Profissional da área de arquitetura com extensa experiência incluindo desde projetos urbanísticos de grande escala ate a produção de detalhamento arquitetônico. Experiência esta abrangendo projetos residenciais significativos de iniciativa privada a projetos educacionais e de transporte com investimento publico, Trabalhou em inúmeros renomeados escritórios de arquitetura em Londres, incluindo Hamiltons Architects e Robin Partington Architects, o qual foi fundado por ex-diretores de Foster & Partners. Projetos pessoais incluem um pavilhão de eventos da cidade alemã de Kronberg e o desenvolvimento de componentes pré-moldados utilizando garrafas plásticas recicladas, para uso na construção civil de pequeno porte, principalmente habitação popular. Auxiliou no desenvolvimento das empresas as quais trabalhou, possui excelente relacionamento interpessoal. Sua experiência acadêmica inclui Historia da Arte e Arquitetura Modernista do Brasil. Nascido em fevereiro de 1975 na NovaZelândia, com cidadania italiana, seu idioma oficial é o inglês, mas possui também um bom nível da língua portuguesa e espanhola. Curriculum Vitae Craig Louis Harrison-Smith R. Euzébio Balzaretti, 602/203 95670-000 Gramado - RS tele: 54 8111-0634 email: [email protected] Práticas principais Projetos Arquitetônicos e Urbanísticos Desenvolvimento de detalhes arquitetônicos e pacotes de informação técnica Projetos de visualização e ilustração arquitetônica e maquete física Desenho gráfico e preparação de publicações Preparação de documentação para licitações internacionais Estudos de viabilidade Técnicas administrativas, marketing e gerenciamento Informática Desenvolvimento de projetos: Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit, Ecotect, Bentley Microstation, Visualização: 3D Studio Max, SketchUp, Vray, Rhino 3D Ilustração: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint Educação 2012: Diploma em Arquitetura, Universidade Oxford Brooke, Oxford - Inglaterra 2012: Curso Avançado de Português Brasileiro, University College London, Londres - Inglaterra 2009: Bacharel em Arquitetura (hons), Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, London Metropolitan University, Londres - Inglaterra 2007: Curso de Matemática, Estatística e Calculo, Open University, Londres - Inglaterra 1999: Bacharel em Ciências Políticas e Arte, University of Canterbury, Christchurch - Nova Zelândia Experiência Jestico + Whiles, Londres 2011-2013 Principais projetos: Academia Colchester, Essex Inglaterra Nova escola em Essex, Inglaterra. O projeto inclui uma nova escola secundaria para 1200 estudantes e a reforma de um centro esportivo existente. O principal desafio neste projeto foi o desenvolvimento das etapas de construção enquanto a escola encontrava-se em uso. A escola existente foi demolida assim que a nova escola foi finalizada. Posição: Analise inicial e desenvolvimento do projeto ate a fase de aprovação, incluindo visualizações com o uso de maquetes eletrônicas. Desenvolvimento de material publicitário a ser utilizado em consultas publicas e apresentações junto aos moradores do bairro e cliente. Detalhamento arquitetônico nas fases após a aprovação do projeto, coordenação a equipe de campo, fachadas e projeto de estrutura metálica primaria e secundaria. Residencial Greenwich Millennium Village, Londres Inglaterra Projeto da nova fase de desenvolvimento da Vila Residencial Greenwich Millennium em Londres, incluindo 1800 novos apartamentos, dos quais 500 deles sendo levados ate o nível de detalhamento arquitetônico. Posição: Parte de um grande time trabalhando no projeto durante mais de um ano. Analise inicial ate o desenvolvimento do anteprojeto para aprovação junto às autoridades locais, incluindo maquetes eletrônicas e visualizações, desenho urbano, detalhamento dos blocos residenciais e desenho da fachada dos blocos de 10 andares. Produção e coordenação do documento para aprovação do projeto. Hamiltons Architects, Londres 2006-2010 Principais projetos: Curzon Park Masterplan, Birmingham Inglaterra Um masterplan para uma área de 45,000m2 no centro da cidade de Birmingham. O projeto inclui o planejamento e aprovação para áreas comerciais (escritórios), edifícios residenciais e de lazer, totalizando uma área construída de 130.000 m2 . Posição: Analise do sitio e desenvolvimento do projeto. Produção de diagramas e material ilustrativo, coordenação do projeto junto a grande equipe de consultores e colaboradores. Responsável pela preparação do