ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação Degree: Basic Education Course: Language Acquisition and Development Academic Year: 2012/2013 Number of Credits (ECTS): 5.0 Theoretical Contact Hours: 20.0 h Pratical hours: 40.0 h Academic year: 2 Semester: Semester Attendance regime: Mandatory Course Responsible Teacher: Doutora Adriana Baptista Skills: Understanding the specificity of the human language and the need for a psycho-linguistic approach for the study and understanding of language and cognitive phenomena. Knowing the phylogenetic evolution and the factors (physiologic and neurologic) of the ontogenetic specialization involved in acquiring and producing verbal language. Knowing the different language acquisition theories and understanding their linguistic implications. Identifying (based on children's linguistic productions) the steps of acquisition, development and learning of the mother tongue structures and constructions. Articulating the linguistic development steps with the particularities of the linguistic and metalinguistic development. Contents: 1. Language neurobiological basis: 1.1. the human brain and language development; 1.2. hearing, perception issues; 1.3. vocal apparatus, production issues. 2. Language Acquisition: 2.1. basis and steps of the linguistic development; 2.2. the influence of different theories to understanding the acquisition and the development of language. 3. Linguistic Development: 3.1. the development of the linguistic competence; 3.2 the illocutionary and socio-linguistic competence; 3.3. the metalinguistic awareness and the linguistic creativity 4. The reading and writing process: 4.1 neurobiologic mechanisms involved in learning how to read and how to write; 4.2. the cognitive dimension and the (socio)linguistic strategies used during its development. 5. Atypical developments in verbal language acquisition (oral and written). 6. Language thought and action. Skills: Teaching methodology: Expositive classes with the participation of the students; Witting summaries of the information provided and/or collected in different forms; Watching videos for documentary support; Autonomous and guided research. Assessment: Assessment: C - Continuous assessment: A - punctuality and relevant participation / worksheets / reading reports - 0 a 20 = 20%; B - Two tests 0 to 20 = 80%; P - Periodical assessment - only one test = 100%; F - Final assessment - final examination - 0 to 20 (minimum grade >=10) = 100%. C and P References: CLARK, Eve (2003). First Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; COSTA, J. e Santos, Ana Lúcia (2004). A falar como os bebés. Lisboa: Caminho; FERREIRO, E. e Teberosky, A. (1999). Psicogênese da Língua Escrita. Porto Alegre: Artmed; HARRIS, M. e Coltheart, M. (1986). Language processing in Children and Adults. London: Routledge; KARMILOFF, K. e Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2005). Hacia el lenguaje. Madrid: Ediciones Morata; LENTIN, Laurence (1981). A criança e a linguagem oral. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte; LUST, Barbara (2006). Child Language, acquisition and Growth. Cambridge: CUP; RONDAL, J. A e Seron, X. (2000). Troubles du langage. Wavre: Mardaga; ROEPER, Tom (2007). The prism of grammar. How child language illuminates Humanism. Cambridge: MIT Press; SERRA, Miquel et alii (2000). La adquisición del lenguaje. Barcelona: Ariel; TOMASELLO, M. (2003). Constructing a language - a usage based theory of language acquisition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Doutora Adriana Baptista Porto, 1 de Outubro de 2012