Use of the System of Intelectual Property by SMEs in Brazil: methodological aspects and some results Sergio Medeiros Paulino de Carvalho Director of Partnership and Technological Information INPI Brazil Meeting of Expert Group for Defining the Scope and the Methodology for National Survey-Studies on Intellectual Property and SMEs Geneva, September 17th, 2009 Previous Informations Study cordinated by Dr. Salles Filho, Sergio (DPCT/Unicamp), published by WIPO Accomplished by the request of OMPI Report delivered in September 2005 Period of analysis: 2000-2005 Structure of Presentation Methodology: main aspects origin of data presenting: INPI + IBGE (Statistic Brazilian Agency) Direct interview with 11 dilligent members from SMEs technology based Use of IP by SMEs: exploring the data Conclusions and indications of politics Methodology: main aspects Stablishment of different relations: Size X Type of protection Size X Sectorial Analysis (CNAE) Sector Analysis (CNAE) X Type of protection Sectorial Dynamism X Company Strategy Methodology: main aspects Origin of data: INPI basis Request of the data base: the requests of patents and industrial design Name of company “CNPJ” – company registration number Year of request Protection type “CNAE” - national economic activity classification Origin of data: INPI basis INPI DATA BASE YEAR PATENTS Total IND. DESIGN. IP UM Subtotal 2000 434 342 776 747 1.523 2001 540 394 934 853 1.787 2002 562 478 1040 1053 2.093 2003 608 514 1122 1269 2.391 2004 578 374 952 985 1.937 Subtotal 2.722 2.102 4.824 4.907 9.731 Origin of data: IBGE basis Request of data base of the Central File of Enterprises (CEMPRE) Informations about the Enterprises, including CNAE National Classification of Economic Activity and number of employees Name of company Company Registration CNPJ CNAE - National Classification of Economic Activity Size 0-4 people --------------- 5-19 people --------------- 20 -99 people -------------- 100 or over --------------- MICRO SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Problems Upon such correlations, it had been verified some inconsistencies that had requested the exchanging of size of some corporations. As consequence from the use by the central corporation files of IBGE (Cempre), the central units of such big companies based on the year of 2002, some of these notorious companies, with a high number of requests of IP had been classified as micro, small or medium companies. As such data would generate great distortion ( how would it make that an entire class of CNAE would become dominated by micro companies), it had been and alteration based upon the criteria of number of employees from the units of manufactures. Problems 2 The cases had been the followings: Reclassification from micro to big companies Grendene S/A Bombril Cirio S/A MRV Indústria e Comércio S/A Brasil Telecom Participações S/A Rhodia-Ster S/A Weg S/A Philip Morris Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda Sszk Empreendimentos Participaçoes Ltda RCD Comércio e Indústria Ltda Problems 3 Reclassification from small to big companies Ediouro Publicações De Passatempos E Multimídia Ltda Lousano Indústria de Condutores Elétricos Ltda Direct Interviews: search for qualitative data Alellyx Ampla Consultoria Bioware CI&T Eletrovento Griaule Ícaro Technologies Scylla Techmat Vácuo Flex Ybios Exploring the acquainted data Request for industrial property, according to type of protection, by size (2000-2004) PATENTS SIZE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Total IP UM Subtotal Micro 477 499 976 595 1.571 SMALL 215 236 451 407 858 MEDIUM 216 243 459 510 969 1.814 1.124 2.938 3.395 6.333 LARGE Exploring the acquainted data Number of Enterprises with requests of Intelectual Property, by size of company, (20002004) 800; 35% 817; 36% 289; 13% 369; 16% GRANDE MÉDIA PEQUENA MICRO Exploring the acquainted data Number of Enterprises with requests of Patents of Invention, Utility Models and both by type of enterprise, (2000-2004) Exploring the acquainted data Number of Enterprises with request of Patents, Industrial Design and both by the size of enterprise, (2000-2004) MICROS PEQUENAS AMBOS; 94; 12% AMBOS; 50; 14% DI; 199; 24% PATENTES; 524; 64% PATENTES; 213; 57% DI; 106; 29% MÉDIAS GRANDES AMBOS; 65; 22% PATENTES; 139; 49% DI; 85; 29% AMBOS; 257; 32% DI; 188; 