Instructions for Elaboration of Technical Work
1 – General Conditions:
1.1 – The works will be of the total responsibility of the authors and the concepts issued in the works
does not necessarily express the ABRACO ideas.
1.2 – When the authors submit their works, they agree that, without precondition that ABRACO has all
rights of include the works in the annals, to print and to divulge the work and to get ahead them
without any remuneration for the authors.
1.3 – The works selected for disclosure in the event will be published such as received without
1.4 –The author can divulge his work only after the end of the congress and with a in writing
authorization from ABRACO.
2 – Instructions:
2.1 – Size of the work
The entire work ( with text, tables, photos, graphs, etc) must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages and with
at most 3 MB.
2.2 – Numeration of the pages
The electronic version must to contain their pages numbered in the baseboard of the page and
aligned right.
2.3 – The format of the paper
The paper format to use, such in the electronic version as in the printed one is the ABNT A4 (210 mm
x 297 mm).
2.4 - Software
The work must be, obligatorily, typed and showed in archive Word 2000 or higher.
2.5 – Typewriting
The text must be typed in a only one column, with letter Times New Roman e size 12 using simple
spaces between the lines and two simples spaces between the paragraphs and the sections /
chapters of the text.
Foot - 2,0 cm
Left - 2,5 cm
Right - 2,0 cm
2.6 – Illustrations and tables
All the illustrations (photos, pictures, drawings, graphs and maps, etc.) and tables must come in the
end of the text ( it is recommend) and it must have their correspondents captions below them,
sequentially numbered.
For insert scanned Images and pictures, please follow up the resolutions recommendations below:
. Pictures and drawing composed for lines, without half -tone, in black and white, 300 dpi
. Colored Pictures and drawings or gray-scale , 150 dpi.
2.7 – Bibliography’s References
The bibliography’s references must be list according to ABNT-NBR-6023/1989, as examples below:
2.7.1 - Monographs (books, leaflets, separates, dissertations, etc.) – Entire Consider
I.g.: DIAS, Gonçalves. Gonçalves Dias: poesia. Organizada por Manuel Bandeira; revisão crítica por Maximiliano
de Carvalho e Silva. 11. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Agir, 1983. 87 p. il. 16 cm (Nossos clássicos, 18). Bibliografia: p. 7778. ISBN 85-220-0002-6.
INDÚSTRIA da construção: Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1982. 388 p. (Censos econômicos 1975. Inquéritos
especiais). ISBN 85-240-0095-3.
2.7.2 – Parts of Monographs – Parts with own authory
I.g.: Orlando Filho, José, LEME, Edson José de A. Utilização agrícola dos resíduos da agroindústria canavieira.
EMPRAPA, Departamento de Estudos e Pesquisas, 1984. 642 p. p. 451-475
2.7.3 – Series ( Magazines, Newspapers, etc.) –Intire Consider
I.g.: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE GEOGRAFIA. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1939-. Trimestral. Absorveu: Boletim
geográfico do IBGE. Índice acumulado, 1939 – 1983. ISSN 0034-723X.
BOLETIM GEOGRÁFICO. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1943-1978. Trimestral.
2.7.4 - Series- Newspaper Article
I.g.: COUTINHO, Wilson. O Paço da Cidade retorna ao seu brilho barroco. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 6
mar. 1985. Caderno B, p.6
BIBLIOTECA climatiza seu acervo. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 4 mar. 1985. p. 11, c.4.
2.7.5 – Technical Articles
I.g.: R. A. Holser, G. Prentice, R. B. Pond and R. Guanti, “Use of Rotating Cylinder Electrode to Simulate
Turbulent Flow Conditions in Corroding Systems”, Corrosion, Vol. 46, Nº 9, pp. 764 – 769, 1990
3 - Mailing of the work:
3.1 – The name of the archive must has the same name given at the summary, in the format:
LATINCORR2006_XXX, where XXX is the number of the work.
3.2 – Obligatorily, 02 (two) printed copies of the work must have been send to ABRACO follow up
of the digital version, that could be in:
- Zip drive 3 1/2”
- Floppy disk 1.44 Mb
All compatible format with the Windows 98 system or higher.
ABRACO - Associação Brasileira de Corrosão
ATT: Departamento de Eventos
Av. Venezuela, 27 – 412 - Centro
20081-310 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brazil
October 31st, 2005.
NOTE: If the author does not accomplish with the norms and periods it will
disable the presentation of the work.
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Instructions for Elaboration of Technical Work