Modeling of total passengers at the international airport of Bethlehem: A preliminary study Núbia da Silva Batista ¹ Cássio Pinho dos Reis ² Flávia Ferreira Batista ² In 2011, the maximum capacity of passengers at the airport in Bethlehem was exceded, this meant that it entered into the list of Brazilian airports saturated, that is operating above capacity. Because of this, the objective of this paper is to describe the behavior of the time series of total passengers carried in domestic and international airport international Bethlehem, finding a mathematical model that is able to predict these values for the coming periods. The data presented are obtained through proper forms filled out by the airlines and sent electronically or not, each airport network INFRAERO. To study this data series was the methodology of Box & Jenkins, having as main objective the achievement of forecasts, they generalize the ARIMA model to deal with seasonality, creating the multiplicative seasonal ARIMA model, known as SARIMA. The model chosen is the SARIMA (0,1,1) x (1,1,1) 12 model which has undergone all diagnostic validation. According to the results obtained by the model, one can observe an increase of 9.22% in relation to the movement of 2011 above the airport capacity which is 2,700,000. Keywords: SARIMA, Time Series Analysis, Modeling. ¹ [email protected], Pós-Graduação em Logística e Pesquisa Operacional, UFC. ² [email protected], Pós-Graduação em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria, UFV. ² [email protected], Pós-Graduação em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria, UFV.