The PECEX Method
Comparison between Brazil and
OECD approach
Main aspects of Brazilian TP rules as compared with OCDE
Sixth Method
Few countries adopt the Sixth Method for
commodities, including Argentina, Uruguay,
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Chile, Panama, Peru, Colombia and India.
Methods applicable to Exports
Methods applicable to exports of goods, services or rights
Export Sales Price Method (“PVEx”)
Resale Price Methods (“PVA or PVV”)
Wholesale - margin of 15%
Retail – margin of 30%
Prices of commodities subject to quote on
exports (“PECEX”)
Mandatory method for commodities
Safe Harbors – not applicable to exports of
Purchase or Production Cost Plus Taxes and
Profit Method (“CAP”)
Mining 2014
Margin of 15%
PECEX – Brazilian Regulation
IN 1.458 (March, 2014)
- Adjustments related to tax at destination port
IN 1.431 (December, 2013)
- Adjustments related to the destination port
IN 1.395 (September, 2013)
- Commodities definition
- Inclusion of other possible adjustments (payment terms, negotiated
quantity, climate influences, intermediation costs, packaging, fright and
- Inclusion of concept of regional reference prices
IN 1.312 (December, 2012)
- PECEX regulation;
- Divergence margin 3%;
- Appendix I, II and III
Law 12.715 - conversion of MP into Law (September, 2012)
- PECEX Method optional for FY 2012 and mandatory as of FY 2013
Provisional Measure (MP) 563 (April, 2012)
- Introduction of PECEX Method on Brazilian TP rules
Law 9.430 (December, 1996)
Introduction of Brazilian TP Rules
Mining 2014
Brazilian Transfer Pricing rules
for Commodities
Commodities – PECEX Method
Exports of commodities, quoted in commodities exchange market, must be tested through the use of
Based on this method the taxpayer shall compare:
Transactions value X Daily average quote for the product
The quotes should be adjusted based on the average market premium, which comprise:
market valuation
variations in quality, characteristics and substance content.
Mining 2014
Brazilian Transfer Pricing rules
for Commodities
Commodities – PECEX Method
Besides the market premium, the commodity value can be adjusted by:
differences between the value supported by the seller
the standard specifications of the commodity exchange market
Mining 2014
Brazilian Transfer Pricing rules
for Commodities
Commodities – PECEX Method
Authorized adjustments for business conditions:
a) terms of payment
b) negotiated quantity
c) climate influences in the characteristics of the exported good
d) intermediation costs on purchase and sale transactions carried out by unrelated entities
e) packaging
f) freight and insurance and
g) cost of landing at the port, internal transport, storage and customs clearance including taxes and
import all the target market commodity
Mining 2014
Brazilian Transfer Pricing rules
for Commodities
Commodities – PECEX Method
In the absence of quote in the exchange market, the taxpayer may choose to test
the transactions using information obtained from independent sources,
provided by internationally recognized institutes involved in researches of
specific sectors
Normative Instruction 1.312/12 contains Attachments listing:
products that should be considered commodities for purposes of the
method (not exhaustive)
the commodities exchanges markets and
the publications that can be used to apply the methods
The divergence margin accepted for commodities is 3%.
Mining 2014
PECEX Methodology - Summary
The PECEX Method is a
prescriptive method that shall be
calculated based on a quoted
exchange price, with the ability to
make two types of adjustment:
market premium and business
conditions and include a
divergence margin.
Parameter Price
Product Quote
Example / Documentation
Adjustments to account for differences between
the quoted exchange price and information
obtained from independen sources.
e.g. Platts or Metal Bulletin
Difference between commodities
exchange market quotes and independent
source publication
Calculation based on publication
Calculation based on publication
Calculation based on publication
Market Premium
(+/-) Market valuation
(+/-) Quality
(+/-) Characteristics of the product
(+/-) Substance Content
(+/-) Terms of payment
Discounts based on contracts with third
parties or studies based on third party
(+/-) Negotiated quantity
Business Conditions
(+/-) Climate influences in the characteristics
(+/-) Intermediation costs
(+/-) Packaging
Contracts with third parties or Baltic Dry
Index (BDI)
(+/-) Freight and insurance
(+/-) Costs of landing
Minimum taxable price
(parameter price)
Divergence Margin
Mining 2014
Minimum taxable export price
PECEX Method Data Sources
In practical terms there is effectively a hierarchy of
data sources to determine the reference price:
• An index price is always first;
• A reported price (e.g. Platts, Metal Bulletin) next;
• The company’s own data on prices; and
• Independent third party transactional data.
Mining 2014
PECEX Method Data Sources
A company’s own third party data can however Independent transactional data may be used to
provide evidence of price adjustments
support internal data on:
for example:
• costs of intermediation; and
• Quality premiums/discounts on specific
• Independent third party transactional data.
• Adjustments based on quantity or risk
• The cost of intermediation, where sales are
to a related party marketer/trader.
Mining 2014
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The PECEX Method