XII 7232/2*,$ ( ',1Æ0,&$ 6\PEROLFEOHQGHUKRUVHVKRHVDQGUREXVW KHWHURGLPHQVLRQDOF\FOHV EXPOSITOR: Pablo Barrientos • PUC - Rio • E.mail: [email protected] DATA: 28/setembro/2012 (sexta-feira) HORA: 16 : 00 h LOCAL: Sala de Seminário - 7o andar RESUMO: We present one-parametric arcs of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms defined as skew-product modeled over horseshoes which have C 1 -robust heterodimensional cycles of arbitrarily co-index. That is, a robust under C 1 -perturbations cyclical heteroclinic connection between the invariant manifolds of two transitive hyperbolic sets of different stability indexes. Blenders with arbitrarily large central dimension are introduced as a local plug to ensure the robustness of the cycles. This is done by means of symbolic blender-horseshoes which are locally maximal invariant sets of skewproducts over the Bernoulli shift. This kind of systems can be studied in terms of an iteration function system generated by contractions φ1 , . . . , φk with the covering property, i.e. there is an open and bounded set B such that B ⊂ φ1 (B) ∪ . . . ∪ φk (B). UFF - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística Coordenação de Pós-Graduação, 7o andar Rua Mário Santos Braga s/n 24020 -140 Niterói, RJ E. mail: [email protected] Tels: (21) Fax: (21)