Mangroves from a social and economic perspective: environmental perception and valuation of the Paraíba do Sul River mangrove Layra Passareli, Master in Ecology, UENF Carlos Eduardo de Rezende, Adviser, UENF James Randal Kahn, Co-adviser, Washington and Lee University August/2013 Introduction • Mangroves are natural ecosystems that occur along the coast in tropical and subtropical regions. -Ecological importance; -They have been devastated throughout the world; -Social importance; -Economic importance. -Environmental quality -> flow of goods and services -> population well-being Research issue: -The present study investigates the environmental knowledge and perception the population have about the mangrove ecosystem, its importance and the problems that threat it, as well as estimates people’s willingness to pay (WTP) with money or volunteer work for the restoration of the mangrove forests. Question -How or to what extent do the access to information, the type of use and the time the individual lives in the proximity of the mangrove influence environmental preference with respect to preservation and environmental quality of the ecosystem? Study Area • The mangrove occupies (originally) 800 hectares and is considered the largest one of the North Fluminense region. • However, Bernini (2008) demonstrated in her thesis that the mangrove, at that time, had its area reduced in about 20% (~187 ha) due to the convertion of the mangrove -> urbanization and cattle raising. Figura 2. Estuário do rio Paraíba do Sul e os Municípios de São João da Barra (principal) e São Francisco do Itabapoana (secundária ao Norte). • SJB: ~33,000 → ~15.500 • SFI: ~41,000 → ~17.500 Economically Active Population Metodology • Surveys that included a Choice Experiment; • 318 surveys were carried out in these two towns (São João da Barra, and São Francisco), from June to November 2012. Economic Evaluation of the mangrove -The choice experiment (Choice Modelling). Atributes and atributes levels of the choice sets. Atributes Option A Option B Status quo Mangrove Restoration Level (1) Complete (2) Moderated (3) Minimal (1) Complete (2) Moderated (3) Minimal - Time (1) 0 - 10 years (2) 11 - 20 years (3) 21 - 40 years (1) 0 - 10 years (2) 11 - 20 years (3) 21 - 40 years - Payment (1) No payment (2) R$ 5,00 (3) R$ 10,00 (1) No payment (2) R$ 5,00 (3) R$ 10,00 - Volunteer Work (1) 4 hours/week (2) No volunteer work (1) 4 hours/week (2) No volunteer work - Each person surveyed was offered 6 choice sets like the one below. The person always had to choose one of these three options (A, B or C). Option C represented the status quo -> null option, or the option of keeping the present situation instead of changing it. Status quo has no cost. Opção A Opção B Restauração Restauração Moderada Completa 21-40 anos 21-40 anos para restauração para restauração Nenhum valor/mês 5,00/mês Não há pagamento de taxa 4 horas trabalho voluntário/semanal Sem trabalho voluntário Não há trabalho voluntário Eu escolho Opção: ( )A Opção C Não há recuperação da vegetação e as perdas de área de manguezal aumentam, assim como a erosão na costa. O funcionamento do ecossistema fica comprometido. 0 anos ( )B ( )C Results Sample Socioeconomic Description • In general, most of the people in SJB and SFI finished high school OR did not finish elementary school; • The mean income found was two minimal wages (~R$ 1.400 - ~US$ 700). Environmental perception and people preferences • People perceive the ecological and social functions of the mangrove; • They consider themselves responsible for mangrove conservation; • Mangrove degradation would have a negative impact on the population well-being in the area; • They pointed to many environmental problems that would be threatening the environmental quality of the ecosystem at the study area. Results Tabela. Tabela 9. Estimativas do Modelo Logit Multinomial para a restauração do manguezal do rio Paraíba do Sul. Variável Coeficiente PREÇO -0,1312 TRABALHO -0,7010 CO-REC 0,5006 MO-REC 0,2320 TEMPO 0-10 0,7006 TEMPO 11-20 0,6744 A_ALT1 0,0620 A_ALT2 0,2999 P[|Z|>z] 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0137 0,0000 0,0000 0,5962 0,0085 • Statistically significant coefficients; • Negative coefficients indicate negative contribution for the utility of the individuals; •Accomplishment of volunteer work and payment for the restoration contribute negatively to the utility of the surveyed people. Results Regarding the worst option (MI 21-40) Variável PREÇO TRABALHO CO 0-10 CO 11-20 CO 21-40 MO 0-10 MO 11-20 MO 21-40 MI 0-10 MI 11-20 A_ALT1 