Intro to Luso-Brazilian Literature Language of Instruction: Portuguese 3 local credits Overview 1. DISCIPLINE - INTRODUCTION TO LUSO-BRAZILIAN LITERATURE Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – UNISUL 2. LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION – The course is offered in Portuguese. 3. CONTACT HOURS – 45 hours. 4. AUDIENCE – The course allows students from other groups to join the room. 5. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES – Advanced Linguistic competence is required for admission. 6. GENERAL COURSE DESCRIPTION Approaches to Luso-Brazilian literary productions: dialogical and inter textual perspectives. 7. OBJECTIVES • General To provide a dialogic and inter textual analysis of Brazilian and Portuguese authors'literary production.. • Specific To understand the main aspects of some selected authors' literary production. To read and analyze texts of selected authors. To establish relations between the dialogical and inter textual literary analyzed production. To produce, through literary workshops, short narratives and poetic texts. To understand the Luso-Brazilian literature specificities in the world scene. 8.CONTENTS Unit 1: Poetry• Camões and Fernando Pessoa, an inter textual dialogue• Reverberations of Symbolism in Brazil: Cruz e Souza's poetries• The everyday poetry in Bagagem, Adélia Prado• Drummond's Lyric Unit 2: Prose• The foundation of Brazilian nation in Iracema, José de Alencar• Dom Casmurro, Machado de Assis's the Brazilian Othelo• Manaus of the twentieth century, in Dois Irmãos, Miltom Hatoum• Azorean Culture in O fantástico na ilha de Santa Catarina, Franklin Cascaes• Anthropomorphism in Bichos, Miguel Torga Unit 3: Drama• The reality of the Brazilian workers in Eles não usam Black-tie, Gianfrancesco Guarnieri. • The religious syncretism in O pagador de promessas, Dias Gomes.• The renovation of the Brazilian Theater through Vestido de Noiva, Nelson Rodrigues.• Ariano Suassuna and the rereading of the Medieval Theater .. Unit 4: Symposia• Contemporary Literature. Note 1: The activities planned for each unit can be modified or adapted, with the approval of the Course pedagogical and general coordination, and students' agreement. In all situation there will be in the classroom oral and written continuous exercise practice with the Professor attendance. 9. EVALUATION The approval is conditioned to the performance expected in the following:a) Two written evaluations, 20% each = 40%;b) Oral presentations (4) 5% each = 20%;c) Homework = 20%;d) Punctuality = 20%To be approved, the student must have a minimum of 70% of improvement and a minimum of 75% frequency in the classes. 10. ATTENDANCE POLICY 10.1 To be approved, the student must have a minimum of 70% of improvement and 75% of class frequency. 10.2 The student cannot be absent on up to 25% of classes. In case of injury or sickness the absence of the student will not count if he presents a medical certificate. In this context, the classroom assignments shall be sent via e-mail to him. When the student joins back his group, the professor is instructed to pay extra attention to him/her in the process of catching up with the class. 10.3 Possibility of dropping or adding classes Spring& Fall / Extensive The students have the first week to attend all the classes they are already signed up in, and also the ones they might want to add. Then by the beginning of the second week of classes (Monday) they should have their final decision. In this case, your teacher's suggestions upon Portuguese classes level. 12. REFERENCES ALENCAR, José de. Iracema. São Paulo: Ática, 1997. ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. A rosa do povo. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2003. ASSIS, Machado de. Dom Casmurro. São Paulo: Ática, 1995. CAMÕES, Luis Vaz.. Os lusíadas. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 2002. CASCAES, Franklin. O fantástico na Ilha de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2003. CRUZ E SOUZA. Poesias completas: Broquéis - Faróis - Últimos sonetos. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro; São Paulo: PubliFolha,1997. GOMES, Dias. O pagador de promessas. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2006. GUARNIERI, Gianfrancesco. Eles Brasileira, 1994. não usam black-tie. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização HATOUM, Miltom. Dois irmãos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2005. PESSOA, Fernando. Mensagem. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1981. PRADO, Adélia. Bagagem. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2007. RODRIGUES, Nelson. Teatro completo de Nelson Rodrigues. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1985. 4 v. SUASSUNA, Ariano. Auto da Compadecida. Rio de Janeiro: Agir, 2001. TORGA, Miguel. Bichos. Rio de Janeiro: Record, [19--]. VICENTE, Gil; MAIA, João Domingues. Auto da barca do inferno; Farsa de Inês Pereira; Auto da Índia. 4. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1998. *Course content subject to change