UNICEF BRASIL Edital de Seleção de Consultor RH/2013/002 O UNICEF, Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância, a Organização mundial pioneira na defesa dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes, convida profissionais qualificados a apresentar candidatura para a oportunidade abaixo: Finalidade: Support the implementation of the Sports for Development strategy in the region of Latin American and Caribbean, in coordination with UNICEF Rio de Janeiro and TACRO. The initiative requires a dedicated and experienced multi-faceted project manager, with good knowledge of the region and ability to coordinate a complex regional and subregional project. Histórico: Sports for Development (S4D) is an emerging area in LAC, particularly in connection with the forthcoming sports mega events in Brazil and their social legacy agenda. UNICEF’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (TACRO) expects to promote a wide regional social mobilization among different actors from the public, private and civil society around the Right to sports, play and recreation to mobilize children and adolescents, parents and educators, athletes, civil society organizations and decision makers. In this sense, the municipality of Rio de Janeiro and UNICEF (TACRO) established a partnership to focus their mobilization efforts during the period between 2012 and 2016 on the universalization of the right to safe and inclusive sports, play and recreation, consecrated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Tarefas: 1. Contribute to the implementation and strengthening of the S4D regional strategy; 2. Support the zone office of Rio de Janeiro on the implementation of S4D the work plan developed with the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. 3. Coordinate the organization of the technical workshop to be held in the first semester of 2013. This workshop is a preparation for the Meeting of Mayors. The coordination consists in giving technical support to program organization and in providing logistical assistance; 4. Coordinate the organization of the Meeting of Mayors to be held in the second semester of 2013. This is a political meeting aiming to enhance the rights for sports for all children in the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean. The coordination consists in giving technical support to program organization and in providing logistical assistance; 5. Support the mobilization of athletes, municipalities, media and children throughout the region; 6. Foster the use of a UNICEF online platform on S4D and other mobilization campaigns and tools; 7. Monitor on-going progress of indicators related to the implementation of the Regional strategy in municipalities; 8. Prepare monitoring reports of the regional initiative. Duração: 11 months Início: As soon as possible Honorários: US$ 4000,00 (monthly) Produtos: 1) A detailed plan of action about the specific activities to be implemented. 2) Monthly delivery of progress report and substantive technical contributions to specific activities 1-8. 3) Technical reports on the results achieved during the workshop and meeting of mayors. Qualificações: Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, Marketing, Communications, Social Mobilization, Sport Management or other related disciplines. Experience required and competencies: a) 3-5 years relevant work experience; b) Experience in coordinating complex partnerships and different actors of different sectors and countries; c) Excellent communication, negotiating and organizing skills; d) Experience in innovative communication strategies; e) Fluency in Spanish, Portuguese and English (oral and written); f) Excellent ability to work with different teams, demonstrate initiative, and with a result-oriented approach; g) Understanding data analysis and some experience with field research, focusing monitoring and evaluation; h) Excellent capacity to manage events organization and campaigns, meeting deadlines, often on short notice; i) Experience in working with municipalities is an asset; j) Excellent ability to build alliances with strategic thinking and networking skills; k) Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills; l) Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications. Para participar deste processo, solicitamos que seja enviado o P11, currículo das Nações Unidas, disponível na página do UNICEF, bem como currículo, para [email protected]. O assunto da mensagem deve ser: RH/2013/002 A/C de Thiago Magalhães. Propostas copiadas para terceiros serão desconsideradas O prazo máximo para o envio das propostas é 18:00 do dia 03 de fevereiro, domingo. No caso de dúvida sobre este edital, favor enviar o pedido de esclarecimento por escrito para o e-mail informado acima, antes do final do período concedido para a apresentação de proposta. Observação: O UNICEF reserva-se o direito de não contratar os serviços mencionados caso entenda que seus preços estejam incompatíveis com os preços praticados no mercado, ou se as características técnicas da proposta não se mostrarem suficientes para a ação. O profissional trabalhará com o UNICEF mediante contrato de prestação de serviços.