24% PATENTES; 355; 44% Exploring the acquainted data Sectorial profile of protection from SMEs (25% of requests – 7 classes) DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE IP UM ID Manufacturing of several artfacts from plastic material 28 70 256 Manufact. of machinery and equip. for agriculture, chicken crops and to obtain animal products 29 29 52 Manufact. of stoves, refrigerators, washing machines and dryers to the domestic use 3 11 137 Manufact. of plastic shoes 0 1 342 Manufact. of other electric appliances 20 22 108 Manufact. of wood furniture predominantely 8 18 225 Manufact. of articles made out of wood, except window frames 1 19 178 Exploring the acquainted data: Microcompanies Sectorial Profile of requests of patents of Patents (25% of requests – 7 classes) DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE PATENTS PI MU TOTAL Wholesale Commerce and other products not previously mentioned Manufacturing of artfacts derivated from plastic material 21 32 53 14 35 49 Other activities from 3rd parties, mainly to the ones not previoulsy mentioned. 21 14 35 Publicity Manufact. of machinery and equip. for agriculture, chicken crops and to obtain animal products Manufact. of other equipments or electrical appliances. 10 18 28 12 13 25 19 6 25 Wholesale Commerce of equilment and office furniture, computer, and communication, including supplies 18 7 25 Exploring the acquainted data: Microcompanies Sectorial profile of industrial design (35% of requests – 7 classes) DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE N. REQUESTS % Wholesale Commercer of other products not previoulsy especified Manufacturing of artfacts different from plastic materials Other activities of 3rd parties mainly to the companies not previously mentioned 55 9,24 42 7,06 38 6,39 Manufact. of artfacts made out of leather 28 4,71 Manufact. of wearing pieces, Execution of underwear (men/women), t-shirts, shirts, similarities 17 2,86 Publicity 13 2,18 Manufact. of wood furniture predominantely 12 2,02 Exploring the aquainted data: Small Companies Sectorail Profile of the requested patents (25% of requests – 7 classes) PATENTES DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE PI Manufacturing of artfacts different from plastic material MU TOTAL 12 20 32 Manufact. of other products elaborated from metal 4 15 19 Manufact. of other electronic appliances 8 8 16 Manufact. of machinery and equip. for agriculture, chicken crops and to obtain animal products 8 7 15 Manutenção e rep. máq. e equip. uso geral 6 4 10 Publicity 6 3 9 Wholesale Commerce of machinery, supplies and equipments for industrial use, technical and professional, and other uses not previously mentioned 2 7 9 Exploring the acquainted data: Small Companies Perfil setorial de pedidos de desenho industrial (40% dos pedidos – 7 classes) DESCRIÇÃO CLASSE CNAE N. PEDIDOS % Fabricação Art. cutelaria 38 9,34 Fabricação artef. div. mat. plástico 32 7,86 Benef. outras fibras text. nat. 23 5,65 Fabricação móveis com predom. mad. 20 4,91 Fabricação luminárias e equip. iluminação exc. p/ veíc. 19 4,67 Fabricação brinquedos e jogos recreativos 15 3,69 Fabricação prodt. div. 15 3,69 Exploring the acquainted data; Medium Companies Sectorail Profile of the requested patents (26% of requests – 7 classes) DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE PATENTS PI MU TOTAL Manufacturing of other machinery and equipment of general use Manufact. of other electrical appliances 14 10 24 12 8 20 Manufact. of machinery and equip. for agriculture, chicken crops and to obtain animal products Fabricação artef. div. mat. plástico 9 9 18 2 15 17 Fabricação móveis com predom. mad. 5 11 16 Fabricação art. serralheria exceto esquadrias 1 14 15 Manufact. of stoves, refrigerators, washing machines and dryers to the domestic use 3 10 13 Exploring the acquainted data: Medium Companies Sectorial Profile of requested Industrial Design (50% of resquests – 8 classes) DESCRIÇÃO CLASSE CNAE N. PEDIDOS % Fabricação art. serralheria exc. esquadrias 97 19,02 Fabricação móveis com predom. mad. 45 8,82 Fabricação brinquedos e jogos recreativos 31 6,08 Fabricação embalagem mat. plástico 25 4,90 Fabricação prodt. div. 16 3,14 Fabricação artef. concreto, cim., fibrocimento, gesso e estuque 15 2,94 Fabricação massas alimentícias 15 2,94 Fabricação artef. div. mat. plástico 14 