ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: VALIDATION OF A 16ITEM QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT SOLID WASTE Silva, E.(1); Oliveira, H.M. (1); Lima, J.R.(1) [email protected] (1) Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campus de Patos - PB, Brasil. ABSTRACT One of the main instruments of data collection for diagnosis and measurement of environmental attitude scale is the questionnaire. To ensure its accuracy it is important that the items are developed and statistical validated in order to have reliability of the information reported by its application. This study aims at validating a questionnaire regarding solid waste and environmental practices applied to public school students in the city of Patos, Paraíba – Brasil. The questionnaire was developed initially with 16 items grouped into two dimensions: D1: Social and Environmental Practices and D2: Solid waste. The validation was performed using the α-conbrach reliability test. The questionnaire was applied to 31 high school students from a public school. The choice of interviewed students followed the criteria of randomness and chance. The questionnaire was designed on the model of the Likert scale, with a scale of five levels of response for each question. After validation of questionnaire, the overall value of α-Cronbach also increased from 0.82 to 0.86 and good α-Cronbach for two dimension (D1 = 0.81 e D2 = 0.70). In addition, there was a significant correlation between dimensions (r = 0.78, R²= 0.58; p<0.01). The final validated questionnaire was comprised for thirteen questions. Keywords: α-Cronbach, Likert Scale, High School. Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 RESUMO Um dos instrumentos de coletas de dados mais utilizado para diagnóstico e medida de escala de atitude é o questionário. Para garantir sua acurácia é importante que seus itens sejam bem elaborados e validados estatisticamente para que se tenha certeza na confiabilidade das informações reportadas por meio de sua aplicação. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo validar um questionário com questões sobre a temática resíduos sólidos e práticas socioambientais aplicado para alunos do ensino médio público da cidade de Patos, Paraíba – Brasil. O questionário foi elaborado, inicialmente, com 16 ítens agrupadas em duas dimensões: Práticas Socioambientais e Resíduos sólidos. O questionário foi elaborado no modelo da Escala de Likert, apresentando uma escala de cinco níveis de resposta para cada pergunta, sendo aplicado para 31 alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública. A validação do questionário foi realizada estatisticamente pelo teste de confiabilidade interna alfa de Cronbach. O questionário foi validado com a otimização da confiabilidade das dimensões, rejeitando-se 3 itens e aumentando o valor de αCronbach geral (0.82 para 0.86) e de ambas as dimensões (D1 = 0.81 e D2 = 0.70), apresentando correlação significativa entre as dimensões (r = 0.78; R²= 0.58; p<0.01). Palavras-chave: α-Cronbach, Escala de Likert, Ensino Médio. INTRODUCTION Environmental education has been an essential mechanism to provide favorable conditions for a sustainable society since the 70s (STOREY e OLIVEIRA, 2004). It is a continuous learning process and seeks to consolidate values and actions that contribute to the transformation of socially just interdependent and ecologically relationship balanced (FORUM societies that have INTERNACIONAL DAS ONG’s, 2005). 2 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 Among the many ecological problems, there is the rapid growth of the volume of solid waste, caused by population growth and the increasing consumption of durables and non-durable goods (JÚNIOR et al., 2010). One of the main instruments of data collection for diagnosis and measurement of environmental attitude scale is the questionnaire. To ensure its accuracy it is important that the items are developed and statistical validated in order to have reliability of the information reported by its application. This study aims at validating a questionnaire regarding solid waste and environmental practices applied to public school students in the city of Patos, Paraíba – Brasil. MATERIAL AND METHODS The questionnaire was developed initially with 16 items grouped into two dimensions: D1 - Social and Environmental Practices - Composed of nine questions about attitudes relating the issue of solid waste with consumption and socio-environmental attitudes of students (Table 1); D2 - Solid waste - composed of seven questions on the knowledge and attitudes related to solid waste and recycling (Table 2). 3 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 Table 1. Items of Dimension 1: Social and Environmental Practices. Questions - Dimension 1 D1. How do you feel in relation to their knowledge of current environmental problems? D2. How often do you seek to inform about the environment and environmental problems? D3. See if the company that buys the product has environmental commitment? D4. Stop buying a cheaper product for a more expensive and environmental commitment? D5. Usually check the package brings environmental information? D6. Do some practice at home, focused on consumer awareness? D7. Like reading news on the environment? Table 2. Items of Dimension 2: Solid waste. Questions - Dimension 2 D8. Importance of selective collection of waste. D9. What makes organic waste in your home? D10. Today, you know how to do selective collection? D11. As understands the symbols on