A_ALT2 Coeficiente -0,1374 -0,7100 1,1161 1,2932 0,4220 0,9805 0,7414 0,2538 0,6835 0,6365 0,1251 0,3467 P[|Z|>z] 0,0000 0,0000 0,0001 0,0000 0,1248 0,0003 0,0064 0,3869 0,0175 0,0195 0,6417 0,2485 Regarding the worst option among each restoration level (time 21-40 years) Variável PREÇO TRABALHO CO 0-10 CO 11-20 MO 0-10 MO 11-20 MI 0-10 MI 11-20 A_ALT1 A_ALT2 Coeficiente -0,1399 -0,7537 0,8282 1,0186 0,6530 0,4464 0,3828 0,3140 0,4518 0,7098 P[|Z|>z] 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0013 0,0071 0,0076 0,0000 0,0000 •Interaction of the variables; •People seem to prefer shorter restoration periods considering the same restoration level; •Slight inversion between CO 0-10 and CO 11-20; •People seem to prefer the complete restoration of the mangrove in the time 11 to 20 years, among all the alternatives; Results Part-worth of the variables (in Reais per month) Variável Parte Valor TRABALHO -5,39 CO 0-10 5,92 7,28 CO 11-20 MO 0-10 4,67 MO 11-20 3,19 MI 0-10 2,74 MI 11-20 2,24 -Part-worth varying between R$ 2,24 and R$ 7,28 monthly; - Part-worth for the diference between the variable and the worst choice which was excluded from the regression; -Both work and payment consist of contribution (costs) for participants; -Negative part-worth for work (R$ - 5,39) shows that there is a trade-off between these variables (work and payment). Results Present Value calculated with different interest rates Valor Presente Líquido (R$) Variável r=1% r=2% TRABALHO -1.281,00 -1.268,00 CO 0-10 1.407,00 1.393,00 CO 11-20 1.730,00 1.713,00 MO 0-10 1.110,00 1.099,00 MO 11-20 758,00 751,00 MI 0-10 651,00 645,00 MI 11-20 532,00 527,00 -Total present value (updated) at the end of 20 years, per person; -The population prefers a complete restoration from 11 to 20 years for the mangrove in comparison to the worst scenario (restoration from 21 to 40 years); Results Restauração CO 0-10 CO 11-20 MO 0-10 MO 11-20 MI 0-10 MI 11-20 Total.pessoa 1.407,00 1.730,00 1.110,00 758,00 651,00 532,00 -1 Valor Presente Líquido para r=1% (R$) -1 -1 -1 Total.ha Total.ano .pessoa Total.ano-1 Valor Total 70,35 46.484.466,00 2.324.223,30 248.580,03 57.155.740,00 2.857.787,00 305.645,67 86,50 55,50 36.672.180,00 1.833.609,00 196.107,91 37,90 25.042.804,00 1.252.140,20 133.918,74 21.507.738,00 1.075.386,90 115.014,64 32,55 93.990,46 26,60 17.576.216,00 878.810,80 Total.ano-1.ha 12.429,00 15.282,28 9.805,40 6.695,94 5.750,73 4.699,52 -1 -Annual value of contribution for the preferred restoration level is R$ 86,50 per person; -R$ 57 million (at the end of 20 years, considering the economically active population of the towns); -R$ 15 thousand per hectare of restored mangrove (~187 ha). Discussion Mangrove values found in the literature Local Manguezais em geral Pagbilao, Filipinas 2 Pagbilao, Filipinas 2 1 Manguezais em geral3 Surat Thani, Golfo da 4 Tailândia Surat Thani, Golfo da 4 Tailândia Campeche, México4 Manguezal do RPS, 5 Brasil Componente Valorado Método de Estimação Valor VET de serviços ecossistêmicos DAP US$ 9.990,00 (ha .ano ) Preço de bens substitutos US$ 151,00 (ha .ano ) Preço de bens substitutos US$ 60,00 (ha-1.ano-1) Preço de mercado US$ 750,00 - 16.750,00 (ha-1.ano-1) Valor do benefício anual líquido de bens (silvicultura) Valor do benefício anual líquido de bens (pesca) Valor anual de recursos cujo habitat é o manguezal Valor de mudança na área do manguezal Valor da perda anual de 1200 Função de Produção (Modelo Estático) Função de Produção (Modelo hectares Valor da redução marginal da área Estático) Função de Produção (Modelo do manguezal dinâmico) Valor da restauração do manguezal DAP (Modelagem de Escolhas) -1 -1 -1 -1 US$ 33,00 - 110,00/ha US$ 100.000,00 por ano US$ 140.000,00/ano US$ 7.418,00 (ha-1.ano-1) -Our values are among those described in the literature for mangroves. Conclusions -Despite the surveyed people have claimed to consider themselves responsible for the conservation of the ecosystem and that the mangrove degradation would impact their well-being, work or pay for the restoration seems to contribute negatively to the utility of the people; -Trade-off between work and payment → perhaps they want to receive money to work; -This study contributes with information about the benefits of the PSR mangrove restoration, which compared to a cost analysis for restoration programs, might orient the stakeholders about the viability of preserving the studied ecosystem. -Furthermore, the mentioned values might serve as reference for penalties establishments, such as fines, to be charged in cases of environmental damage. Aknowledgments