NUMERICAL SIMULATION OFTHE TEMP ERATURE FIELD IN A WOOD-CONCRETE COMPOSITE CROSS SECTION IN FIRE Julio Cesar Molina1, Carlito Calil Junior2 ABSTRACT: In this work was evaluated the behavior of wood-concrete composite beams with cross-section T in fire situation focusing on the metallic connection system used in the wood-concrete interface. It was performed the numerical simulation of the temperature in a cross section of the composite beam from the use of ANSYS software, version 10.0, which is based on the Finite Element Method. The evolution of the temperature was performed based on ISO 834:1999 standard. The numerical results show the temperatures for different points of the cross section considering a total time of 60 minutes of exposure to fire. KEYWORDS: Composite beams, timber-concrete, numerical model, fire 1 INTRODUCTION 123 Nowadays is of great interest the analysis of structural elements in fire so that we can ensure the safety of the system in relation to the premature failure. In this context, fire resistance is defined as the ability of a material or structural element to remain during a certain time, performing the functions for which it was designed, under the action of fire. 2 NUMERICAL MODEL The numerical modelling was performed from a bidimensional model using the software ANSYS, version 10.0, that has with base the Finite Element Method (FEM). The temperature in the composite cross section was measured for a total of 60 minutes of exposition to fire. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the composite cross section considered in the numerical model. In Brazil most studies has been a character essentially numeric because the first horizontal furnace of Brazil for the tests in structural elements began in operating at the beginning of the second half of 2012. The main aim of this work was the simulation, through numerical modeling, of the temperature field in a woodconcrete composite beam, of section T, with connectors (12.5 mm of diameter) formed by steel rods in vertical position to the grain. From the numerical model proposed will be possible the presentation of the main finite elements used in the numerical model which consider the variation of temperature and determinate the depth of carbonization of wood besides the temperature into the concrete and the temperature in the connection area with reasonable approximation. 1 Julio Cesar Molina, University of São Paulo, 400 Trabalhador São carlense Avenue, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil. Email: [email protected] 2 Carlito Calil Junior, University of São Paulo, Brazil Figure 1: Cross section of the composite beam with steel connector considered in the model 2.1 FINITE ELEMENTES The numerical model developed in this work was performed with base in pre-definite elements and available in the internal library of the software ANSYS. The cross section from the composite beam was modelled for bidimensional elements of type plan (PLANE 77) and for the elements type surface (SURF 151) which were used for the implementation of boundary conditions of convection and radiation to the model. The element SURF 151 has two or tree nodes and considers a extra node located out of mesh of finite elements to the control of temperature other nodes with shown in figure 3. Figure 4 show some results of temperature obtained for the analysed cross section considering a time of 30 minutes of exposition to fire. 2.2 MESH OF FINIT ELEMENTS The mesh of finite elements related to the composite cross section was discretized in plan elements (PLANE177) having each element dimensions of 1 cm x 1 cm totalling 1020 finite elements as shown in Figure 2. Figure 4: Temperature field obtained in the numeric analysis by the software ANSYS for time of 30 minutes 4 CONCLUSIONS Figure 2: Mesh of finite elements used in the model The surface showed in the top of concrete was used for simulation of a constant value for the temperature equal to 20 oC. The cross section was exposed to the fire only on three sides, i. e, the top surface of the concrete slab has not been exposed with show Figure 3. The results of the numeric model developed were shown satisfactory when compared to the experimental and numerical results obtained by [1] and [2]. The model presented can be used for the determination of the temperature in the cross section with reasonable approach. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Support Foundation, Brazil) for its financial backing of this work. REFERENCES Figure 3: Border (radiation and convection) exposed to the standard fire and fire on three sides of the section The ISO 834:1999 standard recommends the Equation (1) to the curve of standard fire model. θg = θ0 + 345 log(8t + 1) (1) where θg = temperature of the gases in the environment in flame (0C), θ0 = temperature of the gases in the moment (usually taken equal to 20 0C) and t = time (minutes) 3 RESULTS 3.1 TEMPERATURE IN CROSS SECTION The results of the temperature field were obtained for the cross section considering a total time of 60 minutes of exposition in fire according Equation (1) presented in [3]. [1] E. M. 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