documento para a aprovação junto aos órgãos públicos e coordenação de informação. Faculdade Galega de Música & Drama, Cardiff, País de Gales A Faculdade Galega de Música & Drama serve, dentre outros, à Orquestra Nacional do País de Gales. Este projeto foi ganhador de um Concurso Internacional de Arquitetura e inclui três auditórios para apresentações, salas de aula, estúdios e biblioteca. O projeto também inclui a inserção de um edifício tombado existente. Posição: Parte do time responsável desde a fase de concepção, durante o concurso, posteriormente ate o detalhamento de projeto para a construção. Auxiliou na documentação para pré-qualificação do projeto, incluindo analise do sitio e diagramação. Responsável pela coordenação da documentação produzida pelo time de arquitetos e colaboradores. Residencial Henry Moore Court, Londres Inglaterra Grande projeto residencial de luxo localizado em uma área anteriormente ocupada pela Faculdade de Arte de Chelsea, em Londres. O projeto inclui 14 apartamentos com 2 a 4 dormitórios, duas residências e oito sobrados, oferecendo também segurança 24-horas, recepção, estacionamento subterrâneo e academia de ginástica. Posição: Desenvolvimento do projeto desde a conceito ao detalhamento arquitetônico, acompanhamento da obra de oito sobrados, parte do conjunto residencial. Pacote técnico e especificação junto às autoridades locais (Greater London Authority), seguindo os padrões de construção Lifetime Homes e Secure By Design. Responsável pela coordenação da documentação total do projeto produzida pelo time de arquitetos e colaboradores, trabalhando também com o cliente na produção de material publicitário das unidades residenciais. Millendreath Eco-Village & Resort, Cornwall Inglaterra Millendreath é um vale junto ao mar localizado no sudoeste de Cornwall, Inglaterra. O projeto inclui o desenvolvimento de um plano urbanístico para uma área de 350.000m2, incluindo os novos edifícios. Este projeto de uso misto incluiu acomodações residências e de temporada, além de comercio, escritórios e áreas de lazer. O plano urbanístico segue princípios sustentáveis, promovendo conexões com a comunidade e economia local, assegurando medidas passivas, promovendo a redução de emissões de CO2 e o uso de fontes renováveis de energia desde a fase de concepção do projeto. Posição: Parte do time responsável desde a fase de concepção ate a fase de anteprojeto a aprovação. Responsável pela produção de coordenação do documento para aprovação diante às autoridades locais. Produção de diagramas, material ilustrativo, analise do sitio, maquetes eletrônicas, documentos para a exposição junto aos moradores e autoridades locais. YRM Architects. 2006 Manual de Projeto para Crossrail, Londres Inglaterra Trabalhou juntamente com o time de arquitetos de YRM assim como a empresa de engenharia Mott MscDonald na elaboração deste manual, auxiliando no desenvolvimento do conteudo tecnico, paginação e ilustração, incluindo pesquisa fotografica e de referencias. Este manual de 300 páginas foi elaborado com a utilização da ferramenta Adobe Creative Suite, baseado no seus previos 4 volumes de conteudo. Este foi um trabalho extremamente extenso e complexo, o qual necessitou de um grande nivel de organizacao pessoal, juntamente com a colaboracao de uma equipe dedicada e um conhecimento significativo da industria da construção civil. Projetos Pessoais 2012 – Concurso para o desenvolvimento do edifício Guildhall, York, Inglaterra. Novas acomodações para salas comerciais e restaurante a serem acomodados em um edifício tombado no centro de York. O desafio maior neste projeto foi o desenvolvimento de uma nova extensão em um edifício histórico datado do século XVI. Posição: Analise do sitio e lançamento do partido de projeto, estudos com o uso de maquetes eletrônicas e visualizações. 2012 – Nova residência sustentável e de padrão luxo nos arredores de Londres. Uma residência possuindo 3 dormitórios projetada para acomodar um estilo de vida contemporâneo, interagindo adequadamente com o meio ambiente. Posição: Analise do sitio e partido ate o desenvolvimento do ante-projeto para aprovação junto às autoridades locais. Maquetes eletronicas, visualizações, documentação. 2010 – Pavilhão de eventos para o Victoria Park, Kronberg im Taunus, Alemannha Posição: Este foi o projeto ganhador de um Concurso de Arquitetura para uma intervenção em um parque publico tombado. O projeto foi selecionado atraves de uma votação pública junto aos moradores e ao Departamento da Cultura local. O pavilhao foi entao desenvolvido juntamente com a comunidade local ate a abertura para a programacao de verao de 2011. 