The climate varies from hot and
dry in the arid interior to the
humid tropical rainforest of the
Amazon jungle .The temperature
of Brazil tends to be hot and
sticky for most of the year.
Although freezing cold in the
south and in the mountains
through the months of winter,
rainy seasons occur from January
to April in the north, April to
July in the northeast and
November to March in the
Rio/São Paulo area.
The population in 1991was
The population in 2010 is
The Brazilian flag was officially
adopted on Nov. 19th 1889.
The green colour represents the
Brazilian fields. The yellow
represents Brazilian gold – and
the wealthiness of the country.
The blue represents the sky of
Rio de Janeiro on the night of
Nov. 15th 1889; each star
represents one of the Brazilian
The white strip contains the
inscription "Ordem e Progresso",
meaning "Order and Progress“.
Cinco Marias.
Luta de Galo.
Cinco Marias can be played with two to four
children. All you need are five flat, smooth
stones. The game is similar to jacks. Throw all
five stones on the floor. Pick up a stone, then
toss it in the air, pick up another stone, and
catch the tossed stone before it lands. Repeat
this process until you have all the stones. In the
next round, you must grab two stones at a time,
and then three, and then all four, so the
difficulty increases as the game goes on.
Consider using another material, perhaps
shaped modelling clay, if you are concerned
about tossing stones in the classroom.
Take your class to the school gymnasium or
outside for Queimada, a dodge-ball-style
Brazilian children's game. As in dodge ball,
divide the gymnasium or field into two halves,
one for each team. Additionally there is a
cemetery area where the "dead" people go.
From the beginning, one member from each
team starts off "dead." "Dead" players throw
balls to their teammates, who in turn throw the
balls at their opponents (as in dodge ball). If a
player is hit by a ball, he joins the "dead" in the
cemetery. The game ends when all the
members of one team are in the cemetery.
Luta de Galo is Portuguese for "fight
of the roosters" and is a fun game you
can play outdoors or in your
classroom if you have space to clear
the desks from the centre of the
room. Any number of children can
play. Split the children into pairs.
Unlike other games, partners are not
teammates, but opponents. Have
each child tuck a handkerchief or
piece of cloth into their belt or
waistband, cross their right arm
across their chest, and hold up their
left leg. Players must hop around onelegged and use their free arm to
snatch their opponent's handkerchief.
Disqualification occurs if a child puts
their left leg on the ground or unfolds
their right arm.
They do web designing, computer
science, electronic engineeringtertiary jobs, sugarcane manufacturing,
coffee manufacturing, textiles,
machinery, shoes, lumber, iron ore,
aircrafts, chemicals- secondary,
primary- mining, fishery. And they
make/produce/grow soybeans, citrus,
beef, wheat, rice, corn and sugar!
Here are some
Main Courses,
Drinks and
desserts. Here
are some Main
carreteiro, Arroz
de forno, Arroz de
hauca, Arroz de
leite. Here are
two drinks.Alua
Tiquira.Here is
one Dessert
called Bolo(cake).
Baba de Camelo
Caipirinha (Traditional
Brazilian drink)
In Brazil they speak portugese. Here
are some words that might come in
sim – yes
não – no
por favor - please
obrigado - thanks
muito obrigado - thank you very
de nada - you're welcome
olá - hi, hello
bom dia - good morning
boa tarde - good afternoon, good
evening (from noon until dark)
boa noite - good evening (after
dark); good night
bem-vindo – welcome
adeus - goodbye
até à vista! - see you later!
até logo! - see you later!
tenha um bom dia! - have a nice day!
desculpa - excuse me
bom dia - good morning
boa tarde - good afternoon, good
evening (from noon until dark)
boa noite - good evening (after dark);
good night
bem-vindo – welcome
adeus goodbye
até à vista! - see you later!
até logo! - see you later!
tenha um bom dia! - have a nice day!
desculpa - excuse me
desculpe - excuse me (polite)
com licença - excuse me (to get past
perdão - sorry
peço desculpa - I'm sorry
peço perdão - I'm sorry (literally: I
lamento - I'm sorry (to hear that)
não há problema - no problem
não tem importância - don't worry
about it
