COLÉGIO NOSSA SENHORA DA PIEDADE Programa de Recuperação Paralela 2ª Etapa – 2014 Disciplina: Inglês Ano: 8º Professor (a): Eliane Monteiro Turma: 8.1 e 8.2 Caro aluno, você está recebendo o conteúdo de recuperação. Faça a lista de exercícios com atenção, ela norteará os seus estudos. Utilize o livro didático adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo. Se necessário, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didáticos, exercícios além dos propostos, etc.). Considere a recuperação como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado. Leve o seu trabalho a sério e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obterá sucesso. Qualquer dúvida procure o professor responsável pela disciplina. Conteúdo Recursos para Estudo / Atividades Interpretação Unidades 1, 2, 3 e 4 (até a pág. 41) Must / Mustn’t Folhas de Revisão Compounds (some, any, no and every) Anotações do caderno Have to / has to (Afirmativa e negativa) Provas anteriores Futuro (going to e will) Going to X will COLÉGIO NOSSA SENHORA DA PIEDADE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL II Área de Conhecimento: Códigos e Linguagens 2ª Etapa Disciplina: Inglês Tipo de Atividade: BLOCO DE RECUPERAÇÃO Professora: Eliane Nome: 8º Ano Data: 19 /09/2014 Turma: 8.1 e 8.2 Nº Querido (a) aluno (a): Para que se organize melhor siga as orientações abaixo: LEIA com atenção cada questão; PROCURE compreender o que está sendo pedido, para você resolver; ELABORE respostas completas; FAÇA uma letra legível; RELEIA todas as suas respostas antes de entregar ao professor (a). SUCESSO! Professor: Eliane Monteiro QUESTÃO 01: READ the dialogue and WRITE T ( true) or F (false). Late for School Fred’s mother: “Do you hear me, Fred ? Do you know it’s already 9 o’clock ? Get up and go to school !” Fred: “I don’t want to go to school.” Fred’s mother: “But you have to go.” Fred: “The teachers don’t understand me, and I don’t understand them either. The children, too. They don’t like me, and I don’t like them either. That school hates me, and I hate it too.” Fred’s mother: “But you have to go !” Fred ( almost crying ): “Why ? Why do I have to go to school ?” Fred’s mother: “Well, because you are fifty-five years old and you are the headmaster !” a) b) c) d) e) The children like Fred. ( ) Fred likes the children. ( ) Fred is almost crying. ( ) Fred studies at that school. ( ) Fred is the headmaster of that school. ( ) QUESTÃO 02: USE must or mustn’t. a) You _______________ use your cell phone in class b) You ___________________ study for your test. c) You __________________ play in class. d) You _________________ pay attention to your teacher. e) You ________________ talk in class. QUESTÃO 03: COMPLETE the text with am, is, are. My name _________ Marcy and I ________ a student at Oxford University. My father ________a doctor and my mother _______ a teacher. They _____ working now. I have one little sister. Her name ________ Lucy. She ___________ very cute. QUESTÃO 04: WRITE the verbs in the future. USE going to. a) Mr. Brown_________________ his house. (sell) b) Our neighbors ___________________ their holidays in Europe. (spend) c) I _________________ to another town. (move) d) _________ you _____________ me? (help) e) I _________________ you the secret. (not tell) f) What _________ you ________________ about this? (do) QUESTÃO 05: COMPLETE the sentences using will and the verbs in parentheses. a) She ____________ her friends at the course.(find) b) I ____________ you for the rest of my life. (love) c) _________ you___________ for the test? (study) d) He __________________ late tomorrow. (not get up) e) We __________________ our best, ok? (make) QUESTÃO 06: COMPLETE the sentences using will / going to and the verbs in parentheses. a) The traffic is terrible. We _______________ our flight. (miss) b) She _______ probably __________ a great success. (be) c) Not a cloud in the sky. It ________________ another warm day. (be) d) I hope you ____________ me one day. (visit) e) Look at the time. We ________________ late. (be) f) I ____________ next year. (travel) QUESTÃO 07: COMPLETE the sentences with words below something – anything (2x) – somebody –anybody - anywhere a) ____________________ phoned you yesterday, but I forgot his name. b) Listen! He is trying to tell you ____________________. c) There was nothing in the store that I liked, so I didn’t buy ________________________. d) I didn’t know ___________________ at the party, so I went home early. e) When I arrived at the beach, there wasn’t __________________ to stay. f) I’m hungry. I didn’t have _________________ for breakfast. QUESTÃO 08: MARK the correct answer. (A) My dictionary was on the desk. ( Somebody – Anything) has taken it. (B) It was really dark and I couldn’t see ( anything – something). (C) The room is empty. There is ( anybody – nobody) in it. (D) I am sad because (somebody - nobody) remembered my birthday. (E) The film was in German, so I couldn’t understand ( something – anything) they said. QUESTÃO 09: (Diferenciar o uso do have / has to na afirmativa e na negativa) CIRCLE the correct options. a) My brother ( have to / has to ) do his homework every day. b) I ( have to / has to ) wear my uniform at school. c) I ( have to / has to ) set the table every day. d) Roger ( have to / has to ) wash his father’s car. e) My mom ( don’t have to / doesn’t have to ) cook today. We’re going to eat a pizza. “NSP, 100 anos de MISSÃO na EDUCAÇÃO!”