2009 – Componente Multi-uso – Desenvolvimento de um prototipo 3D Projeto de um protótipo desenvolvido a partir da reciclagem de garrafas plásticas para uso na construção civil em paredes de gabião. Este produto foi desenvolvido com o uso das ferramentas Rhino 3D e impressão tridimensional a laser. Referências Heinz Richardson - Diretor Jestico + Whiles Architects phone: +44 020 7380 0382 email: [email protected] Robin Partington - Diretor Robin Partington Architects phone: +44 20 7419 3500 email: [email protected] Richard Brown - Arquiteto Lider YRM Architects (agora com Crossrail) phone: +44 07590 225 841 email: richardbrown@ e Description Green Millennium Village 1/ Introduction | 1.5 Design Competition Londres, Inglaterra 1.5.1 Introduction The decision to hold a design competition was reached as a result of a CABE Enabling Workshop in January 2010. This event involved representatives from GMVL, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) (as landowners), London Borough of Greenwich (LBG), Design for London (DfL), CABE and various technical advisors to the project. At this workshop the following objectives were agreed: ch Peninsula and extends, in are located about a kilometre ailway station is a similar • • • • • mmercial and residential idian Delta Limited. 3/ Detailed Planning Application | 3.4 Eastern Terrace nt including a Sainsbury’s The Competition JuryThe was established, comprising GMVL, HCA, DFL and CABE. O2 Arena ch includes the Angerstein and Meridian Trading Estate and e site by way of a long term 999 Canary Wharf London City Airport 1.5.2 The GMV Vision The original vision for GMV was updated, with the aim of creating a place with: • wnfield land, laid to grass, with ment on the site. These are . • Homes which excite and inspire, so flexible that people can make their home their The London dream Soccerdrome A neighbourly and inclusive community, in which the conventional infrastructure of divisiveness is replaced with one of social cohesion 3.4.7 Dwelling Layouts • A complementary feel to the adjoining first phases of the development The Thames Barrier And one which: on | 3.2 Access will apply, ition,there rary parking will tementtherefore | November 2011be ExCel Need to respect, challenge and evolve the Greenwich Millennium Village concept while retaining the existing urban and living quality Ensure that a strong sense of place is created Must be deliverable Must satisfactorily address noise and other technical constraints Can challenge and change the layout and nature of existing infrastructure (roads, landscape strips and servicing) located between the phases The layouts of all dwellings have been designed to comply with the GLA “Interim London • Achieves popularity and commercial success quite simply because people enjoy there Housingliving Design Guide”, the HCA’s “London Design Standards Prospectus” and Lifetime • Safeguards environmental sustainability, whilst showing how quality of life can Homes.continue Designated to improve disabled persons’ dwellings have been designed to comply with LB • Embodies Sustainable development principles at its very core Greenwich’s Greenwich Wheelchair Site Brief”. All dwellings are externally “tenure• Leads the“The way to a less car dependant future •. Responds and respects neighbouring activities and land uses blind” GMV Site • • Enhances and protects existing bio-diversity Promotes the more efficient use of land through higher density mixed use development Each •dwelling own generous private outdoor space in the form of a balcony or Reduces the has need toits travel and encourages use of public transport to secure more sustainable patterns of transport terrace. and projecting balconies are deployed and are designed, wherever possible, • IsInset profitable and capable of attracting investment and financing • Promotes high quality, sustainable innovative design they serve and to act as supplementary living to become extensions of theandliving areas Charlton spaces. Athletic FC Eastern Terrace - Plot 105. Typical Floor Layouts National Maritime Museum Competition Landscape Masterplan | October 2010 The Application site in its wider context Greenwich Millennium Village | Design & Access Statement | November 2011 stherefore carparkwithin ndercrofts. ided in the Eastern Terrace, Tenth Floor Plan Eastern Terrace, Ninth Floor Plan Eastern Terrace, Typical Floor Plan 01 BLOCK 105, 106, 107 - FOURTH FLOOR PLAN 01 BLOCK 105, 106, 107 - NINTH FLOOR PLAN 01 BLOCK 105, 106, 107 - TENTH FLOOR PLAN of1per1Band orage areas ds(Plots101and ts105-107,which GMVL GREENWICH MILLENNIUM VILLAGE BLOCKS 105, 106, 107 - TENTH FLOOR PLANS 02/11/11 1:50 @ A1 2368-SK-174 GMVL P01 GREENWICH MILLENNIUM VILLAGE BLOCKS 105, 106, 107 - NINTH FLOOR PLANS 02/11/11 the nearest although, in yards. 