Polícia Militar do Estado de Goiás
CPMG – Nader Alves dos Santos
Ano Letivo - 2015
Disciplina: Inglês
Aluno (a):
3º Bimestre
Turma (s)
Nº.de Questões
Lisa Goes to London
Lisa and Diana are in the hotel. They are in Lisa’s
room. Lisa is looking out of the window.
“Wow!”says Lisa. “This is a wonderful view.”
“That’s Hyde Park,” says Diana. “It is very big.”
"I can also see a lake and some boats,” says Lisa.
“That’s the Serpentine Lake,” says Diana.
“I must take a picture,” says Lisa. She is holding her
camera. "Photography is my hobby.”
“You can take a lot of pictures here in London,” says
Diana. “But now we must go to the hotel lounge. The others
finalists are waiting there.”
Vocabulary: view: vista; also: também; to can: poder; to take: tirar; must: deve; picture: foto; to
hold: segurar; lounge: salão;
1ª Questão: Responda se as frases sao verdadeiras ou falsas. Corrija as frases falsas.
a) Lisa and Diana are in Hyde Park. ( ) ________________________________________________
b) Lisa doesn't like the park. ( ) ______________________________________________________
c) There is a lake and some boats in the park. ( ) ________________________________________
d) Lisa has a hobby: fishing. ( ) ______________________________________________________
2ª Questão: Complete as frases com POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE ou POSSESSIVE PRONOUN.
a) The ring is (she) ____________.
b) Where are (you) _____________friends now?
c) The blue car is (we) __________.
d) Here is a postcard from (I) __________ friend Peggy.
e) This was not my fault. It was (you) _________.
f) In our garden is a bird. The nest is (it) __________.
3ª Questão: Marque a alternativa cujos pronomes completam as frases abaixo:
She lives in Australia with _______family.
The ball is __________.
The luggage is _________.
a) his – my – his
b) her – my – his
c) hers – mine – his
d) her – mine – his
e) her – my – its
4ª Questão: Paul and I have _________ house and our parents have ______.
a) our - their
b) your - their
c) our - theirs
d) my - theirs
e) my, ours
5 ª Questão: The woman is looking for ____ husband, ____ name is Tom.
a) her, his
b) her, her
c) his, his
d) her, its
e) my, her
6ª Questão: Substitua as palavras sublinhadas por Subjective or Objective
a) The boys don`t know the answer.
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia
b) Sandra and I are playing volleyball.
c) The teacher always gives the students homework.
d) My father is writing a letter to John.
e) Can you help my sister and me, please.
7ª Questão: Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que substituem as palavras
sublinhadas. Em seguida, marque a seqüência correta:
I – I visited London last year.
II – They bring flowers to my mother.
III – My friend and I like chocolate ice cream. Are these ice creams for _______?
IV – Mary doesn’t love Peter.
a) it – she – we – him
b) it – her – us – him
c) it – she – us – he
d) it – him – me – her
e) it – her – us – his
8ª Questão: Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente os termos em negrito na frase: “Paul
and Robert gave flowers to Helen”.
a) They – it – she
b) We – its – her
c) They – them – she
d) They – them – her
e) He – it - hers
9ª Questão: Escolha a alternativa que completa as frases.
The teacher ______________ made this wonderful test for us.
Margareth and Paul ____________________ returned the ugly gift to their friends.
We all worked on that wonderful painting ________________.
a) themselves – himself - themselves
b) himself – themselves – ourselves
c) yourself – themselves – ourselves
d) itself – ourselves – themselves
e) himself – yourselves – ourselves
10ª Questão: You and Joe ______________ sent the invitations to our friends.
a) yourself
b) yourselves
c) himself
d) themselves
e) ourselves
11ª Questão: Substitua Os nomes pelos pronomes pessoais.
A July and Mary are good friends.. _____________________________________________________________
B My mother and I bought a beauty dress. _____________________________________________
C That cat is Black. ________________________________________________________________
D My parents are very happy. ________________________________________________________
E Caio is a good student. ____________________________________________________________
12ª Questão: Complete com os pronomes reflexivos.
A I made ______________ the lunche.
B You have to wash ___________________ before eating.
C The man__________________ is fixing the car.
D The students prepare the party by _____________________
E At 12;00 o’clock , Cecil and I went to the snack bar to buy __________________something to eat.
Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

Trabalho Avaliativo de Inglês- 8º Ano