Módulo(s)/ Atividade(s):
Reading Comprehension
Prof.: Ruth Prado
Ano: 1º ano
Data de entrega: 08/10
Text I
Text II
My name is Jason and I have written this web page to introduce myself. I’ve always
beena work-hard, play-hard kind of guy. I grew up in Idaho and my family did a lot
of adventure sports like rock climbing and white-water rafting. Lately, people have
named these activities “extreme sports”, but to me they’ve always seemed just lie
normal fun and I love sky diving. Since I got married last year, my wife has practiced
skydiving with me. She has learned very fast and hasn’t had any fear.
A) Um texto como este é muito mais provavelmente encontrado:
Numa revista.
Num jornal.
Num manual
Na internet.
Numa revista em quadrinhos.
B) De acordo com o texto, o autor:
a) Encara esportes extremos como algo difícil de fazer.
b) Acha esportes extremos algo normal.
c) Escreveu este artigo para falar de pára-quedismo.
d) Acha que sua esposa é medrosa.
e) Nasceu em Idaho.
Life in the 90’s
There is a group of women in Britain who are happy, fit, carefree, sleep well and
seldom see their doctors. Who must be these wonder-girls ? Are they young, keepfit, health-food fanatics. Hardly – they are all over 90!A survey of nonagenarians
found four out of five are women. Half haven’t been to hospitals for five years . What
does it take to live this long? According to survey, be middle class, don’t smoke,
avoid drinking, exercise daily and, surprise, eat meat and dairy products like butter
A) De acordo com o texto :
a) Há mais homens que mulheres acima dos 90 anos.
b) Há mais mulheres que homens acima dos 90 anos
c) Os idosos não gostam de ir ao médico.
d) Os idosos dessa idade evitam o consumo de carne e laticínios.
e) A classe média fuma e evita bebida alcoólica.