3/ Detailed Planning Application | 3.3 Public Realm 3.3.4 Mews Parcel 1 includes the construction of one of the ‘Mews’, a typology which is an important part of the Masterplan Strategy. Roadways and footways will be distinguished by different Parcel 1 Site Plan surface materials, both of which Greenwich Millennium Village | Design & Access Statement | November 2011 will be high quality concrete blockwork. They will be asymmetric in width and kerbs between the two will be flush with no step. On-street parking will be designed with incidental tree planting and changes in road geometry, to assist in reinforcing the pedestrian orientation of the streets. Greenwich Millenium Village Mews Rain Garden Section Opportunities to Personalise ‘Defensible’ Threshold Rain Garden ber 2011 Greenwich Millenium Village Mews Section Opportunities to Personalise ‘Defensible’ Threshold Flush Kerb On Street Parking Mews Section - Rain Gardens W103736Y27 | Rev A | November ‘11 1:50 @ A3 Mews Section W103736Y26 | Rev A | November ‘11 1:50 @ A3 Greenwich Millennium Village | Design & Access Statement | November 2011 Visualisation of Mews Street 1:50 @ A1 2368-SK-173 GMVL P01 GREENWICH MILLENNIUM VILLAGE BLOCKS 105, 106, 107 - FOURTH FLOOR PLANS 02/11/11 1:50 @ A1 2368-SK-172 P01 Academia Colchester Essex, Inglaterra 01 PLANT SCREEN 02 PLANT SCREEN 03 PLANT SCREEN 04 PLANT S 01 WINDOW HEAD - GROUND FLOOR 03 WINDOW JAMB - GROUND FLOOR/ BRICKWORK 02 TYPICAL PERIMETER DETAIL - STRUCTURE 01 TYPICAL PERIMETER DETAIL 05 PLANT SCREEN PLAN 05 WINDOW H 06 PLANT SCREEN PLAN 07 PLANT SCREEN PLAN 04 WINDOW JAMB - GROUND FLOOR, RENDER INFIL Faculdade Galega de Música & Drama Cardiff, País de Gales Residência Sustentável Londres, Amasham, Inglaterra KEY PLAN 2/ Design KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DARK STAINED TIMBER BOARDING FLINT WALL FLINT ENTRANCE FLINT GABION WALL RENDERED CHIMNEY CANOPY METAL ROOF GLASS BALUSTRADE GARDEN GATE PHOTOVOLTAIC AND SOLAR THERMAL PANELS SLIDING TIMBER SCREEN KEY The house is laid out over 2 levels with primary living spaces at ground level and bedroom spaces on the upper level. The ground floor is entered from the west frontage to Mill Lane by way of an entrance hall that leads to the main body of the house and the primary circulation routes through the building. Kitchen, dining and living spaces are combined to create a family hub space that has direct visual and physical connection to the south facing garden space. A study / TV room is located on the northwestern corner of the house. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 12 6 KEY PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 2373-PL-016 1 7 12 12 8 5 P01 1:100@A3 28.03.12 9 10 Ground Floor Plan The upper level of the house contains 3 bedrooms 2 of which have en-suite shower and toilets. A further bathroom is also provided. The bedrooms are located on the northeastern side of the house to avoid overlooking of the adjacent property and take advantage of morning sunlight and daylight whilst limiting the summer time risk of 6/ Response to Pre-Application Comments bedrooms overheating in the evening. The master bedroom located at the eastern end of the house is designed to maximize the potential of distant views. The fenestration to the 01 PROPOSED NORTH EAST ELEVATION south of this room has been carefully designed to eliminate any potential overlooking of the rear of the house at no 17 Mill Lane by incorporating an inset roof window which 19 MILL LANE has esponse to Pre-Application Comments an obscured translucent glass screen to the western edge of the inset fenestration. (See response to pre-application advice dated 6th May 2011 ref. CH/2011/40023/IQL the Drawing number: 2373-PL-018). pplicants have amended the design as follows. he amount of glazing to the upper level of the house on the southern side has been onsiderably reduced and thereby the perception of overlooking and loss of privacy greatly reduced. Particularly relevant is the treatment