Long Li f e Lear ni ng Pr ogr amme pr oj ect o educat i v o eur opeu 3º ANO 2007 -2008 COMENI US 1 “ SSS Auto-Avaliação Escolar ” “ SSS – School Self-Evaluation ” RESULTADOS DO INQUÉRITO PROFESSORES DO AGRUPAMENTO Professores do Agrupamento = 162 Inquéritos analisados = 82 Legenda: Agree = Concordo Partially Agree = Concordo Parcialmente Disagree = Discordo 1. Sinto-me bem na escola, porque existe um bom ambiente de trabalho entre colegas. 1. I feel well at this school because it has a good working atmosphere among colleagues. Disagree Partially 0% Agree 24% Agree 76% 2. A minha escola possui as instalações apropriadas ( salas de aula; laboratórios; ginásio;...) para que eu possa ter um bom desempenho profissional. 2. My school has the appropriate facilities (classrooms, laboratories and gymnasium) for my good professional performance. Disagree 28% Agree 18% Partially Agree 54% 3. A minha escola possui o equipamento adequado, moderno e suficiente para que eu possa ter um bom desempenho profissional. 3. My school has te adequate, modern and sufficient equipment (projectors, computers, specific materials, etc) for my good professional performance. Agree Disagree 19% 13% Partially Agree 68% 4. O Conselho Executivo valoriza o meu trabalho. 4. The Executive Council values my work. Disagree 14% Partially Agree 38% Agree 48% 5. O Conselho Executivo apoia-me no meu trabalho. 5. The Executive Council supports me at my work. Disagree 10% Partially Agree 34% Agree 56% 6. Os Assesores do Conselho Executivo cooperam e apoiam-me no meu trabalho. 6. The Executive Assistants cooperate and support me at my work. Disagree 10% Partially Agree 35% Agree 55% 7. Os meus Pares cooperam e apoiam-me no meu trabalho. 7. My peers cooperate and support me at my work. Disagree 2% Partially Agree 28% Agree 70% 8. A Secretaria coopera e apoia-me no meu trabalho. 8. The Office cooperates and supports me at my work. Disagree 10% Partially Agree 35% Agree 55% 9. Os Auxiliares de Acção Educativa cooperam e apoiam-me no meu trabalho. 9. The Janitors cooperate and support me at my work. Partially Agree 28% Disagree 1% Agree 71% 10. As actividades extra-curriculares, existentes na nossa escola, contribuem para o desenvolvimento geral dos nossos alunos. 10. The Extra-Curricular activities at our school help the students general development. Disagree 9% Partially Agree 46% Agree 45% 11. A informação oriunda do Conselho Executivo é clara e eficaz. 11. The Information that comes from the Executive Council is clear and efficient. Disagree 9% Partially Agree 45% Agree 46% 12. A escola apoia e fomenta a minha formação profissional. 12. My school supports and promotes my professional education. Disagree 16% Partially Agree 35% Agree 49% OBRIGADA PELO SEU TEMPO