Camargo Silva
Paying homage to Brazil, we will open this event in Portuguese.
I would like to introduce myself: My name is Antônio Carlos Bueno, I
am the Executive Director of the Brazilian “Fundo Garantidor de
Créditos – FGC”; and I will preside over this Conference.
First of all, I would like to thank the presence of you all, ladies and
gentlemen, who have come here from different parts of the world, thus
showing the significance of the world banking safety net, of which, the
deposit insurers are an important component.
I also would like to extend my best thanks to the IADI - International
Association of Deposit Insurers, for their reliance in choosing the
Brazilian Fundo Garantidor de Créditos to host IADI’s main event this
year, the 5th Annual General Meeting & Conference.
We sincerely hope that you may enjoy a happy and profitable
participation in this event and may return to your respective countries
feeling personally satisfied, not only due to the charms and hospitality
of our Country, but especially enriched and gratified with the results of
this conference.
I would like to introduce to you, Dr. Gabriel Jorge Ferreira, one of most
prominent persons in the Brazilian banking system, currently in the
capacity of President of FGC’s Board of Director; President of the
National Confederation of Financial Institutions – CNF, and Vicepresident of the Board of Directors of the Banco Unibanco, who will
make the official opening of this event.
We are grateful for the presence of Dr. Gabriel Jorge Ferreira.
I would also like to introduce to you, Dr. Gustavo Jorge Laboissiere
Loyola, who was the President of the Central Bank of Brazil in 1995
when the Fundo Garantidor de Créditos was created, exactly on this
date, eleven years ago, making us very proud to celebrate today
FGC’s anniversary.
Dr. Gustavo, is a very dear friend who deserves our best esteem, and
also a well-known economist highly respected in Brazil and abroad. He
acted as President of the Brazilian Central Bank for a long time. Dr.
Gustavo is going to make a few comments about this event and on the
importance of the Deposit Insurance Funds as part of the banking
safety net.
We are grateful for the presence of Dr. Gustavo Loyola.
Last but not least, I would also like to introduce to you, although I am
sure that most of you already know him, Mr. Jean Pierre Souborin,
President of the IADI - International Association of Deposit Insurers
since its inception; former President and Chief Executive Officer of the
CDIC – Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation. He is currently the
President of the Malaysian Deposit Insurance, and who is going to
present his greetings in this official opening.

Antonio Carlos Bueno de Camargo Silva