of the window to the principle edroom which is recessed in to the roof space with the incorporation of an obscured azed screen to eliminate any direct overlooking to the rear elevation of the adjacent roperty at no 17 Mill Lane. DARK STAINED TIMBER BOARDING FLINT WALL FLINT ENTRANCE FLINT GABION WALL RENDERED CHIMNEY CANOPY METAL ROOF GLASS BALUSTRADE 2 LINE OF HEDGE TO SCHOOL LANE BOUNDARY A void unites ground and first floor on the southern part of the house in the area of the kitchen dining area. This generates a gallery at first floor which provides access to the PROPOSED NORTH EAST ELEVATION bedrooms at first floor thereby placing non-habitable space on the on the south side in the central area of the house. The purpose of this void is to provide a natural ventilation route for stack ventilation to ventilate and cool the ground floor living spaces. This is part 10assist with night time cooling during of the sustainability strategy for the house and will the summer months. 6 1 KEY Currently the garage to the existing house on the site is physically connected to the SOUTH WEST ELEVATION adjoining property and hence this proposal PROPOSED will provide separation to the two properties. The area of garage wall to no 17 Mill Lane that will be exposed by the new construction will be made good by the applicants at their cost as will any area of boundary fencing to southern boundary needed as a consequence of demolishing the existing building. he house has been reduced in size and has been moved further away from the northern oundary to School Lane and the geometry of the house and its relationship to the site nd adjoining buildings is more regular than the previous proposal. The orientation is itical to a low energy strategy and to exploit the potential views. The building line to Mill 19general MILL frontage LANE of buildings on the eastern side of the ane has been matched with the ane thereby enhancing this relationship more formally than the previous proposal. By rientating the building thus the impact on distant views from the existing dwellings on e north western end of Mill Lane is also minimized. 8 5 2 4 To the south of the entrance hall a small open courtyard garden space which contains a specimen tree will be visible upon entry to the house to create a stunning entrance sequence. To the south of the courtyard and creating an enclosure on the southern side PROPOSED SOUTH WEST ELEVATION of the courtyard space is a single storey studio / garden room which terminates just to the north of the adjoining property and creates a new physical separation between the proposed development and the garage space of number 17. This space will have a 11 planted ecology roof which will be a visual amenity when seen from the properties on the west side of Mill Lane. 19 MILL LANE 7 3 11 Stair access to the upper level is located between the study space and the kitchen and is expressed as an oriel window feature on the northern elevation. 01 HALLWAY CLOAKROOM WC STUDY HALL / STAIR KITCHEN DINING AREA LIVING AREA STUDIO PARKING FOR 3 CARS EXISTING CROSSOVER RETAINED SLIDING TIMBER SCREEN 12 12 KEY 6 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2373-PL-009 PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1:100@A3 28.03.12 8 3 28.03.12 7 6 5 1 P01 1:100@A3 4 2 2373-PL-015 P01 N BEDROOM EN SUITE SHOWER/WC BATHROOM LANDING BEDROOM ENSUITE SHOWER/WC BEDROOM VOID TO BELOW OBSCURED GLASS PAN ECOLOGY ROOF 9 9 4 2 7 he number of proposed parking spaces has been increased to 3 as indicated on the pplication drawings. he design of the house and materials proposed are more traditional than the previous roposal and reference materials and forms found within the area of the Old Town and e seen to make a positive contribution to the architecture of the Lane. 8 3 9 10 First Floor Plan N 19 MILL LANE PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN 2373-PL-009 P01 1:10 19 Mill Lane, Old Amersham, Bucks, HP7 0EH 19 MILL LANE 19 Mill Lane, Old Amersham, Bucks, HP7 0EH PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 9 10 2373-PL-010 P01 1:100@A3 28.03.12 the pattern is taken from the official wallpaper of Empress Victoria of Germany, the original patron of the park. Pavilhão de Eventos para o Victoria Park Kronberg im Taunus, ThisAlemanha is a live project with a €30,000 budget and is currently due for completion May 2011. an 1. An die Oberseite der drei mittleren Balken befestigte Metalschiene, in die die Highlux Randschiene ein- und ausmontiert wird Galvanised steel section fixed to the upper side of the three central beam during assembly, into which the Highlux frames are set each assembly 1 3 5 2 2. 