| Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ PUBLICATION NORMS I. PRESENTATION OF ARTICLES: I.I. Format: 1. Extension: from 16800 to 31500 characters, including spaces and comprehending all parts of the article; 2. Font: Times New Roman, size 12; 3. Double space between lines; 4. Page format: A4; 5. Margins: 3 cm; 1 cm indentation in the beginning of paragraphs; 6. Paragraph alignment: Justified; 7. File type: Word for Windows (extension doc); 8. Name of the file: Artigo_Auhor’sName.doc (Example: Artigo_JohnSmith.doc) 9. Unnumbered pages; 10. Use of italics to highlight words and expressions in foreign language (avoid the use of underlining and capitals); 11. Articles must not contain any kind of identification of their author, besides the name of the file. The author’s data – name, title, institution and e-mail (this one only if the author wants it published on the journal) – should be sent in a separate file, named DadosdoAutor_Author’sName.doc (Example: DadosdoAutor_JohnSmith.doc). I.II. Order of the parts of the articles: 1. Title (in capitals and in bold, aligned to the left); 2. Abstract in Portuguese (from 80 to 150 words, preceded by the word RESUMO, in capitals and in bold), followed by keywords (3 to 5, separated by commas and preceded by the expression Palavras-chave, in bold); 3. Body of the article; 4. Abstract and keywords in foreign language (German, Spanish, French, English or Italian), following the same rules used for the abstract and keywords in Portuguese; 5. References (preceded by the word REFERENCES, in capitals and in bold). References must be restricted to sources actually quoted in the article. Follow the rules established in item VI below; 6. Notes, if any. Notes must be end notes, not footnotes, and must be restricted to the minimum possible. Follow the rules established in item VII below; 7. Annex(es), if any. Obs.: Illustrations are not considered annexes and must be treated according to item VIII. II. PRESENTATION OF REVIEWS: II.I. Format: 1. Extension: from 6300 to 10500 characters, including spaces and comprehending all parts of the review; 2. Font: Times New Roman, size 12; 3. Double space between lines; 4. Page format: A4; | Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ 5. 6. 7. 8. Margins: 3 cm; 1 cm indentation in the beginning of paragraphs; Paragraph alignment: Justified; File type: Word for Windows (extension doc); Name of the file: Resenha_Auhor’sName.doc (Example: Resenha_JohnSmith.doc) 9. Unnumbered pages; 10. Use of italics to highlight words and expressions in foreign language (avoid the use of underlining and capitals); 11. Reviews must contain the identification of their author. The author’s data – name, title, institution and e-mail (this one only if the author wants it published on the journal) – do not need to be sent in a separate file. II.II. Order of the parts of reviews: 1. Bibliographical reference of the work being reviewed, following the norms established in item VI below; 2. Title (in capitals and in bold, aligned to the left); 3. Author’s data: name, title, institution and e-mail (if the author wants it published on the journal); 4. Body of the review; 5. References, if any (preceded by the word REFERENCES, in capitals and in bold). References must be restricted to sources actually quoted in the article. Follow the rules established in item VI below; 6. Notes, if any. Notes must be end notes, not footnotes, and must be restricted to the minimum possible. Follow the rules established in item VII below; 7. Annex(es), if any. Obs.: Illustrations are not considered annexes and must be treated according to item VIII. III. PRESENTATION OF SUMMARIES OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS: III.I. Format: 1. Extension: minimum of 3150 characters (including spaces) for the “Body of the abstract” and maximum of 6300 characters (including spaces) for the whole file 2. Font: Times New Roman, size 12; 3. Double space between lines; 4. Page format: A4; 5. Margins: 3 cm; 1 cm indentation in the beginning of paragraphs; 6. Paragraph alignment: Justified; 7. File type: Word for Windows (extension doc); 8. Name of the file: Resumo_Auhor’sName.doc (Example: Resumo_JohnSmith.doc) 9. Unnumbered pages; 10. Use of italics to highlight words and expressions in foreign language (avoid the use of underlining and capitals); 11. Summaries must contain the identification of their author. The author’s data – name, title, institution and e-mail (this one only if the author wants it published on the journal) – do not need to be sent in a separate file. | Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ III.II. Order of the parts of summaries: 1. Title of the thesis or dissertation (in capitals and in bold, aligned to the left); 2. Author’s data: name, title, institution and e-mail (if the author wants it published on the journal); 3. Thesis’s or dissertation’s data: advisor’s name, name of the Graduate Studies Program, area of studies, date of defense; 4. Keywords (3 to 5, separated by commas and preceded by the expression Keywords, in bold); 5. Body of the summary (minimum of 3150 characteres, including spaces); 6. References (preceded by the word REFERENCES, in capitals and in bold). References must be restricted to sources actually quoted in the article. Follow the rules established in item VI below; 7. Notes, if any. Notes