TD Férias - INGLÊS - 2º trimestre 2013
Ensino Médio – 2º ano – Turma: M
/ 2013
Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta nos exercícios 1 a 4.
The first Indonesian environmental education center
It was during long school vacation spent on his uncle's farm in Java that Suryo Prawiroatmodjo
matured into a deep commitment to the environment and a desire to awaken the ecological conscience of
Now Suryo is well on the way to completing construction of Indonesia's first environmental education
center. A haven* of calm, its mountainside site is skirted** by primary forest.
Horrified by II_______to the environment, Suryo believes it
is vital that the center should succeed in its aims. "I am extremely frightened that one day I might lose my
beloved country", he says.
* haven: place of safety or rest
** skirted: edged, bordered
1. Blank I in the text would be best filled with:
a) young person
b) the youngs
c) the young
d) a young
e) a young peoples
2. Choose the words that best fill blank ll in the text:
a) his fellow countrymen's attitude's
b) their fellow countrymen' attitude
c) his fellow countrymens' attitude
d) its fellow's countryman attitude
e) his fellow countrymen's attitude
3. De acordo com o texto, Suryo Prawiroatmodjo. durante suas férias em Java:
realizou estudos sobre a natureza em uma escola da região.
desenvolveu um trabalho sobre consciência ecol6gica.
realizou pesquisas no primeiro centro de educação ambiental da Indonésia.
construiu o primeiro centro de educação da Indonésia.
desenvolveu um grande amor pela natureza.
4. O amor de Suryo pela natureza amadureceu:
a) o seu desejo de despertar a consciência ecológica dos jovens e o sucesso do Centro de Educação
Ambiental da Indonésia.
b) o seu comprometimento para com o meio ambiente e o sucesso do Centro de Educacao Ambiental da
c) com o sucesso do Centro de Educação Ambiental da Indonésia.
d) o seu profundo comprometimento para com o meio ambiente e o desejo de despertar a consciência ecológica dos jovens.
e) a ideia de desenvolver uma educação ambiental na Indonésia, visando a proteção de suas florestas.
In exercises 5 to 9, choose the alternative that best completes each sentence.
5. (FEl-SP) Who was the statue presented
a) from
b) at
c) for
d) in
e) by
6. (UNESP) Something is cooking ______ the oven.
a) up
b) to
c) in
d) on
e) for
7 (FAAP-SP) An executive presiding over a lunchtime meeting ____a busy San Francisco restaurant
was having no luck getting the waiter's attention. So, using his cellular phone, he called the restaurant and
asked____ have some menus sent over____ his table. It worked.
Reader's Digest, September 1995.
a) on; about; to
b) at; to; in
c) in; for-, on
d) on; for; at
e) in; to; to
8. (CESGRANRIO-RJ) No higher education reforms are likely to be adopted____ time to affect the choice that
a student or his family makes about where the student should go____ college today. For a student, not
having to worry about cost would be a wonderful option. But for almost every student to be able to
go____ school these days, working out matters of cost is an essential part____ choosing the best college.
a) on; to; to; to
b) on; at; at; of
c) in; to; to; of
d) in; at; on; by
e) at; in; at; in
9. (CESGRANRIO-RJ) The following sentences must be completed with between or among.
I. There were no radicals____ her friends.
II. All the students talked quietly____ themselves before the test started.
III. The father and the mother sat in the sofa, with the baby____ them.
IV. The Queen of England is not very popular now____ the British people.
V. There is much difference____ the American and the Brazilian education systems.
Between must be used in sentences:
a) III and V only.
b) I, II and III only.
c) II, III and IV only.
d) II, IV and V only.
e) I, II, III and V only.
Texto para os exercicÍos 10 a 17.
Australia Up Top, From Down Under
What's driving the rise of Australian CEOs at American companies? Consider this: the top executives of Ford
(Jack Nasser), Philip Morris (Geoff Bible) and Coca-Cola (Douglas Daft) all come from the land Down Under.
CEOs may seem an unlikely export from a country originally settled by convicts. But this fledgeling trend
______big news in Australia lately.
Nasser told Newsweek that playing sports as a kid -particularly Australian "football," with its loose rules prepared him well for the top job. He also noted that Australians often leave the country to broaden their
business experience - good training for running a global company. The Aussie management style,
______tends to be open, egalitarian and not overserious, also plays well with the troops. And Daft, Nasser
and Bible certainly seem sprung from Central Casting for their roles. If the success of Paul Hogan playing
Crocodile Dundee is any indication, 12______simply like 13_______David Lyon, president of Temerlin McClain,
the agency that creates ads for Subaru and 14______Hogan for about five years, said consumers see in
Dundee qualities of "wit, cleverness and an ability to cut to the point." "Aussie America". Newsweek.
convict (L. 3): someone declared guilty of a crime and sentenced to confinement
fledgeling (L.3): new and untried
Aussie (L. 7): Australian
In exercises 10 to 13, choose the alternative that best fills each corresponding numbered blank in the text.