1200mm x 5400mm x 16mm Highlux Acrylglassstegplatte "16/32", flach verlegt mit Highlux Rand- und Endleisten in einer auf den Balken montierter Schiene eingefasst 1200mm x 5400mm x 16mm Highlux acrylglass panel with internal bridges for additional rigidity, installed flat with Highlux side and edge frames set into an additional frame fixed to the upper side of the beams 4 6 3. Randschiene für Highlux Acrylglass Stegplatten, in die die Acrylglassplatten permanent eingesetzt sind Side frame for the Highlux Acrylglass panels, into which the panels are fixed permanently 4. 48.3mm Durchmesser Kee Safety Stange und Fussbefestigung Typ 62 48.3mm diameter Kee Safety bar with footing, Type 62 1:5@A4 5. An die Oberseite des vorderen und hinteren Balken befestigte Metalschiene, in die die Highlux Randschiene ein- und ausmontiert wird Galvanised steel section fixed to the upper side of the front and back beam during assembly, into which the Highlux frames are set each assembly Pavilion in the Park - Kronberg, Germany 6. Rueckpaneele Back panels A 2800 max. 3800 3350 Panel Prototypeing - Model Pavillon im Viktoriapark A Dachdetail Roof detail 1:50@A4 & 1:5@A4 8/8 08/06/2010 ASD Projects Do not scale from this drawing. Drawings for information only. 200 max. 880 Eibe Yew 1:50@A4 Pavilion in the Park - Kronberg, Germany 1 Visualisations berg, Germany Sommer / summer A 3 4 Winter A Pavillon im Viktoriapark 1. In das Holz eingelassene galvanisierte Stahlplatten verstaerken die Verbindungen zwischen Balken und Pfeiler Galvanised steel plates stiffen joints between columns and beams and are set into beams and columns 2. Demontierbare Stahlfussung, welche bei der Montage mit Boltzen auf die Fundamente geschraubt wird Removable galvanised steel footing, bolted to foundations during assembly Längsschnitt Section The cut is generated from a MicroStation dng file then 1:50@A4 & 1:10@A4 imported into a AutoCAD workstation6/8set up to drive 08/06/2010 ASD Projects the laser cutter. Do not scale from this drawing. A Drawings for information only. 4.1 The Urban Tool Kit The purpose of this masterplan is to provide a basic framework that will guide and inform the subsequent development of individual buildings, public realm and the site as a whole that will in turn establish a number of fundamental links with the city core and adjacent areas. Resumo de Projetos Curzon Park will have its own unique identity and sense of place whilst being an integral part of a much wider and vibrant centre, mediating between, and facilitating links with, other surrounding areas and the city core. 4.1 The Urban Tool Kit of thisbetween masterplanthe is to provide a basic To facilitate the design ofThe thepurpose spaces framework that will guide and inform the subsequent buildings, a tool-kit of urban elements needs to bepublic realm and the development of individual buildings, site asvery a whole that will in turn establish a number of established as these are the things that when fundamental links with the city core and adjacent areas. combined, help to create and reinforce the signature of the place. Curzon Park will have its own unique identity and sense of place whilst being an integral part of a much wider and vibrant centre, mediating between, and facilitating links The tool-kit can be broken with, down into distinctareas elements other surrounding and the city core. within the urban environment; the pavements you walk facilitate the where design you of the spaces between the on, the trees that line a path,Tothe seating take buildings, a tool-kit of urban elements needs to be a rest, water, public art, everything youastouch feelvery in things that when established these and are the combined, to create anddefine reinforce the signature of the public realm, the urban land useshelp that help to the place. the urban edges and the way that space is used; where to live, where to work, whereThetotool-kit park can your car, where to distinct elements be broken down into within the urban environment; the pavements you walk eat and play. on, the trees that line a path, the seating where you take a rest, water, public art, everything you touch and feel in The strength and character the of public the masterplan realm, the urbanwill landthen uses that help to define the range