recycling present in packaging? D12. Reuses the grocery bags? D13. Know the environmental problems of using plastic bags? D14. Aware of the use of reusable bags? D15. Knows has knowledge about the problem of oil dumped in effluent? D16. Cares for the garbage it produces? The validation was performed using the α-conbrach reliability test. The questionnaire was applied to 31 high school students from a public school (Patos, Paraíba – Brasil). The choice of interviewed students followed the criteria of randomness and chance, choosing students from 4 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 various groups having the high-school last year at the school researched. The questionnaire was designed on the model of the Likert scale, with a scale of five levels of response for each question. The questionnaire validation was performed statistically by testing the internal reliability of alpha Cronbach (Equation 1) and analysis of the correlation values of items for each dimension, determined by Equation 1 where: σi2 is the variance of items and σx2 is the variance of the sum of items and n is the number of items. From the values of Cronbach's alpha and the analysis of the correlation values of the items for each dimension, there was the need for rejecting questionnaire items to validate it with both dimensions presenting an acceptable reliability level. Equation 1 Any measure to be valid now, should be trusted. Alpha measures how reliable a questionnaire as a measure of a given construct (MAROCO and GARCIA-MARQUES. 2006; HORA et al., 2010). The Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – (CEP HUAC) under the CAAE N º 15725013.4.0000.5182 approved this study. 5 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the statistical parameters of each questionnaire dimension (D1 and D2) are in Table 3. The Cronbach-α for the overall questionnaire, considering all the 16 items was equal to 0.82. However, it seems that both dimensions, taken individually, showed lower values. The Cronbach α- value for D1 is on acceptable range for a reliable questionnaire (> 0.70), while the D2 showed undesirable value, demonstrating that there is low reliability and consistency, which is confirmed by the low value of the correlation between items (D15). Table 3. Statistical validation parameters before and after deleting items. Dimension 1 Parameter Statistical Dimension 2 Total 7 items Exclusion 6 items Total 9 items Exclusion 7 items Mean 20.26 16.84 30.68 24.84 Sum 628 522 951 770 Standard Desviation 5.96 5.60 5.08 5.08 Variance 35.53 31.34 25.76 22.07 Inter-item Correlation 0.35 0.43 0.15 0.26 α-Cronbach 0.78 0.81 0.59 0.70 The item-total correlation values composing each dimension were analyzed to optimize the reliability of dimensions (Table 4). Three items were rejected (Q1 - Q4; Q2 - Q9 and Q15) in this analysis, which 6 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 reported very low correlation values, thus showing low inconsistency of this item with others. Table 4. Values of item-total correlation of items Dimensions D1 and D2. Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Inter-item Inter-item Item Item Correlation Correlation Q1 0.424 Q8 0.263 Q2 0.607 Q9 -0.124 Q3 0.671 Q10 0.365 Q4 0.177 Q11 0.484 Q5 0.575 Q12 0.260 Q6 0.543 Q13 0.732 Q7 0.569 Q14 0.213 Q15 0.196 Q16 0.301 After rejection, the partial Cronbach’s α coefficient (in each dimension) increased to appropriate values to consider them independently consistent. The overall Cronbach's α value (all questions D1 and D2) also increased from 0.82 to 0.86. In addition, there was a significant correlation between dimensions (r = 0.78, R² = 0.58 at p <0.01, Figure 1). Thus, the final validated questionnaire was comprised of a total of thirteen questions. 7 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 Figure 1. Correlation between the responses of dimensions D1 and D2 (N = 92) CONCLUSION After validation of questionnaire, the overall Cronbach's α value (all questions D1 and D2) also increased from 0.82 to 0.86. In addition, there was a significant correlation between dimensions (r = 0.78). The final validated questionnaire was comprised of a total of thirteen questions. REFERENCES FORUM INTERNACIONAL DAS ONGs. Tratado de educação ambiental para socie-dades sustentáveis e responsabilidade global. Rio de Janeiro. 1995. HORA, H. R. M.; MONTEIRO, G. T. R.; ARICA, J. Confiabilidade em Questionários para Qualidade: Um Estudo com o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Produto & Produção. v. 11, n. 2, p. 85-103. 2010. JÚNIOR, F. S. S.; SILVA. N. F.; SOUZA. L.; EVANGELISTA. J. P. C.; CAMACHO. R. G. V. Associação comunitária reciclando para a vida (ACREVI) e 8 Resumos Expandidos do I CONICBIO / II CONABIO / VI SIMCBIO (v.2) Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Recife - PE - Brasil - 11 a 14 de novembro de 2013 suas experiências de educação ambiental para minimizar os impactos ambientais em Mssoró/RN. Informativo Técnico do Semiárido (INTESA). v.3. n.1. p.01-06 jan/dez. 2010. MAROCO, J.; GARCIA-MARQUES, T. G. Qual a fiabilidade do alfa de Cronbach? Questões antigas e soluções modernas? Laboratório de Psicologia. v.4, n.1, p. 65-90. 2006. STOREY. C.; OLIVEIRA. H. T. Social representations and environmental education with a women’s group in Manaus. Amazonas-Brazil. Environmental Conservation, v.31, n.4. p. 299–308. 2004. CROMBACH. L. J. Fundamentos da testagem psicológica. Trad. Silveira Neto e Veronese. M.A.V. 5 ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. 1996. 9