SUBJECT DESCRIPTION MODELO PED.014.01 Course Catering and Food Service Subject Food Quality Control Type of course Year Professor(s) Area disciplinary Academic year 2012/2013 ECTS 4 Compulsory 2º Semester 2nd sem Maria Inês Magro Student Workload: Total 116,5 Contact 94 Dr. Paula Isabel Teixeira Gonçalves Borges Coordinator Completed SD 1. LEARNING OBJECTIVES It is intended that the students acquire essential notions of quality in the food industry, integrated in the course of Catering and food service. Acquisition and development of theoretical and practical knowledge pertinent in the theme of food quality and it’s control and methods of analyze the food products, allowing the student to acquire capacities to identify, interpret, and analyze the main hazards that affect the safety and food hygiene; apply the HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) system, as well as execute different tasks related with management systems of food quality/safety in accordance to normative ISOS and with food quality control, concerning the identity of the analyzed food. 2. PROGRAMME 2.1. HACCP system Notions and general concepts Brief history about HACCP system origins and its technical definitions Prerequisites in the implementation of the HACCP system (Micro)biological, physical and chemistry hazards and potential risks HACCP principles, methodology, implementation and evaluation Food politics and legislation, Codex Alimentarius 2.2. Quality Concepts of quality Food quality Proprieties of the quality: characteristics, parameters and indicators 2.3. Quality systems Página |1 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION MODELO PED.014.01 Portuguese quality system (SPQ) Subsystems of quality: metrology, normalization and qualification Quality management systems - standard references (ISO 9001 e ISO 22000) Interaction between food security systems, management systems of quality and systems of food security management; integrated systems 2.4. Food quality control Labelling and publicity Microbiological control Fry Oils Water to human consume Meat and derivates 3. COHERENCE BETWEEN PROGRAMME AND OBJECTIVES To achieve the objectives on the class it is proposed an expository approach based in theory concepts and with practical applications and exercises related to the course, giving competencies to the students for the practice of operational functions and coordination the management of food production. Therefore, it’s intended that the student knows how to plane, coordinate and execute the requirements of food quality, identify the hazards along the food chain and potential risks to public health, implemented the HACCP system, know the management systems of food quality/safety and analyze actual legislation and standards references. Show the importance of charge organizations at official control (and national plans) Vs Non official controls related, with articles and videos resources. Interpret and evaluate results of physic chemical and microbiologic assays on food samples. 4. MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY Notes provided by the teacher. Acebron, L. B. e Dopico, D. C. (2000). The Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues to Expected and Experienced Quality: An Empirical Application for Beef. Food Quality and Preference, 11:229-238. Breda, J. (1998). Fundamentos de Higiene Alimentar e nutrição. INFTur. Coimbra. CAC (2003). Recommended international code of practice: General principles of food hygiene. CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003. Rome: Codex Alimentarius Comission. CCE (2000). Livro Branco sobre a Segurança dos Alimentos. COM (1999) 719 final. Bruxelas: Comissão das Comunidades Europeias. Página |2 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION MODELO PED.014.01 CE (2005). Do campo à mesa: uma alimentação segura para os consumidores europeus. Série: A Europa em movimento. Comissão Europeia. Luxemburgo: Serviço das Publicações Oficiais das Comunidades Europeias, ISBN. 92-894-7776-8. Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (2009). Codex Alimentarius – Food Hygiene Basic Texts. Rome: FAO/WHO. Corlet, J. D. (1998). HACCP – User´s Manual. Aspen Publications. Crato, C. (2010). Qualidade: condição de competitividade. SPI. Legislação comunitária e nacional em vigor, referente aos géneros alimentícios e aos alimentos em particular. Novais, M. R. (2002). Microbiologia dos Alimentos. In: Ferreira, W.F.C., Sousa, J.C.F. Microbiologia, Lidel-Edições técnicas, Lda. Lisboa, Portugal, p. 297-310. Queimada, M.A.M.Q. (2008). Codex Alimentarius: base científica de preparação das normas. Revista Segurança e Qualidade Alimentar, 5, 20-21. Ramos Pires, A. (2000). Qualidade – Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Editorial Sílabo, Lisboa. Referenciais normativos internacionais e Normas portuguesas da Qualidade (IPQ). Veiga, A., Lopes, A., Carrilho, E., Silva, L., Dias, M. B., Seabra, M. J., Nunes, S. (2009). Perfil de Risco dos Principais Alimentos Consumidos em Portugal. ASAE, Lisboa 5. Other lectures during classes TEACHING METHODOLOGIES (INCLUDING EVALUATION) Theoretical and practice exposition with relevance for practical cases. Exercise of application of HACCP to products and technological process of food production. Contact with community and national legislation, of horizontal character, apply to food sector and with direct impact on food quality/safety, and standard references. Realize and observe the quality systems and control methodologies on food quality. Promote credible research information at sites of reference (national and international). Knowledge consolidation through exercises and articles analyzes. The evaluation will be on the following ways: I. Continual: Página |3 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION MODELO PED.014.01 Theoretical-practice work made by the student, in groups, and presented and discuss during classes (30% of the final note); Two written test (60%) Assiduity, participation and punctually (10%) Or Final II. Appeal III. 6. Final exam (60%) or for those that abdicated of continual evaluation (100%) Appeal exam (100%). At this time the works are not evaluated. COHERENCE BETWEEN TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND OBJECTIVES The contends of this class will be transmitted by oral exposition, videos presentation, articles interpretation, pretending that the students analyzing and criticizing them, and acquired notion and basic concepts of food quality and it’s control applied to the course. To achieve these objectives there will be stimulated practical cases where it’s demonstrated some notions and concepts, elaborating afterwards works by the students where it’s promoted the research of bibliography information and web information. In the food quality control scope, is tested the food conformity at different levels. Exercises. It is also pretended, based on analyze of some practical cases, alert and sensitize the students for the need and importance of this class and the course, as well observe the functions of several operators in food chain, and theirs relations with official inspection. Date: 20th June 2013 ______________________________ Signature area disciplinary Coordinator ______________________________ Signature of Professor Página |4