IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development August 18-19 2014 Escola de Engenharia Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Organizers: Raoni Rajão, Rick Duque and Rodrigo Ribeiro Scientific committee: Raoni Rajão (UFMG) Rick Duque (Alabama State University) Ivan da Costa Marques (UFRJ) Rodrigo Ribeiro (UFMG) Ivan Domingues (UFMG) IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 Workshop program: Time/Day 18/08/2014 (Monday) 19/08/2014 (Tuesday) 9:00 Papers session 2: Information and communication technologies in context 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Registration STS & ITD in Africa: relevance and reality Opening ceremony (13:00) Lunch STS & ITD in Latin America: history and prospects STS and engineering: linking understanding and change Coffee break Coffee break 18:00 Papers session 1: The local and the universal in science and technology Papers session 3: Post-normal science in the Global South 18:00 Conference Dinner Closing ceremony 13:00 14:00 16:00 16:30 - 2 IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 Monday 18th of August Opening ceremony Room 1010: 13:00 – 14:00 Sandra Goulart Vice-Rector of the Federal University of Minas Gerais Alessandro Fernandes Moreira Director of the Engineering School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais Leonardo Santiago Coordinator of the Post-graduate Program in Production Engineering STS & ITD in Latin America: history and prospects Room 1010: 14:00 – 16:00 Raoni Rajão (chair) IFIP WG. 9.4 Regional Chair for Africa for Latin America, Federal University of Minas Gerais Ivan Marques Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Renata La Rovere Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Yurij Castelfranchi Federal University of Minas Gerais Parallel Session 1 A: The local and the universal in science and technology Room 1010: 16:30 – 18:00 Translating the Traditional Chinese Calendar into the Southern Hemisphere. Rey Tiquia, University of Melbourne 3 IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 Control and resistance within ICT: The case of Recife’s formalisation of the informal commerce sector. Rui Ramos, Lancaster University The embeddedness of e-entrepreneurship in emerging countries: the case of Latin American digital start-ups. Gerardo Quinones, University of Manchester; Brian Nicholson, University of Manchester; Richard Heeks, University of Manchester A tecnologia social dos encauchados: da origem amazônica aos novos produtos feitos de couro vegetal no Brasil e na Europa. Luciana dos Santos Duarte, UFMG Parallel Session 1 B: The local and the universal in science and technology Room 1014: 16:30 – 18:00 Intervencionismo sociotécnico na construção de linhas de transmissão na Amazônia. Jussara C. Melo, UnB Influencia do vicio efetivo, relacionado ao uso de mídias sociais, na extensão dos limites da confiança. Manuel Jesus Mamani López, UTFPR; Décio Estevão do Nascimento, UTFPR Espaços de prototipação em ambientes educacionais brasileiros sob a perspectiva de estudos de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Rodrigo Barbosa e Silva, UNITINS; Luiz Ernesto Merkle, UNITINS Building the foundation for regulatory research on risk governance of nanotechnology in Brazil. Wilson Engelmann, UNISINOS; Raquel von Hohendorff, UNISINOS; Tânia Elias Magno da Silva, UNISINOS Conference Dinner Cantina do Lucas (Avenida Augusto de Lima, 233, Centro) 4 IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 Tuesday 19th of August Parallel Session 2 A: Information and communication technologies in context Room 1010: 9:00 – 10:30 Proyecto Trashware: Teorías, aplicación, evaluación y lecciones aprendidas. Diego Fernando Martinez Castro, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Henry Alfonso Díaz Avendaño, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Shaping F/OSS in the Brazilian Context. of Economics André Gomes London School Flexibilidade interpretativa e controvérsias em torno do Aeromóvel em Porto Alegre/RS. Valesca Daiana Both Ames, UFRGS; Marilis Lemos de Almeida,UFRGS Brazilians in London - A closer look at online media, digital presence and identity formation within a transnational community. Thaila Alves Moreira, University of Westminster Parallel Session 2 B: Information and communication technologies in context Room 1014: 9:00 – 10:30 De-scripting health information systems in Brazil. Marcelo Fornazin, FGV/RJ; Luiz Antonio Joia, FGV/RJ Enfoques dominantes en las estrategias para la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento: el caso Uruguayo 2000 – 2010. Ana Rivoir, Universidad de la República Uruguay Levelling the Playing Field: Last-mile Internet Connectivity & Communitydriven Models of Connectedness. Patricia Morizio. London School of Economics 5 IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 O uso da língua inglesa como instrumento de legitimação para certificações pautadas no modelo MPS. BR: hipóteses preliminaries. Carla Floriana Martins, UFMG STS & ITD in Africa: relevance and reality Room 1010: 11:00 – 13:00 Rick Duque (chair) Alabama State University Wallace Chigona IFIP WG. 9.4 Regional Chair for Africa, University of Cape Town Allison Loconto INRA - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée Eduardo Vargas Federal University of Minas Gerais STS and engineering: linking understanding and change Room 1010: 14:00 – 16:00 Rodrigo Ribeiro (chair) Federal University of Minas Gerais Michael Gorman University of Virginia Francisco Lima Federal University of Minas Gerais Alessandro Fernandes Moreira Federal University of Minas Gerais 6 IFIP 9.4 IT4D/STS Workshop: South-North-South dialogues on Science, Technology and Development, Belo Horizonte August 18-19 2014 Parallel Session 3: Post-normal science in the Global South Room 1010: 16:30 – 18:00 Science and Law in Supreme Court Rulings involving human life. Maya Mitre, UFMG Trabalhadores do lixo: uma discussão sobre saúde e doença na visão dos catadores de resíduos sólidos. Jussara Cardoso, UFMG Desenvolvimento Sustentável a partir da Extensão Rural: desafios e contradições no caso Santa Helena. Leonardo Menezes, UFSCar; Thales Haddad Novaes de Andrade, UFSCar Closing ceremony Room 1010: 18:00 – 18:30 7