Programa de Recuperação Paralela
2ª Etapa – 2014
Disciplina: Inglês
Ano: 8º
Professor (a): Eliane Monteiro
Turma: 8.1 e 8.2
 Caro aluno, você está recebendo o conteúdo de recuperação.
 Faça a lista de exercícios com atenção, ela norteará os seus estudos.
 Utilize o livro didático adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo.
 Se necessário, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didáticos, exercícios além dos propostos, etc.).
 Considere a recuperação como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado.
 Leve o seu trabalho a sério e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obterá sucesso.
 Qualquer dúvida procure o professor responsável pela disciplina.
Recursos para Estudo / Atividades
Unidades 1, 2, 3 e 4 (até a pág. 41)
Must / Mustn’t
Folhas de Revisão
Compounds (some, any, no and every)
Anotações do caderno
Have to / has to (Afirmativa e negativa)
Provas anteriores
Futuro (going to e will)
Going to X will
Área de Conhecimento:
Códigos e Linguagens
Tipo de Atividade: GABARITO DO BLOCO DE
Professora: Eliane
2ª Etapa
Data:24 /09/2014
8º Ano
Querido (a) aluno (a):
Para que se organize melhor siga as orientações abaixo:
LEIA com atenção cada questão;
PROCURE compreender o que está sendo pedido, para você resolver;
ELABORE respostas completas;
FAÇA uma letra legível;
RELEIA todas as suas respostas antes de entregar ao professor (a).
Eliane Monteiro
READ the dialogue and WRITE T ( true) or F (false).
Late for School
Fred’s mother: “Do you hear me, Fred ? Do you know it’s already 9 o’clock ? Get up and go to school !”
Fred: “I don’t want to go to school.”
Fred’s mother: “But you have to go.”
Fred: “The teachers don’t understand me, and I don’t understand them either. The children, too.
They don’t like me, and I don’t like them either. That school hates me, and I hate it too.”
Fred’s mother: “But you have to go !”
Fred ( almost crying ): “Why ? Why do I have to go to school ?”
Fred’s mother: “Well, because you are fifty-five years old and you are the headmaster !”
a) The children like Fred. ( F )
b) Fred likes the children. ( F )
c) Fred is almost crying. ( T )
d) Fred studies at that school. ( F )
e) Fred is the headmaster of that school. ( T )
USE must or mustn’t.
a) You mustn’t use your cell phone in class
b) You must study for your test.
c) You mustn’t play in class.
d) You must pay attention to your teacher.
e) You mustn’t talk in class.
COMPLETE the text with am,is, are.
My name is Marcy and I are a student at Oxford University. My father is a doctor and my mother is a
teacher. They are working now. I have one little sister. Her name is Lucy. She is very cute.
WRITE the verbs in the future. USE going to.
a) Mr. Brown is going to sell his house. (sell)
b) Our neighbors are going to spend their holidays in Europe. (spend)
c) I am going to move to another town. (move)
d) Are you going to help me? (help)
e) I am not going to tell you the secret. (not tell)
f) What are you going to do about this? (do)
COMPLETE the sentences using will and the verbs in parentheses.
a) She will find her friends at the course.(find)
b) I will love you for the rest of my life. (love)
c) Will you study for the test? (study)
d) He will not get up late tomorrow. (not get up)
e) We will make our best, ok? (make)
COMPLETE the sentences using will / going to and the verbs in parentheses.
a) The traffic is terrible. We are going to miss our flight. (miss)
b) She will probably be a great success. (be)
c) Not a cloud in the sky. It is going to be another warm day. (be)
d) I hope you will visit me one day. (visit)
e) Look at the time. We are going to be late. (be)
f) I will travel next year. (travel)
COMPLETE the sentences with words below
something – anything (2x) – somebody –anybody - anywhere
a) Somebody phoned you yesterday, but I forgot his name.
b) Listen! He is trying to tell you something.
c) There was nothing in the store that I liked, so I didn’t buy anything.
d) I didn’t know anybody at the party, so I went home early.
e) When I arrived at the beach, there wasn’t anywhere to stay.
f) I’m hungry. I didn’t have anything for breakfast.
MARK the correct answer.
a) My dictionary was on the desk. ( Somebody – Anything) has taken it.
b) It was really dark and I couldn’t see ( anything – something).
c) The room is empty. There is ( anybody – nobody) in it.
d) I am sad because (somebody - nobody) remembered my birthday.
e) The film was in German, so I couldn’t understand ( something – anything) they said.
QUESTÃO 09: (Diferenciar o uso do have / has to na afirmativa e na negativa)
CIRCLE the correct options.
a) My brother ( have to / has to ) do his homework every day.
b) I ( have to / has to ) wear my uniform at school.
c) I ( have to / has to ) set the table every day.
d) Roger ( have to / has to ) wash his father’s car.
e) My mom ( don’t have to / doesn’t have to ) cook today. We’re going to eat a pizza.
“NSP, 100 anos de MISSÃO na EDUCAÇÃO!”

Inglês Professor (a): Eliane Monteiro Ano: 8º Turma: 8.1 e 8.2