Escola E/B 2. 3. de S. Silvestre
Trabalho realizado por:
Nome: André Filipe Mendes Mira
Turma: CEF
Nº 2
Dava do trabalho:
De: 26/01/2010 a 03/02/2010
Quem inventou a televisão?.............4
Quando foi inventada?.....................5
Evoluição da televisão......................6
Who Invented
Television was a major invewnções of the twentieth
Vladimir Zworykin (1889-1982) was the one who invented
the device that made possible the existence of electronic
When it was invented
This invention was in 1923 (20s) in the U.S. which in
turn has developed rapidly.
In 80 years almost all the families have a TV at
Development of television
The development of television began in the twenties.
By making us come home information and
entertainment without any effort, the television has
dramatically changed the daily life and social
Nowadays, the constant advances offer viewers a
greater utility, choice and quality.

mass media- televisao