2,75 Exploring acquainted data: Top 10 requested deposits – Large Companies NOME PI MU DI Total Grendene S/A. 3 7 306 316 Fab. calçados plástico Euromobile Interiores S/A 9 194 203 Com. var. móveis, art. iluminação e out. art. p/ residência Arno S/A. 42 102 55 199 Fab. out. apar. eletrod. Multibrás S/A Eletrodomésticos 108 17 59 184 Fab. fogões, refrigeradores e máq. lavar e secar p/ uso doméstico Semeato Sa Industria e Comercio 77 59 26 162 Fab. máq. e equip. p/ agric., avic. e obt. prodt. anim. Metalurgica Altero Industria e Comercio Ltda 2 136 138 Fab. aviamentos p/ costura Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce 71 25 96 Extr. out minerais metálicos ñ ferrosos Empresa Brasileira De Correios e Telégrafos – ECT 9 5 80 Ativ. do Correio Nacional Empresa Brasileira De Compressores S A Embraco 73 73 Fab. compressores São Paulo Alpargatas S/A. 3 72 Fab. tênis qq. mat. 2 66 67 DESCRIÇÃO CLASSE CNAE Exploring acquainted data: Top 10 requested deposits – Medium Companies NOME PI Obispa Metalurgica Ltda. MU DI Total DESCRIÇÃO CLASSE CNAE 6 84 90 Fab. art. serralheria exc. esquadrias Sintex Industrial De Plásticos Ltda. 11 6 7 24 Fab. out. apar. eletrod. Metalurgica Voltru Ltda. 3 4 17 24 Fab. móveis com predom. mad. Padova Indústria E Comércio De Componentes Para Calçad. 2 2 14 18 Manut. e rep. máq. e equip. uso específico 17 17 Fab. brinquedos e jogos recreativos 14 15 Fab artef concreto, cim, fibrocim, gesso e estuque 15 15 Fab. massas alimentícias Plasticos Nillo Indústria E Comércio Ltda Usina Fortaleza Ind. e Com. de Massa Fina Ltda 1 Pop Pizza Ltda. Me. Industrias Vitória Ltda 1 14 15 Fab. prodt. div. Metalurgica Couselo Ltda 5 9 14 Fab. art. serralheria exc. esquadrias Enforth Indústria e Comércio de Auto Peças Ltda. E.P.P. 2 12 14 Fab. out. pç. e acesss. p/ veíc. automot. ñ espec. ant. Exploring the acquainted data: Top 10 requests for deposit – Small Companies NOME DI Total Rsn Metais Ltda. 38 38 Fab. art. cutelaria Linhas Rayza Chemical Fiber. Ltda. 23 23 Benef. outras fibras text. nat. Light Design Do Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda. 18 18 Fab. luminárias e equip. iluminação exc. p/ veíc. Cida Cristal Indústria E Comércio Ltda. Me. 15 15 Fab. prodt. div. Alban Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. 11 11 Fab. artef. div. mat. plástico 7 1 10 Com. atac. máq., apar. e equip. p/ usos ind., téc. e prof., e out. usos, ñ espec. ant. Homeplay Industrial Ltda. 4 6 10 Fab. brinquedos e jogos recreativos Equiprint Máquinas e Equipamentos Serigráficos Ltda 4 6 10 Fab. out. prodt. elaborados metal Top Taylor Importação e Comércio Ltda. PI 2 MU DESCRIÇÃO CLASSE CNAE Eltete Do Brasil Ltda. 1 6 3 10 Com. atac. out. prodt. intermediários ñ agropecuários, ñ espec. ant. Carwin Acessórios Ltda. 1 3 6 10 Com. a varejo e por atacado pç. e acesss. p/ veíc. automot. Exploring the acquainted data: Top 10 requested deposits Microcompanies NOME PI MU New releases Creations in Leather Ltda. Sm Management and Business Ltda. 3 Qix International Marketing Ltda DI Total DESCRIPTION CLASS CNAE 26 26 Fab. out. artef. couro 20 23 Out. ativ. serv. prestados principalmente às emps., ñ espec. ant. 18 18 Com. var. out. prodt. ñ espec. ant. Thomriss Industry and Commerce of Plásticos Ltda 2 13 15 Fab. artef. div. mat. plástico Universe Industry and Commerce Internacional Ltda 11 1 12 Com. atac. fios text., tecidos, artef. tecidos e armarinho 1 7 12 Com. a varejo e por atacado pç. e acesss. p/ veíc. automot. 3 8 11 Com. var. móveis, art. iluminação e out. art. p/ residência Di Fatto Vehicle Accessories Ltda 4 Lmgo Furniture CommerceLtda Cerantola from Brasil Ltda. 2 2 7 11 Fab. móveis com predom. metal Attack Industry, Commerce and Representatives Ltda. 1 2 8 11 Publicidade 10 10 Com. atac. cosméticos e prodt. perfum. Parceria Distributor and Commerce Ltda. Brief Appointments Absolut importance of the Industrial Design in the purpose of the sustainability of corporate assets The bigger the size, the bigger the need of the use of the protection tools The utilization is also responsability from the sectorial differentiations, particularly in relation to the strategy of some entreprises Capability politics may be important so a bigger number of enterprises can access the system, as long as the variable IP must be part of the strategy acctuation plan of the enterprise