must be end notes, not footnotes, and must be restricted to the minimum possible. Follow the rules established in item VII below; 8. Annex(es), if any. Obs.: Illustrations are not considered annexes and must be treated according to item VIII. III.III. ATTENION: Only summaries of theses and dissertations already defended throughout the year of publication of the journal or the year before will be published. Older summaries will be immediately dismissed. IV. Originals are accepted in English or in Portuguese. In case of originals in English, the order of the parts of articles must be kept, with the abstract in Portuguese right below the title and the abstract in English right after the article. V. Cited works (valid for articles, reviews and summaries): V.I. Citations shorter than 3 lines: within the body of the text, between double quotation marks, without the use of italics. V.II. Citations longer than 3 lines: separated from the text in a new paragraph, with 2 cm indentation, without quotation marks, font Times New Roman size 11, space between lines: 1.5, justified alignment. V.III. In both cases, the author must be cited at the end of the citation, in parentheses by last name, in capitals, separated by a comma from the publication date. Ex: (SILVA, 1987). When necessary, the specification of the page(s) number(s) must follow the date, separated by a comma and preceded by “p.” Ex: (SILVA, 1987, p.100). If the name of the author is cited within the text, the date and page number (IF necessary) may simply be indicated. Ex: “Silva (1987) signals that etc...” When citing several works by the same author, published in the same year, these must be differentiated by small letters after the date, without space. Ex: (SILVA, 2000a). When the work has two or three authors, all of them may be indicated, separated by a semi-colon. Ex: (SILVA; SOARES; SOUZA, 2000). When there are more than three authors, indicate the first followed by “et al”. Ex: (SILVA et al., 2000). DO NOT use footnotes or endnotes to identify citations. | Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ VI. References, limited to the works actually cited in the text, must obey the most recent ABNT norms. As an example, we reproduce below the model to be adopted for citations of books, book chapters, articles and works accessed online: VI.I. Book: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First name. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication (Year of the original publication, when necessary). Example: BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Questões de literatura e de estética, a teoria do romance. 4. ed. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1998 (1978). VI.II. Book chapter: LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE CHAPTER, First name of the author of the chapter. “Title of the chapter”. In LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR/EDITOR/ORGANIZER OF THE BOOK, First name of the author/editor/organizer of the book. Book title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year (Year of the original publication, when necessary). Page numbers, preceded by “p.” Example: HALL, Stuart. “The Question of Cultural Identity”. In HALL, S., HELD, D.; McGREW, T. (eds). Modernity and its Futures. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992. p. 274-325. VI.III. Article published on a journal: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. “Title of the article”. In Name of he journal. Place of publication: Publisher, volume or number, year of publication (year of the original publication, when necessary). Initial and final page numbers, preceded by “p.” Example: LANGER, Eliana Rosa. “A estrutura do livro Esaías”. In Revista de Estudos Orientais. São Paulo: Humanitas/FFLCH-USP, n. 3, 1999. p. 95-106. VI.IV. Work accessed online: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. “Title of the article” or Book title. Disponível em: address of the page. Acesso em: date of last access (year of original publication, when necessary). Initial and final page numbers (if any), preceded by “p.” Example: OLIVEIRA, Bernardo B. C. “Leitura irônica do texto urbano. Apontamentos sobre uma frase de Walter Benjamin, à luz de Poe e Auster”. Disponível em: <http://www.revistaipotesi.ufjf.br/volumes/14/cap06.pdf>. Acesso em: 22 Fev 2008 (2004). p. 79-89. VII. Explanatory notes: must be restricted to the bare minimum. Must be presented as endnotes after references, in font Times New Roman, size 10, single space, justified alignment, numbered 1, 2, 3..., using the automatic feature offered by Word to create endnotes. | Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ VIII. Illustrations: must be restricted to the bare minimum and must not be inserted in the text file. Must be sent in gif or bmp format, in separate files, named FIG_1AuthorsName etc (Exemplo: FIG_1JohnSmith), and in the text file, the approximate places of their insertion must be indicated, identified by FIG_1, FIG_2 etc. Originals formatted not accordingly will be automatically discarded. Only material sent during the periods established in the call for papers will be accpeted. Originals must be sent in an attached file to an e-mail message to the e-mail address: [email protected], stating in the subject line “envio de original (tipo de original)”. Example: envio de original (resenha).