Programa de Recuperação Paralela
2ª Etapa – 2014
Disciplina: Inglês
2ª série
Professor (a): Eliane Monteiro
Turma: FG
 Caro aluno, você está recebendo o conteúdo de recuperação.
 Faça a lista de exercícios com atenção, ela norteará os seus estudos.
 Utilize o livro didático adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo.
 Se necessário, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didáticos, exercícios além dos propostos, etc.).
 Considere a recuperação como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado.
 Leve o seu trabalho a sério e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obterá sucesso.
 Qualquer dúvida procure o professor responsável pela disciplina.
Recursos para Estudo / Atividades
Modal Verb
Unidades 2, 3 e 4
Simple Past
Revisões e Provas anteriores
Past Perfect
Too / Enough
Simple Present
Present Continuous
Relative Pronouns
Área de Conhecimento:
Códigos e Linguagens
Tipo de Atividade: GABARITO DO BLOCO DE
Professora: Eliane
2ª Etapa
Data: 24/09/2014
2ª Série
Turma: FG
Querido (a) aluno (a):
Para que se organize melhor siga as orientações abaixo:
LEIA com atenção cada questão;
PROCURE compreender o que está sendo pedido, para você resolver;
ELABORE respostas completas;
FAÇA uma letra legível;
RELEIA todas as suas respostas antes de entregar ao professor (a).
Eliane Monteiro
READ the text and WRITE True (T) or false (F):
For 15 years, Madeline Albrecht worked for a big laboratory in Ohio, USA. The company developed
foot-care products and Madeline’s job was to sniff feet and armpits. During her career, she sniffed 5,600 feet.
She never complained about her job. When she retired in 1999, she received a gold medal as the World’s
Greatest Sniffer. She entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2000.
a) Madeline always complained about her job. (
b) For fifty years, Madeline worked for a big laboratory. (
c) She had to sniff feet and armpits. ( T
d) She stopped working in 1999. (
e) She received The Guinness Book when she retired. (
SUPPLY the Simple Past of the verbs in parentheses.
a) We went to the mall last night. ( go )
b) Mom was (be) an excellent student when she was (be) young.
c) Later, he became a businessman. (become)
d) I tried (try) to talk to her, but she ignored me. (ignore)
e) The car stopped near the children. (stop)
f) I arrived ten minutes after you. (arrive)
COMPLETE the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. USE the Past Perfect .
a) Lourdes gave me a ride because I had missed ( miss ) the bus.
b) I called you at 8:00, but you had just gone ( go ) home.
c) When Pedro was going to school, he realized that he had forgotten ( forget ) to lock the front door.
d) I thanked them for everything they had done. ( do )
e) I was nervous during the flight because I hadn’t flown ( not / fly ) in a plane before.
FILL IN THE BLANKS with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. USE the Simple Past or the Past
a) When we arrived at the office, nobody had been ( be ) there. Everybody had gone (go ) home.
b) When she got to the hotel, she found (find) that all her luggage had disappeared
( disappear )
c) I was too late. Mr. Martin, our Math teacher, had already given ( give ) a test when I get to class.
USE the correct Relative Pronoun ( which, who, whom or whose ):
a) The girls who have just left are my friends.
b) The house which he bought is very old.
c) Mr Robinson, whose documents are in the safe, is in Europe.
d) My cat, which is in the basket, is sick.
e) Nelson, who was a great man, was my friend.
f) The boy whose toys are broken is crying.
g) Her father, who is traveling abroad is a philosopher.
h) The man about whom we were talking has arrived.
UNDERLINE the pronoun that fills the blanks correctly.
a) Tatiane Barros, ( who - which ) studied medicine at USP, works in Belo Horizonte.
b) Can I talk to the doctor ( that - which ) you play tennis with?
c) The lady ( whose - who ) daughter teaches Biology in Texas won the Nobel prize.
d) The man ( whose - whom ) you talked to last night is a well-known dentist.
e) The food ( who - which ) they eat is healthy.
COMPLETE with the correct modal verb.
a) Jane could not play the violin when she was five, but now she can play it very well.
b) Jack may come to our wedding, but we aren’t sure.
c) Mmmmm… It smells delicious! My father must be cooking.
d) Mark told me Sarah was working late today, so she may not be home right now.
e) Don't ring the doorbell when you get there. Maria's little baby might be sleeping.
CLASSIFY the sentences below according to the meaning expressed by the modal can.
A – ability
B - deduction
C- possibility
a) I’m sure she isn’t here. She must be at home. ( B )
b) We might go to the club. It depends on the weather. ( C
c) I can speak English. ( A )
d) Wild animals can be dangerous. ( C
e) Wake up! You can arrive late at school. ( C )
f) My sister can drive very well. ( A )
COMPLETE the sentences with too or enough:
a) You can’t go on the beach here. It’s too dangerous.
b) I can’t see the movie. I’m only 12 years old. I’m not old enough.
c) You can’t play volleyball. You aren’t fit enough.
d) I can’t carry this table. It’s too heavy.
e) He can’t buy that new house. It’s too expensive.
SUPPLY the Present Continuous of the verbs in parentheses.
a) Marylin is taking Karate classes this semester. ( take )
b) Please, speak louder. I can’t understand what you are saying. ( say )
c) Don’t interrupt Nancy now. She is writing her composition. ( write )
d) Jack is wearing that funny hat again. ( wear )
e) Stella is driving to São Francisco this morning. ( drive )
COMPLETE the sentences using the Simple Present.
a) I work in a school. (work)
b) I’m a receptionist here and we start work at 7 a.m. (start)
c) The principal arrives at 8 a.m. and he leaves at 4 p.m. ( leave )
d) Children study in the mornings and adults come in the evenings.( study )
e) I wear a uniform but teachers don’t. (wear)
COMPLETE the dialog with the Simple Present or Present Progressive form of the verbs below.
Joan: Hi, Kim. How are things?
Kim: Fine, thanks. I am doing (do) my homework now. What about you? What are you doing
(do) now?
Joan: I’m in town with Beth and Casey. We are eating (eat) a pizza at Café Mocha now. I usually help (help)
mom with dinner on Tuesdays, but it’s Beth’s birthday today! There’s a rock band here tonight. They are
playing the guitar upstairs now. They’re really cool.
Kim: It sounds great. I usually listen to pop music, but I like rock, too. Is Kelly with you?
Joan: No. She is working (work) now. She works (work) in a bar on Tuesdays and Thursday.
Kim: Oh! Have a nice evening. See you tomorrow.
“NSP, 100 anos de MISSÃO na EDUCAÇÃO!”

Disciplina: Inglês Professor (a): Eliane Monteiro 2ª série