10. a) is
11. a) that
b) were
c) have been
b) who
c) whom
12. a) American; Australian
b) an American; an Australian
c) the American; the Australian
13. a) use
b) has used
d) will be
d) what
e) has been
e) which
d) Americans; Australians
e) America; Australia
c) uses
d) is used
e) have been using
In exercises 14 to 17, choose the correct alternative, following the instructions.
14. In the text, the expression as a kid (L. 5) means:
a) like a kid.
c) because he was a kid.
b) although he was a kid.
d) while he was a kid.
e) as much as a kid.
15. Assinale a palavra que contem corretamente o sufixo -en, como em broaden (L.6):
a) loaden
b) even
c) open
d) citizen
e) widen
16. De acordo com o texto:
a) Geoff Bible emigrou da Austrália para os EUA.
b) Jack Nasser emigrou dos EUA para a Austrália.
c) Jack Nasser é um exilado político.
d) Philip Morris emigrou da Austrália para os EUA.
e) Douglas Daft emigrou dos EUA para a Austrália.
17. Segundo o texto:
a) O estilo Aussie de administração tende a ser diferente do australiano.
b) O autor questiona o motivo da ascensão dos executivos americanos em companhias australianas.
c) A Australia é um pais que possui um grande número de presidiários.
d) Nasser afirma que as regras rigorosas do futebol australiano deram-lhe um bom preparo para o cargo que
e) Nasser afirma que os executivos australianos frequentemente deixam o pais para ampliar sua experiência
A good friend of mine had to go on a business trip for a few
days, leaving her husband to fend for himself. To show he was up
to the job, he decided to make the house shipshape for her return.
When she called him two days later, he proudly announced that
he had been washing his clothes and had already done 15
washes. She was perplexed, as she thought she had hardly left
an item unwashed.
He explained that he had diligently read the instructions and that
the label____ his favourite shirt stated "wash coloureds
separately". I was not told whether he risked putting pairs of socks
in together.
Ben Cracknell.
Letter in New Scientist.
to fend for oneself (L. 2): to manage without assistance
up to (L. 2-3): able to do
18. Choose the preposition that best fills the blank (L. 9) in the text:
a) out of
b) at
c) on
d) off
c) over
19. The phrase he decided to make the house shipshape (L. 3) means that:
a) he decided to live on a ship instead of living in a house.
b) he decided to work on his ship until his wife returned home.
c) he decided to have everything neat and in order in his house.
d) everything was upside down and the house was a mess when his wife came back.
e) due to his 15 washes, his house had been flooded like a ship in a shipwreck.
20. When he read "...coloureds separately..." (L. 9-10), he thought that:
a) he could wash everything together.
b) he should wash each coloured piece of clothes at a time.
c) he could not put coloured clothes in the washing machine.
d) each piece of coloured clothes would come out of the wash in a different colour.
e) each piece of coloured clothes needed a different amount of soap.
In exercises 21 to 25, choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.
21. (AEU-DF) I bought____ tickets for the theatre tomorrow. Now____ only thing I need to buy is____new pair
of shoes to match____ orange dress that I have.
a) a; an; the; an
b) the; an; a; the
c) the; the; a; an
d) —; —; the; the
e) the; the; the; the
22. (UFPA) He's going to____ college in___ Rio. He wants to become____ doctor.
a) the; the; —
b) the; —; the
c) —; the; a
d) —; —; a
23. (FMU/FIAM/FAAM-SP) "I want____ one-dollar bill to buy____ envelope, not____ used pen", said____ boy
who had just arrived.
a) the; an; an; an
b) an; an; an; the
c) the; a; a; a
d) the; the; the; an
e) a; an; a; the
24. (UniSanta-SP) My friend comes from____ Europe. He is____ Frenchman and speaks____ French
with____ charming accent.
a) the; the; the; an
b) —; —; —; an
c) the; —; —; a
d) —; an; the; the
e) —; a; —; a
25. (CESGRANRIO-RJ) In "I want something to drink before supper", the definite article the is not used
before the word supper. Mark the item in which the must also be omitted.
a) ___water in that glass was too cold.
b) He is reading a book about___ British Empire.
c) Mr. Smith was saying unpleasant things about____ London fog.
d) He stopped the airplane quite smoothly at____ right place in the airport.
e)____ gold is a precious metal.