_$G BR09/4471 Certificate Themanagement systemof Ltda. Fomeco doBrasil 2300 BairrodaChave Rodovia AkzoNobel, - BR - SP- 13295-000 Itupeva of hasbeenassessed andcertifiedas meetingtherequirements ISO1400 1:2004 ffi Forthefollowing activities tubesand cooling of bent,exhausting andengine "Manufacture industry." hydraulic systems' benttubesforautomotive deresfriamento de deexaustão, detuboscurvados, "Fabricação paraa indústria automotiva." hidráulicos motores e tubosdesistemas unül1910412012 Thiscertificate isvalidfron20104/2009 audits. remains valid to satisfactory surveillance and subject 0210412012. Recertification auditdateduebefore AprilI 2009 since lssue1.Certified Authorised by Ltd Systems & Services Certification SGSUnited Kingdom PortCheshire CH65 3EN UK Business ParkEllesmere Rossmore f +44(0)151 35G6600 wwwsgs.com 35G6ô66 t +44(0)151 040105 scs EMS Page1 ofi ffi@ grsphic desigtríêliêr roler Fíündprinlod by orelllüssli sodÍíty p.inting ltd switre.l{nd oo5