemento do Jornal Oficial da União Europeia 1/3 JO/S S223 16/11/2013 387525-2013-PT Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público 2/3 The contract shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties and have a duration of 1 year ("Fixed Period"). It shall automatically be extended for a further period of 1 year - but at the most for 4 more years - if not terminated in writing with a notice period of 6 weeks. 5. Variants: Proposals for variants, the effect of which would be to reduce significantly the rights and safeguards of the EPO, are not allowed. 6. Requests for the Procurement Documents and receipt of bids: (a) Name and address of department from which the Procurement Documents and clarification of the Procurement Documents may be requested: European Patent Office Central Procurement (4.8.2) Tender No. 1685 Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1 80469 Munich Germany Fax No. +49-(0)89-2399-4145 E-mail: [email protected] Procurement Documents will be forwarded upon written, faxed or e-mailed request. (b) Final date for receipt by the EPO of requests for the Procurement Documents: - 29.11.2013 (12:00), CET (c) Final date for receipt by the EPO of requests for clarification: - 9.12.2013 (12:00), CET - Questions must be submitted by letter, fax or e-mail. (d) Final date for receipt of bids/number of copies to be sent: - 16.1.2014 (12:00), CET - Bids may be submitted in its original only - Bids must be submitted by post or courier. Bids submitted by fax or e-mail will be excluded. (e) Address to which the requests for clarification and bids must be sent: As in point 6(a), taking into account the information in point 6(d). (f) Language or languages in which requests for clarification and bids must be drawn up: English. The Procurement Documents will be available only in English. 7. Legal form of the grouping in the event of a joint bid: Each bidder (natural person or legal entity) may submit 1 bid only. If several bidders submit a joint bid, 1 must be designated as prime contractor responsible for performance of all the obligations under the contract. 8. Information and evidence concerning the bidder's financial and economic standing and technical and professional competence: Customer and bank references as required in Annex 1 to the General Conditions of Tender A Munich-based Office would be of advantage References in the field of Communications as defined in the Procurement Documents, taking into account the requirements profile on the level indicated. 9. Period during which the bidder is bound by his bid: 6 months following the final date for receipt of bids indicated in point 6(d). 10. Criteria for the award of contract: 16/11/2013 S223 Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público Suplemento do Jornal Oficial da União Europeia 2/3 JO/S S223 16/11/2013 387525-2013-PT Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público 3/3 Selection criteria: - technical offer (references, experiences, qualifications) 50 % - Price 30 % - Presentation of the bid 20 % 11. Other information: Contract award is expected to take place in February 2014. The EPO reserves the right to invite short-listed bidders to a presentation of their bids at the EPO premises during calendar week 5 or 6 in 2014 in Munich. The presentation should be held in English. Any other Office official language must be agreed by PD Communication upon request beforehand. Costs incurred by the bidders relating to such presentations will not be reimbursed. NUTS-Code: DE212 - AT130 - NL332 CPV-Codes: 72420000, 79340000, 79341400, 79342000, 79416000, 79416100, 79416200, 79551000, 79620000, 79822500, 92312211 16/11/2013 S223 Instituto Europeu de Patentes - Contrato de prestação de serviços - Anúncio de concurso - Concurso público Suplemento do Jornal Oficial da União Europeia 3/3