urban edges the waytypes, that space is used; where be complimented by a wide of and building to live, where to work, where to park your car, where to including those that provide a eatpassive and play. contribution to the urban grain contrasting with opportunities for a limited The strength and character of the masterplan will then number of signature buildings. be complimented by a wide range of building types, including those that provide a passive contribution to the urban grain contrasting with opportunities for a limited number of signature buildings. Curzon Park Masterplan, Birmingham, Inglaterra Curzon Park Masterplan, Birmingham, Inglaterra 55 architects masterplanners Courtyards And Terraces 55 architects masterplanners Green linkages Relaxation Informal recreation Gardens & quiet space Colour with seasons Pillows of landscape Spaces to entertain Gardens to be viewed from above Courtyards And Terraces Green linkages Relaxation Informal recreation Gardens & quiet space Colour with seasons Pillows of landscape Spaces to entertain Gardens to be viewed from above GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM ... budget houses ... standard houses ... luxury houses the budget houses are located in clusters of three of four and arranged around courtyard spaces surrounding the village centre. located around the budget houses and spreading along the edges are the standard houses. these houses are arranged in between the trees with sufficient space around them to afford views. the luxury houses are located within the middle of the site allowing them to spread across and filter into the landscape for maximum privacy. Henry Moore Court, Residential de luxo, Londres Henry Moore Court, Residential de luxo, Londres leisure center plan gym and fitness relaxation area for female spa female spa 88 courtyard and swimming pool entrance and club house 4.5.1 The Crescent relaxation area for male spa sterplan Development restaurant/cafe al pedestrian permeability studies have d a number of key desire lines running towards which congregate in the park to the west of treet station. This reinforces our view that the station building stands at the heart of eastside, and the gateway to our development. With a key pedestrian gateway at the west end of our site adjacent to the station building... ...and our principal vehicular entrance at the junction of Curzon Street and Cardigan Street... squash courts male spa C basketball Bi tennis court Pedestrian landscape Amphitheatre Pavement = 7m Residential New Canal Street Shared surface = 7m Pavement = 7m Residential Pavement = 7m Shared surface = 7m Offices Cross section through the Crescent Cross section through the Crescent Section through the amphitheatre behind Curzon Street Station Pavement = 7m Drop-off Drop-off Views of Curzon Street Station from the Crescent Float osal is to create a circulation spine through which connects these two nodes. Our proposal link between these two nodes in the form of crescent which allows the orientation of the lots at each end of the site to respond to their These plots adjacent to the station can be angled to align with the geometry of New Canal Street and the orientation of Curzon Street Station, while at the east end of the site the buildings can relate to the sweep of the Digbeth Branch Canal. This geometry sets up a radial arrangement of building plots allowing a variety of different size buildings to be distributed around the site. The radial geometry allows sunlight penetration into the site throughout the day. Office Building the existing site It also allows us to capitalise on views into the site from the train, and particularly to create a gateway view into the development at the entrance to Curzon Gate. This reinforces our view that the station building stands at the heart of eastside, and the gateway to our development. With a key pedestrian gateway at the west end of our site adjacent to the station building... Office Building Office Building Diplomatic Club Resort, Tripoli, Líbia Biblioteca da Universidade de Al Fateh, Tripoli, Líbia 4.5.1 The Crescent MSCP and three loft top floors Stata Offices and MSCP 88 Office Building Curzon Station Building luxury unit: type 02 GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM exclusion zone ...and our principal vehicular entrance at the junction of Curzon Street and Cardigan Street... DIPLOMATIC CLUB GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM Tripoli, Libya (Masterplanning) H A Bi pe re Ro pr Ac illu co te Materiality Approaching Curzon Station Square ... the entrance 36 Longitudinal Section through the Cresecent ... existing roads and buildings Hamiltons Architects (now BFLS) The material approach for the project focuses on retaining the feel of the demolished boatshed and boat service buildings. By using a blacked wood façase this creates both a historical to a material type traditionally used in shed construction but also allows the building to sit back from the Guildhall, adding to the rhythm of riverside parade of buildings without dominating the existing structures. The material concept of the new building is to be a part of the dialogue of the river and Guildhall. 62 ... constraints PUBLIC private internal courtyard with pool CAR - PARK 63 PRIVATE PUBLIC the main entrance to the Diplomatic is located at the South Eastern gateway the site is surrounded by a single road which forms the link to the main road network. there are a few tracks located within the site as well as an exisitng man made river running below ground level... the trees on the site form an important part of the context and are to be retained. Pedestrian landscape Amphitheatre Residential New Canal Street Pavement = 7m Shared surface = 7m Drop-off Cross sectio Cross section through the Crescent Section through the amphitheatre behind Curzon Street Station Views of Curzon Street Station from the Crescent bedrooms Float These plots adjacent to the station can be angled to align with the geometry of New Canal Street and the orientation of Curzon Street Station, while at the east end of the site the buildings can relate to the sweep of the Digbeth Branch Canal. This geometry sets up a radial arrangement of building plots allowing a variety of different size buildings to be distributed around the site. The radial geometry allows sunlight penetration into the site throughout the day. It also allows us to capitalise on views into the site from the train, and particularly to create a gateway view into the development at the entrance to Curzon Gate. courtyard and Office swimming Building pool kitchen and dining area living area entrance garage MSCP and three loft top floors Office Building Precedents Role: Architectural Assistant in charge of the production and coordination of the Design & Access Statement: Production of diagrams, illustrative material, site analysis, model making, Building Stata Offices and MS coordination ofOffice material with a large consultant team. Of particular interest for this project was looking at British architects David Chipperfield’s use of massing, and specifically receding planes. Chipperfield frequently using heavily massed buildings creating a rhythm of volumes with a single building. Much of the interest is created by receding the faces of the volumes. This approach is used on the southern and western approaches to this project. From the far side of the river the rhythm of the new building changes, not just statically but on the sunny day deep shadows between the volumes will create a moving pattern. GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM Project Layout - Linkages from Town to River 3 1 Approaching Curzon Station Square 36 62 Longitudinal Section through the Cresecent 4 6 63 2 5 Pesquisa para paredes gabião, impressão em 3D do protótipo One of the primary goals of this project is to open up the riverfront to the public. The riverside area offers a series of entrances to the new building and the new bankside café and terrace. While the new accommodation is private offices all of the ground floor is new public space, including enough space in the ground floor entrance to provide for small exhibits. All of the access to the new public space is linked in a network allowing for multiple routes. 1 Access to the old Guildhall via the main town square 2 Guildhall internal courtyard with access to the underground walkway to the riverfront Guildhall, York, Inglaterra 3 Main access to the new Office complex and through to the café and terrace 4 Main access to the new Office complex 5 New open space and route to the café and terrace 6 Bridge access. Th A masterplan for a 120 hectare site – equivalent pe in area to Hyde Park – to the south of Tripoli encompasses a leisure centre, town centre, and Pavement85 = 7m houses for the growing international commun Residential in Tripoli. architects masterplanners private internal courtyard GUILDHALL - YORK, UNITED KINGDOM